View Full Version : Ron Paul and the troops.

09-03-2011, 03:29 AM

Good article, and it reflects my own experience in the military.

09-03-2011, 09:28 AM
Today's recruits come to Basic Training having had years of full access to the internet. They signed up, usually, after researching their MOS and bargaining with recruiters to get the assignment they wanted. They were in second or third grade when 9/11 happened. They have youthful idealism but not regarding the wars, which they view skeptically or even cynically. The things Ron Paul says about American imperialism and the war machine connect with them...

09-03-2011, 09:42 AM
Wow this shit fucking pisses me off to no end! I am getting sworn in on the 8th and I want to do nothing more then serve my country that I love so dear! Since when has it been fucking illegal to THINK, to actually interpret what is REALLY HAPPENING, and not breath into what the MEDIA is telling us. For fuck sake they make it seem as though new Recruits are not worth as much as previous ones. To say that I do not want to serve my country because I THINK about Freedom/Peace/Prosperity is LUDICROUS. All Hail the USA. Piss off.

09-03-2011, 10:10 AM
That's not at all what I got out of the article...

09-03-2011, 10:13 AM
This is an awesome article. I posted about it today, too. I hope everyone reads it.

09-03-2011, 10:19 AM
Wow this shit fucking pisses me off to no end! I am getting sworn in on the 8th and I want to do nothing more then serve my country that I love so dear! Since when has it been fucking illegal to THINK, to actually interpret what is REALLY HAPPENING, and not breath into what the MEDIA is telling us. For fuck sake they make it seem as though new Recruits are not worth as much as previous ones. To say that I do not want to serve my country because I THINK about Freedom/Peace/Prosperity is LUDICROUS. All Hail the USA. Piss off.

:confused: it's saying that today, more than ever, young soldiers DO think about freedom, peace and prosperity and that's why Ron connects with them. and because of those things, they perhaps want to better serve their country (not fight imperialistic wars or foreign nation build thousands of miles away).

09-03-2011, 10:57 AM
Neo-con trolls are infesting the comments section. I find it amazing that these chickenhawk cowards are so uninformed about the threat that they actually aid the enemy & then think that they are "patriots" who are "defending" this country. I'd correct them but I don't register with any of these sites just so I can comment. If anybody else wants to then post this, http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/298067-1 It's Michael Scheuer completely demolishing their make believe enemy & world. This is the CIA EXPERT in Bin Laden & the islamist movement stating that Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate & one of the only politicians in DC that actually understands the enemy. I send this video to EVERY neo-con or pro-war Republican who has a problem with Ron Paul's "weak stance on foreign policy". If they don't support Ron Paul after watching this video then they need to move to Israel & join the IDF because they don't give 2 shits about this country or the troops that serve it.

09-03-2011, 11:08 AM
No I understand the article and I'm not attacking the Article directly, I'm attacking those who are attacking the Article itself. Sorry if my comments were misconstrued.

09-03-2011, 12:09 PM
No I understand the article and I'm not attacking the Article directly, I'm attacking those who are attacking the Article itself. Sorry if my comments were misconstrued.

ah, understood.

i'm sure you already know this, but: brace yourself to be surrounded by the neocon groupthink mentality when you enter into your service commitment. and expect nothing other than being told to shut up and color when your ideals don't align with the perceived good of the whole.