View Full Version : J. Rebuen Clark warns about BLOWBACK in 1947

09-13-2011, 09:51 PM
This is a Mormon leader from the 1940's, but his warnings about blowback reminded me of Ron Paul. The entire article is great, you can read the whole thing here (http://www.latterdayconservative.com/articles/let-us-have-peace/), but here are some excerpts:

The international gospel of the Founding Fathers was forecast by Jefferson in 1793. It was voiced by Washington in his Farewell Address in 1796, when he declared we should have “as little political connection as possible … It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world …" Nor may we overlook that great doctrine of neutrality set up under Washington himself and Jefferson and Hamilton…

...We have gone forward and are going forward, as if we possessed all the good of human government, of human economic concept, of human comfort, and of human welfare, all of which we are to impose on the balance of the world,— a concept born of the grossest national egotism…

... What has our apostasy from peace cost us? In men, our two recent adventures have cost in casualties, dead, wounded, and missing, 1,402,600, with almost as many saddened and crippled homes... In values of government and law, these wars and the interminglings of men of different concepts of freedom and human rights, have brought into our own system, the despotic principles of European systems, against which the Fathers warned…

... In my view, our whole international course and policy is basically wrong, and must be changed if peace is to come. Our policy has brought us, and pursued, will continue to bring us, only the hatred of nations now — and we cannot thrive on that, financially or spiritually — and certain war hereafter, with a list of horrors and woes we do not now even surmise. If we really want peace, we must change our course to get it. We must honestly strive for peace and quit sparring for military advantage. We must learn and practice, as a nation and as a world, the divine principles of the Sermon on the Mount. There is no other way...

It's a shame most Mormons have become typical neocons. Our foreign policy has brought us only the hatred of nations. And it will continue to do so, unless we change course! And we only have ONE CANDIDATE out of either party that is willing to do that. It's a sad state of affairs we have in politics... It makes me sad to think Ron Paul may be our last great hope for the nation. We have abandoned our core principles. God help us.

09-15-2011, 07:28 PM
Being LDS I can't stand so many members are neocon Republicans. Its so....lockstep. In a church that champions gaining light and truth, increasing knowledge and testimony, and the divine inspiration of the US Constitution members seem to remain purposefully ignorant how the people they vote for violate that same divinely inspired document at whim and expand the government into their personal lives. I continue to see the expansion of the government as bringing closer that moment that nearly destroys the Constitution and wonder when the Saints will wake up and work to save it.

09-22-2011, 09:39 AM
Bumping for liberty.