View Full Version : Excellent quote

09-08-2011, 03:34 PM
"A collectivist tyranny dare not enslave a country by an outright confiscation of its values, material or moral. It has to be done by a process of internal corruption. Just as in the material realm the plundering of a country’s wealth is accomplished by inflating the currency—so today one may witness the process of inflation being applied to the realm of rights. The process entails such a growth of newly promulgated “rights” that people do not notice the fact that the meaning of the concept is being reversed. Just as bad money drives out good money, so these “printing-press rights” negate authentic rights." - Ayn Rand, "Man's Rights"

I just thought this was incredibly cool, equating inflation of the money supply with inflation in the realm of supposed 'rights,' like the 'right' to healthcare or housing.