View Full Version : So the MSM's Strat is to "Gary Johnson" Ron Paul...

Jake Ralston
09-08-2011, 01:42 AM
A few talking points:

1. How long until they deny Ron access to the debates ala Gary Johnson.

2. So, what can we do to combat this? Complaining isn't working, because they use that against us, but really, what else is there to do?

3. Perhaps we can contact the campaign, and discuss whether Ron should just bully his way into forcing time ... don't wait for them to address you, butt in!
He did it I think twice last night, and I personally liked it.

-On the same note, is there any "ticker" or "time count" that was kept on each candidates speaking time? That could be valuable information if given to Drudge.

4. Newt is the man. His policies/positions suck, but he is a brilliant politician. I really admired how he kicked the MSM drama BS to the curb. I'd like to see Ron do the same. Any kind of BS spin, or trying to create entertainment-related drama, should be shot down.

Anyways, do we have a ticker?

09-08-2011, 01:46 AM
The easiest thing to do would be to instantly deflect from the idiotic questions they ask and just focus on issues that are important to Americans: The Economy/Jobs, Bringing our troops home, etc.

If they interrupt him, I'd just say - this is what the American people deserve and need to hear.