View Full Version : What do you think Ron should try to work in at the debate in Tampa Monday?

09-10-2011, 03:05 PM
I'll start:

It is Florida and Social Security and Medicare insecurity are a big deal there with people who are or will soon be relying on them. I think with the 'Ponzi' language Perry used and with Bachmann just coming out lauding the 'safety net for our seniors' in response, Ron should take the opportunity to make sure people understand his position. Not the theoretical position of Constitutionality so much at all, but the 'I would fund them by cutting costs overseas and ending agencies we didn't have before the 1970s in any event, and which are not specified anywhere in the Constitution, then I would let kids opt out so we don't perpetuate the problem for the echo boom.'

People are focused on that and it is HUGE with the over 50 demographic that is not listening to him, imho.

What do you think he should try to bring up?

09-10-2011, 03:16 PM
Tell the seniors that their social security we be zilch if anyone else is elected. And that the Tea Party started on Dec. 16th, 2007.

09-10-2011, 03:33 PM
He needs to be very careful when he talks about welfare and social security. None of this abstract stuff he usually goes into. He just needs to be straight to the point and hit the seniors where they can relate.

"The seniors who depend on Social Security are having more and more trouble paying their bills and living a good quality of life. I am the only candidate who is willing to make the changes necessary to restore the quality of lives we as Americans have become accustomed to living." No senior could object to this statement. They are suffering from the cost of living and this sounds exciting to them. If he wanted to throw something in about the federal reserve, that is ok.

If RP goes into "we can't expect government to take care of us" and "I want to phase out social security", he will lose a lot of people in Florida and Pennsylvania. Those two states share a lot of the same senior population. Seniors don't want to be lectured and when RP says those things, that's what people feel and they think, "who is this guy to take everything away from me?!" They immediately go on the defense. It's about packaging the information right.

The 50+ crowd do not take kindly to someone saying their benefits are going to be lost, even if Ron Paul is right, the truth of it is too much to bear. My grandfather voted for any candidate who would give him more checks. This is a huge issue for seniors... In the long run, yes the role of government needs to be questioned, but let's get RP the nomination and then worry about that. :)

09-10-2011, 03:44 PM
Inflation hurts those on fixed incomes the most. He needs to drive that point home.

Here's something I wish Sharron Angle emphasized, but it would work in Florida too. With TSA regulations, many Americans, especially those with small children, are opting not to fly. This effects states that heavily depend on tourism.

09-10-2011, 03:47 PM
I think Ron should go down the "cut foreign spending to help out the people here" road.

Unfortunately I don't know how many people in Florida will watch this debate since the Miami Dolphins play their season opener in Miami against the Patriots on ESPN Monday Night Football.

09-10-2011, 03:52 PM
I don't believe that Ron's position on Social Security and Medicare is what hurts him among older voters. Rick Perry has said that both of those programs are unconstitutional and never should've been created, and he polls very well among older people. The last thing that Ron should do is go to Perry's left on this issue. The main reason why older people don't support Ron is because of his foreign policy views, as many older people tend to be very hawkish on foreign policy issues. The drug issue also hurts Ron a lot among older people, as polls show that almost all of the older people are opposed to legalizing drugs. Ron shouldn't change his positions on these issues, but he has to frame these issues in a way that appeals to GOP primary voters.

09-10-2011, 03:53 PM
"If you dont mind, I would like to answer the question you asked everyone else....."

09-10-2011, 03:56 PM
Ron needs ads with Barry Goldwater Jr saying something to the effect of "Only one candidate carries the principles my father had." Air this in Florida, as well as during Wheel of Fortune

09-10-2011, 04:03 PM
On social security he should give the choice to opt-out.

09-10-2011, 04:09 PM
Don't the old folks like Eisenhower? When he talks about foreign policy he should definitely bring up Ike's comment on the mic, and Reagan's comment on staying out of middle east politics. I'd also love it if Ron would mention Jimmy Carter and how he dragged us into Middle East politics while the country was falling apart, and that's exactly want his neocon opponents want to keep doing. Necons = Jimmy Carter, Ron Paul = Not Jimmy Carter.

09-10-2011, 04:10 PM
I think Ron should go down the "cut foreign spending to help out the people here" road.

Unfortunately I don't know how many people in Florida will watch this debate since the Miami Dolphins play their season opener in Miami against the Patriots on ESPN Monday Night Football.

Well, that was fairly stupid planning....

09-10-2011, 04:24 PM
He should work in getting me some tickets do I can cheer him on :).

09-10-2011, 04:37 PM
How the reason we don't control our government, our war department, or our borders all leads back to the root of most all of our problems. Fiat Money.

No matter how much honest money you and your friends can gather up to build your countries the way you want others can fire up the fake money presses and get their way. Not just can our own government use the presses like we use our credit cards, others out side of our country have a back door to the vault (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/07/21/audit-fed-gave-16-trillion-in-emergency-loans/).


Ron Paul holds the key to restoring liberty.

09-10-2011, 04:54 PM
Hammer down the "return to the gold standard" and end the war. Maybe even open up the Vietnam war for discussion by hammering the foreign policy that dragged in that abysmal war. People are still touchy about Vietnam...i think that wound needs to be opened,exposed and the foreign policy failure of Vietnam needs to be destroyed.I am sick and tired of neo-con 50 to 60 year olds saying that Vietnam was necessary.

09-10-2011, 05:25 PM
Doubt he will have much choice in what to bring up. They will (as usual) probably ask him a question that makes him look bad when he answers it in the allotted time frame. Every position Ron has is too complex to fit into the space required for a simple answer.

09-10-2011, 05:28 PM
Doubt he will have much choice in what to bring up. They will (as usual) probably ask him a question that makes him look bad when he answers it in the allotted time frame. Every position Ron has is too complex to fit into the space required for a simple answer.

Yeah, but I bet he'll be asked something where he could speak about social security. If he's asked about ending an agency, he can say 'yes, we need the money as part of our cuts to fund social security and medicare for those who have paid in all their lives so we can let the kids opt out and not perpetuate this problem going forward.' Or whatever.

09-10-2011, 05:33 PM
Yeah, but I bet he'll be asked something where he could speak about social security. If he's asked about ending an agency, he can say 'yes, we need the money as part of our cuts to fund social security and medicare for those who have paid in all their lives so we can let the kids opt out and not perpetuate this problem going forward.' Or whatever.

Yes, it would be good if he is able to do that. I noticed in the last "debate" he was asked a simple yes or no question and then after answering it, he was able to talk about something more important.

09-10-2011, 06:14 PM
I would use 'Opt-in', sounds more friendly and strengthens the idea that people will be free to chose for it and don't have to do anything when they don't want to participate. 'Opt-out' often have restrictions that can hinder people to opt out. Opt-in would probably have requirements. Almost the same but i think it sounds so much better.

09-10-2011, 06:33 PM
Inflation hurts those on fixed incomes the most. He needs to drive that point home.

Here's something I wish Sharron Angle emphasized, but it would work in Florida too. With TSA regulations, many Americans, especially those with small children, are opting not to fly. This effects states that heavily depend on tourism.
All of this^^ and also remark on his bonafides regarding the Fed and its push for zero interest rates which kills most retirement savings plans (dollar holdings and cds). Heck, making a commercial about inflation tearing into fixed incomes and the Fed's zero interest rate game would be a nice boost to our desperate #s in FL. That's the way to bypass the mainstream trash that most southern retirees are fed on a nightly basis and get them to realize that Paul is good for their bottom line and that of what they would like to pass down to their offspring.

09-10-2011, 06:34 PM
Social Security
If asked about social security I hope he will answer with something similar to what he has said in the past:
We need to safeguard our Seniors by fully funding their Social Security checks
No talk about "opt-in"... privatizing or calling it a Ponzi scheme (like Dick Parrot). Social Security is unconstitutional and needs to go. Unfortunately, we have a lot of seniors relying on those checks... and they will vote to protect their interests. So, keep it general and worded in such a way as to inspire their confidence. The devil is in the details and he should not be detailed in any answer about SS. He should emphasize that the deficit spending and borrowing from foreign countries continue to weaken the dollar... both by deflating the value of the dollar... and causing inflation. And that weakness directly affects everyone... especially seniors living on fixed incomes. By restoring the strength of the American economy it will safeguard the purchasing value of savings and social security checks.

Social Security needs to be phased out. The notion that we could just cut it off and go 'cold turkey' is not realistic and will lose us the election. But, whatever the details he needs to stick to a talking point. If anything, note that it is a complicated issue and will require coordination with congress to work out the details to save and rework the system (and by rework, I mean eliminate).

09-10-2011, 06:35 PM
Expand on the silver dime story. It's not an 18th century thing, they were minted as recently as 1964, when gas was 10 cents a gallon.

Talk about how artificially low interest rates from the fed hurt CD rates and seniors with savings. Not everyone is a big debtor who wants lower rates forever.

Talk about free trade and travel with Cuba. This would be gutsy, since Cuban exiles there hate Castro and don't want to end the embargo, but it's the right thing to do, and it's time.

09-10-2011, 06:50 PM
Expand on the silver dime story. It's not an 18th century thing, they were minted as recently as 1964, when gas was 10 cents a gallon.

Talk about how artificially low interest rates from the fed hurt CD rates and seniors with savings. Not everyone is a big debtor who wants lower rates forever.

Talk about free trade and travel with Cuba. This would be gutsy, since Cuban exiles there hate Castro and don't want to end the embargo, but it's the right thing to do, and it's time.

Best I could find, the price of gasoline was around a dime back in 1930.

In 1965 it was around $0.31.

But yes, it wasn't an 18th century thing.

I agree with expanding on the silver dime story though. I also believe stress should be placed on how inflation is robbing people of their savings and especially the old people on fixed incomes. The problem is, it takes too much time to explain what inflation is. Most people think it means higher prices and don't understand it is caused by the injection of excessive currency in the system.

Edit: Of course we can look at the current value of that 1964 dime as being $2.9933 (http://www.coinflation.com/coins/1946-1964-Silver-Roosevelt-Dime-Value.html) just from the metal in it. That would come close to buying a gallon of gasoline.

09-10-2011, 06:50 PM
Foreign Policy and the Military
I am not sure Ron Paul actually feels this way... but, on his foreign policy and returning our troops home I would love it if he would start off the answer with the following:
Make no mistake... I want our military to be the strongest and most capable in the world. Anyone foolish enough to attack America would be making a serious misjudgment. And, as president, I would aggressively pursue and defeat any such aggressors once authorized by Congress and the Constitution.
Then, go into the details of returning our troops who are spread around the globe... fighting in wars never authorized by Congress... and resulting in American deaths on foreign soil.

There is some concern is several voting factions about his foreign policy. If he were to make it clear he would kick the holy living shit out of anyone stupid enough to f*ck with us I think it would calm them concerns and win a huge segment of the voters... particularly in the Republican primaries. Again, I am not sure that is his actual position or thoughts on the matter.

09-10-2011, 06:55 PM
I am not sure Ron Paul actually feels this way... but, on his foreign policy and returning our troops home I would love it if he would start off the answer with the following:
Make no mistake... I want our military to be the strongest and most capable in the world. Anyone foolish enough to attack America would be making a serious misjudgment. And, as president, I would aggressively pursue and defeat any such aggressors once authorized by Congress and the Constitution.
Then, go into the details of returning our troops who are spread around the globe... fighting in wars never authorized by Congress... and resulting in American deaths on foreign soil.

There is some concern is several voting factions about his foreign policy. If he were to make it clear he would kick the holy living shit out of anyone stupid enough to f*ck with us I think it would calm them concerns and win a huge segment of the voters... particularly in the Republican primaries. Again, I am not sure that is his actual position or thoughts on the matter.

He opposed the SALT II treaty because he said the USSR had violated every treaty it ever entered, the treaty gave them the right to 'update' the USSR stockpile without any similar for the US, and he thought it unconscionable that US security should be hostage to USSR promises.

Bombing people who live in the desert with no realistic capability of attacking us, that's different.

09-10-2011, 06:58 PM
The Fence and Illegal Immigration
If asked about the fence thing again I would love it if he went in a different direction. Say that we don't need a fence at all. That, by returning our troops home we would have more than sufficient manpower to monitor and prevent most of the illegal immigration into this country.

09-10-2011, 07:09 PM
Money, Money, Money

Talk to people's pocketbooks and bellies. Goodness knows there is enough material here to fill several hours, let alone the 15ish minutes he will probably receive.

Moreover, he can tie economics into virtually every issue in the debate, without going off-topic.

Inflation for example, should be a serious economic concern (even more so) to those people on fixed incomes. If he can drive this point forward, it would help.

But make sure to be clear, concise, and to not be *so* ambitious with the answers.

09-10-2011, 07:13 PM
FEMA, Local & State Response, The National Guard
I would like it if he could clarify the argument for getting rid of FEMA. Yes, it needs to go, but that notion is a new thought for most voters. Talk about how the system is $XXX billion in debt... how they failed miserably during Katrina and other recent (not too much history) history... how FEMA regulations created by a bureaucracy in Washington actually hinder individual and local efforts to address the specific needs of the affected community.

Compare how FEMA responded to hurricane Irene and how much it cost... meanwhile, wildfires have been sweeping through the drought ridden central plains and several hundred homes have been destroyed... and, that BHO refused to provide federal relief in those areas. That relief efforts should not be dictated because of political whims of one man and an overly bureaucratic agency, such as FEMA has proven it is not the answer... but that the relief efforts would be better addressed by local, state and individuals who know their communities and what is needed.

Perhaps: "We need to responsibly dismantle FEMA and return those responsibilities to local agencies where they belong. And, that the money being collected for FEMA be returned to the states and the people so they have those funds and can decide how to spend them responsibly should a crisis arise."

09-10-2011, 07:15 PM
The Fence and Illegal Immigration
If asked about the fence thing again I would love it if he went in a different direction. Say that we don't need a fence at all. That, by returning our troops home we would have more than sufficient manpower to monitor and prevent most of the illegal immigration into this country.

And if they ask about keep us in he should clarify with the ranchers that can't water their cattle on their ranches on the Rio Grande, farmers who won't be able to irrigate -- we fought a war for that river, once. If our troops are around, no need to fence ourselves away from its profitable use.

09-10-2011, 07:21 PM
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!!!

This was originally written as a speech suggestion for Iowa... so, change words where needed:

Ron Paul speaking:
As president I will create as many real jobs as President Obama created. None... not one! My job as president is to let YOU create real jobs! To do that we have to get back to what made America great... We need to restore the freedom's that made this a great nation with a vibrant economy.

So, I am going to get government off your back... I will end deficit spending in Washington so your money retains its value... I will eliminate job killing regulations that make businesses timid about our future... I am going to stop the federal government from over taxing you and sending your money to Washington... I am going to let the people of Iowa decide how to spend their money and how to create real jobs.

As president I will make it easier for the folks in Iowa to sell their products to others. I will eliminate punative trade barriers... I will stop taking your money and giving it to giant corporations. To help you sell more Iowa products and create more Iowa jobs I will do the same for everyone in America. I will relieve the enormous tax burden and uncertainty in the business community. This way people in Illinois, New Hampshire, New York, California, South Carolina and every state in America can get the government off their backs and get real businesses back to work doing what they do best... and creating jobs.

And those jobs created across the Nation will mean more demand for Iowa products... and more sales... and better business and the real jobs that come for real business. The people of Iowa know what you need more than some politician in Washington. You don't need to be sending them your money to make more bad decisions for Iowa.

We need to get America back to work with real jobs, not government handouts and pretend jobs... Together we can put Iowa back to work... let's win this election and Restore America Now!

09-10-2011, 07:27 PM
Winning over the Small Business Owners
It seems to me that RPs stance on the economy plays directly into the wants and needs of small and medium size business owners. Get the fed off their back... stop the overtaxing... stop the over regulation... stop funding the giant corporation against whom they compete with the taxes of the small business owner. And, that a sound dollar and stable economic environment would allow small businesses to plan and grow. It seems to me there is a lot of potential gain for small business owners with Ron Paul as president. So, I think they are a natural target. Winning their support could go a long way to gaining supporters... both the owner, family and all the employees of these small businesses as America recovers and begins to grow again creating more jobs.... stable employment and the chance for growth.

If RP could reach this group it would help with donations as well.
Plus, this group would be an excellent source for Congressional candidates with an actual chance to win

09-10-2011, 07:37 PM
It's the Economy Stupid!!!
This election is very likely to be all about the economy. If RP can present his plans... in simple, easy to understand language... he will win the whole damned thing. I hope we can keep need to keep down the negatives and that Ron will answer the touchy questions with the short, to the point answers and solutions. These solutions should clearly show the benefits of a sound economy... and, by extrapolation, demonstrate the RP has the answers to address and fix the problems with our Economy.

As stated earlier (sorry, forgot who)... its about Money! If Ron can give people a personal reason showing the benefits for them he will get their vote. Keep down the negative (they can spell doom) and change the discussion to solutions rather than predictions. Ron has a great record and history of presenting the same message that has now been realized as truth. The other candidates are echoing many of RPs positions. So, leap frog their pathetic asses. Demonstrate solutions to the problems and paint a picture of a restored and prosperous America. An America that will benefit every voter.

Let others attack the Republican contenders... instead, take the lead and the high ground (politically and morally) and present an image of a restored America... and, how Ron Paul's solutions will get us there. Ron will need some sound bites here... no changes to his message... but, shorter and quotable to allow for the time limits of the debate. It will give the media something to repeat... and will hopefully result in some memorable phrases the voters will remember as well.

09-10-2011, 08:05 PM
In Florida, Ron Paul should work on giving life examples of his ideas.

Regarding social security,

Why hasn't anyone given the buyout option for people who are not already in the system?

The federal government should make the offer to pay back ALL SSI and medicare payroll payments in one lump sum. People choosing that option will not have to continue to pay in to the system and their SS card will be turned in.

This would drastically cut down on the forward entitlements IMO as a lot of 30-40-50 year old's could use all that money now. Sure the gov would have to find somewhere to get that lump sum money from, but this would be an option that a lot of people would take, and it would reduce long term government borrowing, I think.

Haven't tried to crunch numbers, but an entitlement buyout seems like an idea that could work.

09-10-2011, 08:57 PM
No theory. Just his actual plans, what he will do as president. Again, NO THEORETICAL DISCUSSION. Divert all irrelevant questions back into what RP will do as president-- what will be different, what will be better.

RP is himself a senior citizen-- I think he could use this as a debate tool for the senior audience. Tell a few personal stories or something.. get the voters to connect with him as a human being.

And for crying out loud, stop asking the moderators for more time when you are mid-sentence, begging them for 15 seconds to finish your sentence. Just take the fucking moment, all the other candidates get more time than you do anyway.

09-10-2011, 09:01 PM
Ron needs ads with Barry Goldwater Jr saying something to the effect of "Only one candidate carries the principles my father had." Air this in Florida, as well as during Wheel of FortuneHe needs to advertise on Fox during the O'Reilly show. My parents (mid-70s) always watch O'Reilly, then they try to tell me how dangerous "those people" over there are....you know, the Islamofascists. Thats why we have to go bomb them.

They actually think this makes sense.

09-10-2011, 09:05 PM
No, Ron has to make comments on the inflation issues (which affects all) and the Fed which Fs over the retirees that have saved dough. Of course this can be augmented by foreign spending. Anything else isn't priority #1, straight up. I like all of your ideas but, for real, realize what's good.

09-10-2011, 09:43 PM
The main thing is for Dr. Paul to speak calmly and without tripping over himself. If he does that, then he will be right on point. From observing him over the years, I think his speaking style reflects his state of mind. When he speaks fast, he goes into abstraction and jumps over a lot of steps, leaving it to the people to connect the dots. When he's calm, he can really boil it down.

Since this is the chance to reach out to the Seniors, he should speak with Seniors in mind, as much as possible. This means absolutely no abstractions. Stress the fact that you want to save Social Security, reign in the Fed so people could get a return on their savings again, and the need to balance the budget and bring back the gold/silver standard to return strong currency.

09-10-2011, 09:46 PM
This is a nationally televised debate. Why do you guys think more seniors will watch it?

09-10-2011, 09:49 PM
This is a nationally televised debate. Why do you guys think more seniors will watch it?

Florida is heavy on retirees... Plus, Seniors probably turn out in droves for Republican debates.

09-10-2011, 09:58 PM
Florida is heavy on retirees... Plus, Seniors probably turn out in droves for Republican debates.

It's broadcast nationally, I don't think more seniors are going to tune in just because it's in Florida. The Tea Parties are controlling ticket distribution from what I heard. I doubt they're handing them out in retirement communities.

09-10-2011, 10:00 PM
No theory. Just his actual plans, what he will do as president. Again, NO THEORETICAL DISCUSSION. Divert all irrelevant questions back into what RP will do as president-- what will be different, what will be better.

RP is himself a senior citizen-- I think he could use this as a debate tool for the senior audience. Tell a few personal stories or something.. get the voters to connect with him as a human being.

And for crying out loud, stop asking the moderators for more time when you are mid-sentence, begging them for 15 seconds to finish your sentence. Just take the fucking moment, all the other candidates get more time than you do anyway.

I think he's been trained by the lights on the House floor...

09-10-2011, 10:08 PM
I think he's been trained by the lights on the House floor...

I'm sure you are right! He should just start off every response by asking permission to "revise and extend" :)

09-10-2011, 10:28 PM
I think it would be great if he would take some time to DIRECTLY address the American people and tell them that since the Fed gained control of their money it has lost 95% of it's value. He should inform them that every dollar they make now would have approx. 22 xs the buying power if the fed weren't in charge. In fact just multiply whatever you make xs 22. That's what your money would have been worth before the Federal Reserve took over, and that's what your money would be worth if I were President and Congress abolished the Fed."

He should also point out that he is the ONLY candidate who wants to do away with the Fed. This would distinguish him from the rest and apply practically to every single person watching the debate.

Money speaks! I haven't had a single person say that they would not have been better off if the Fed weren't around after I've had this same line of conversation with them. That includes people who voted for Obama in the last election.

09-10-2011, 11:06 PM
35 % of GOP primary voters in Fla. are over 65.

09-10-2011, 11:37 PM
I think it’s a strong possibility that the candidates will be asked their opinion of the President’s new “jobs” plan. If that’s the case, Ron Paul has been served slow pitch right across the plate because the President never addressed the reason for this mess the country is in: the HOUSING MARKET!

All Ron Paul has to do is say that he was appalled that the President refused to address the housing market in his speech and that will resonate huge with both the audience in Florida (not only was the housing industry wrecked there, a lot of retirees sell real estate as a way of keeping active socially and making some cash on the side.) and across the country. No one will see this coming.

If they ask RP about “jobs,” he can retort with: “What about all of those engineers, architects, home builders, infrastructure contractors, roofers, interior designers, landscapers, plumbers, carpenters, general laborers, painters, real estate agents, etc., etc. who have been struggling to find work since 2008! Why doesn’t the President care about them?!?” By showing that “main street” is not affected by the new “jobs” bill and only those who are currently govt contractors or whose salaries are paid with taxes are, he should be able to hit a home run nationwide.

Personally, I think that moving forward, Ron Paul should incorporate the term “housing market” into every speech he gives. After all, when he speaks of banks being bailed out and not allowed to go bankrupt he’s addressing the right issue: The TARP bailout broke the economic cycle and rather than allow a new batch of investors to enter the market and buy those “troubled assets,” it shielded the bankers who made bad investments from having to answer for their financial mistakes. It also affected everyone with a mortgage, including retirees! By purposely using the term “housing market,” he will frame the issue in a way that every citizen can understand.

09-11-2011, 01:01 AM
1) inflation and how govt has been creating it and course we're on will guarantee much higher inflation which hurts the poor, lower middle class and all those on fixed income including social security. moreover, the statistics regarding inflation being released by govt is grossly inaccurate. has anyone else noticed prices of food going up? inflation causes prices to rise in the economy but can tend to not happen equality in all sectors of the economy. also prices in parts of economy were govt is least involved tend to go down while those parts with most govt involvement cause prices to rise even faster then other sections (up and above the effects of inflation/money printing)

2) the govt "swat style" raids on gibson guitars is unacceptable how it was conducted and though all the facts are not known yet, its clear a more reasonable approach could have been taken if there really was/is a serious issue...talk about wasted money and resources.

3) conflicts of interest with regulatory agencies such as fda which greatly discourage innovation and research that could bring about better safere treatments and cures. excessive regulations hurt smaller companies that are or would be involved with medical research tons more then very large firms...while favoritism is given to select "big pharma" companies which begs question on how much corruption is going on. the problem with too much centralized power and excessive regulations is more serious the damage to everyone even the least bit of corruption. making change to reform and correct issues is not easy...even scaling back some of their powers and repealing regulations that clearly aren't working, would be a big step in right direction...

4) federal drugs laws are that they in effect are ok with terminally ill and seriously ill patients being put in prison because the fed gov doesn't want to recognize a states right to allow doctors to prescribe marijuana. how about let medical profession, doctors and their patients decide whats best and favors removing fed govt involvement and leave it to the states.

09-11-2011, 06:20 AM
I think it’s a strong possibility that the candidates will be asked their opinion of the President’s new “jobs” plan. If that’s the case, Ron Paul has been served slow pitch right across the plate because the President never addressed the reason for this mess the country is in: the HOUSING MARKET!

All Ron Paul has to do is say that he was appalled that the President refused to address the housing market in his speech and that will resonate huge with both the audience in Florida (not only was the housing industry wrecked there, a lot of retirees sell real estate as a way of keeping active socially and making some cash on the side.) and across the country. No one will see this coming.

If they ask RP about “jobs,” he can retort with: “What about all of those engineers, architects, home builders, infrastructure contractors, roofers, interior designers, landscapers, plumbers, carpenters, general laborers, painters, real estate agents, etc., etc. who have been struggling to find work since 2008! Why doesn’t the President care about them?!?” By showing that “main street” is not affected by the new “jobs” bill and only those who are currently govt contractors or whose salaries are paid with taxes are, he should be able to hit a home run nationwide.

Personally, I think that moving forward, Ron Paul should incorporate the term “housing market” into every speech he gives. After all, when he speaks of banks being bailed out and not allowed to go bankrupt he’s addressing the right issue: The TARP bailout broke the economic cycle and rather than allow a new batch of investors to enter the market and buy those “troubled assets,” it shielded the bankers who made bad investments from having to answer for their financial mistakes. It also affected everyone with a mortgage, including retirees! By purposely using the term “housing market,” he will frame the issue in a way that every citizen can understand.

Welcome to the forums!

09-11-2011, 06:27 AM
I think it’s a strong possibility that the candidates will be asked their opinion of the President’s new “jobs” plan. If that’s the case, Ron Paul has been served slow pitch right across the plate because the President never addressed the reason for this mess the country is in: the HOUSING MARKET!

All Ron Paul has to do is say that he was appalled that the President refused to address the housing market in his speech and that will resonate huge with both the audience in Florida (not only was the housing industry wrecked there, a lot of retirees sell real estate as a way of keeping active socially and making some cash on the side.) and across the country. No one will see this coming.

If they ask RP about “jobs,” he can retort with: “What about all of those engineers, architects, home builders, infrastructure contractors, roofers, interior designers, landscapers, plumbers, carpenters, general laborers, painters, real estate agents, etc., etc. who have been struggling to find work since 2008! Why doesn’t the President care about them?!?” By showing that “main street” is not affected by the new “jobs” bill and only those who are currently govt contractors or whose salaries are paid with taxes are, he should be able to hit a home run nationwide.

Personally, I think that moving forward, Ron Paul should incorporate the term “housing market” into every speech he gives. After all, when he speaks of banks being bailed out and not allowed to go bankrupt he’s addressing the right issue: The TARP bailout broke the economic cycle and rather than allow a new batch of investors to enter the market and buy those “troubled assets,” it shielded the bankers who made bad investments from having to answer for their financial mistakes. It also affected everyone with a mortgage, including retirees! By purposely using the term “housing market,” he will frame the issue in a way that every citizen can understand.

Simply an awesome first post. +rep and welcome to the forums!

09-11-2011, 08:04 AM
The American Dream
Politicians and marketing firms keep telling us that the American Dream is the stuff you can buy... a car, a house, a toaster oven, an iPod, a college degree, designer clothes, and more "stuff" than I can possibly list.

I would love it if Ron Paul could have a well rehearsed statement (maybe for a closing) about the true nature of the American Dream. That the American Dream is about personal freedom and liberty. The freedom to make your own decisions in life... to plot your own course and live a life of your own choosing. That the American Dream is not just about material things to which politicians try to limit us to keep us placated. It is much bigger... it is much grander... it is the true nature of the human spirit... and, that America was created with that in mind. That all men are free... and, the realization of that freedom is the American Dream.

Many of those freedoms were expressed in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Somewhere along the way we have lost an understanding of those freedoms. Our lives are stifled by over taxation... over regulation... irresponsible government spending... out of control government... and economic policies that have been wrested from the control of the people. There is nothing wrong with seeking material possessions... but those possessions are only a result of the realization of the freedoms of the American Dream. (we've been bamboozled, hoodwinked & flimflammed)

We need a rebirth and a renewed understanding of the true promise of the American Dream... of the freedoms our Constitution envisioned. We must reject the definition imposed on us by politicians sold to us by marketers... and return to true meaning and promise of the American Dream... that of individual and personal freedom. And, with those freedoms restored, we can work to create the lives we wish for ourselves... and a stronger, safer, freer America for ourselves, our neighbors and our children.

09-11-2011, 08:24 AM
This is a nationally televised debate. Why do you guys think more seniors will watch it?

People tend to pay more attention to the debates in their state, if they only plan on watching one. Also, people in general are starting to focus in more on the race, now.

09-11-2011, 08:35 AM
He should have a copy of "Liberty Defined" on hand and promote it as his position from A-Z (Abortion to Zionism) on 50 of the most important issues of our day.

09-11-2011, 08:51 AM
Ron needs ads with Barry Goldwater Jr saying something to the effect of "Only one candidate carries the principles my father had." Air this in Florida, as well as during Wheel of Fortune

I agree. I'd also like to see if we could get Micheal Reagan to do the same, but I fear that is a bridge too far. :D

09-11-2011, 09:00 AM
35 % of GOP primary voters in Fla. are over 65.

Is that all? The precinct I was in, it was higher than that...

09-11-2011, 09:09 AM
Does anyone know if the campaign watches these forums?

I'd say that he needs to talk about saving social security for the people who need it from the perspective of inflation. Social Security will not matter if inflation keeps making groceries go up.

Mention that it costs $37-38 Billion a year to incarcerate non-violent drug offenders. A cost which neither the states or federal government can afford anymore. Mention its disproportionate effect on minorities.

Also just a little bit of polish on his answers. Keep them to an example that people can understand in 30sec-1min. I liked the dime example. I wish he had time to expand on it.

09-11-2011, 09:10 AM
He opposed the SALT II treaty because he said the USSR had violated every treaty it ever entered, the treaty gave them the right to 'update' the USSR stockpile without any similar for the US, and he thought it unconscionable that US security should be hostage to USSR promises.

Bombing people who live in the desert with no realistic capability of attacking us, that's different.

A kick-ass military based at home
That's an excellent reference. If he could make it clear (that he would maintain a strong military and kick the holy living shit out of anyone who attacks us) I think it would go a long way in winning over people who are concerned about his foreign policy. I think a lot of people have the impression that he wants our military to be weak and our foreign policy isolationist... if he could clarify that he wants a military that is very strong and capable (and would be used when required) it could help win LOTS of votes. It is one of the most important things for which the federal government has been given responsibility (according to that Constitution thingee).

09-11-2011, 09:52 AM
He needs to make it clear that SS was a program designed for the last century over half a century ago. Times have changed and while it is important to provide for those who rely upon it now, the future must hold different answers for a a new century. We must protect while we change it.

This is the kind way of not actually saying it was a Ponzi scheme or pyramid scheme that was robbed by Congress.

09-11-2011, 12:58 PM
I think Ron should use his predictive powers to bring up whatever topic will most affect people in 2012..something specific about the economy, probably. That way he can have his quote written in stone way before anyone else tries to steal it.


09-11-2011, 01:01 PM
I agree. I'd also like to see if we could get Micheal Reagan to do the same, but I fear that is a bridge too far. :D

not a good idea. People have varying opinions of the son.

09-11-2011, 01:01 PM
I think Ron should use his predictive powers to bring up whatever topic will most affect people in 2012..something specific about the economy, probably. That way he can have his quote written in stone way before anyone else tries to steal it.


He has, it is inflation next summer.

09-11-2011, 01:23 PM
He needs to let the elderly know that if they support any other candidate on the stage, or Obama, that there is a good chance their social security will be impacted when we see a dollar crisis, and that he is the only candidate who has a plan to allow social security to continue operating unhindered for those currently retired and soon to retire by saving money from overseas spending and using the savings here at home.