View Full Version : Where would we be without Ron Paul?

Gumba of Liberty
09-11-2011, 11:01 AM
Considering the state of American politics in 2006-2007, where would we without Dr. Paul? If this crisis had hit without a segment of the population understanding sound money, the Federal Reserve, and foreign policy where would we be heading? I know if it wasn't for Dr. Paul I would still be a mainline Republican.I would be going down with the ship. It is incredible that one person is having such an impact on world history especially considering how principled, genuine and just this person is. Not only did he change my ideas on politics and economics, he has restored my belief in human beings and the possibility of a higher power. I thought all politicians were corrupt and in this era all politicians are, except one. All it took was one man with true principles to stand up and tell the truth. I truly believe that when they write the history of the late 20th-21st century that Ron Paul will be held in the ranks of Cicero, Newton, Locke, Jefferson, and Thoreau but with even more of an impact on humanity because of the Internet Renaissance and the flow of information. What we are watching is a true revolution and however things turns out, it is an honor and privilege to live through this era. For all the terrible things that will happen, we must remember that we are the closest thing to ever resemble the American Revolution except we know and understand more about history and economics than they did. Remember that the American Revolution was not the Revolutionary War,

as John Adams said, "The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the hearts and minds of the people... This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution."

Dr. Paul is the anomaly of liberty in a sea of statism. He is the manifestation of the Founding Fathers coming back from the grave to slap the American people in the face and wake them from their long sleep. The Elites never saw this coming. This was the only thing that could destroy their plans. Even if Ron Paul does not win this election he is not longer needed. Dr. Paul was the match that light the brush fires of freedom. We are those brush fires. The genies out of the bottle. The jig is up. We know the truth and the truth has set us free. The current suffering of Texans from their unrelenting wildfires provides us with a visual that we must take to heart. Their are other wildfires coming out of the state of Texas and we must understand how thankful we are to be apart of this ferocious change to the American political landscape.

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/321260_248824325156353_100000863619367_693499_1581 721980_n.jpg

09-11-2011, 11:12 AM
"I truly believe that when they write the history of the late 20th-21st century that Ron Paul will be held in the ranks of Cicero, Newton, Locke, Jefferson, and Thoreau but with even more of an impact on humanity because of the Internet Renaissance and the flow of information."

Ron Paul represents honesty, truth, intellect, decency, principles, and compassionate understanding. Media shills should take note and quit misrepresenting him.