View Full Version : Need to give a Ron Paul Speech?

boneyard bill
09-01-2011, 04:27 PM
ForLiberty is putting together a speech for Ron Paul video, and I submitted a draft, and I understand that they are going to use parts of it. But it occurred to me that other Ron Paul supporters may be called upon from time to time to give speeches for Ron Paul as well.

In front of small groups I'm not convinced that a heart-felt, authentic speech in conversational style still isn't the best way to go. But in formal settings or before larger audiences, more elaborate literary devices are needed to hold the audience's attention. So I am offering this speech for anyone who wishes to use it, or parts of it, in speeches in support of Ron Paul. You also have my permission to reproduce it, or parts of it, in writing provided you give me proper credit. (My actual name is Robert Haley).

It's a very short speech so it may not serve all of your needs. I am working on an extended version although I assume that not many people will get the opportunity to give an extended speech.

Here then, is the speech:

Ron Paul believes in peace through strength! The value of strength rests not in the desire to win, but in the desire not to have to fight. As Ron Paul sees it, our soldiers overseas currently serve, not as defenders of our nation, but as perpetual targets for our enemies. If they must serve, let them serve proudly, but let them serve briefly with clear aims and necessary goals. Peace through strength means that war is not the fulfillment of policy but the realization of its failure.

We spend hundreds of billions of dollars overseas for our troops to defend themselves in foreign lands. Thousands, perhaps millions, profit from this military presence, while millions go unemployed here at home. Ron Paul would return the troops, and the money, to our shores to protect our liberty and allow our citizens to prosper.

Ron Paul has received twice as much in contributions from military personnel as all other Republican candidates combined. These soldiers understand the importance of clear direction guided by sound principle. They fight for freedom, not conquest, and they embrace the most freedom-loving candidate in the field.

Ron Paul understands that our government was created to take orders, not to give them; to allow the pursuit of happiness but not the guarantee of it. And Ron Paul has stood by these principles from his first day in office. Even now he returns a portion of his congressional office allowance the Treasury every year. He has never participated in the generous Congressional pension program. Ron Paul has never voted to violate free speech, gun rights, the fourth amendment, or any other provision of the Bill of Rights. Ron Paul does not simply support the constitution, he is guided by it.

Ron Paul has been declared by some to be a prophet, and he is that. He is the Prophet of Liberty. For it is the constant theme of Ron Paul's career that Freedom Works. Freedom isn't simply a desirable condition. It isn't simply a state of affairs that we enjoy. It is, in fact, the most successful organizing principle known to man. It is through individual freedom that this nation and all of Western Civilization has risen from grinding poverty to unparalleled wealth. It is through freedom that we have attained spectacular intellectual and scientific advancements that were unbelievable only a few centuries ago.

It is unquestionably true, that if I am to be free, I must be free to make mistakes. Our rights include our right to fail. But if I am free, I am also free to correct my errors. What great advantage this is! For if my falure is due to the impositions of a despotic overlord, I am doomed, not only to fail, but to live in failure. To my loss of wealth, I must add a loss of hope.

And this is the sadness of the hour. This is the fading of the dream. For we have come to accept the need for experts and technicians who are presumed to know the right choices, and to understand the “stimulus” needed to put the country back on track. If the failure was due to the wrong regulations, we need only find the right ones. But it is not regulations that drive the economy. It is contracts. It is agreements – voluntary and mutually beneficial agreements – that bring the labor and the resources together in a productive society.

And Ron Paul says that we do not need the government middle-man because Ron Paul is the Prophet of Liberty, but he is also the Apostle of Hope. With freedom, we can solve our own problems. We do not need planners and bureaucrats. Even less do we need lobbyists and influence peddlers. We need government. We do not need government debt. We need currency. We do not need currency manipulation. We need honest enforcement of contracts. We do not need suffocating regulations. America will go back to work – if we let it.

A free people make agreements to maximize their goals. To make such agreements they must agree to maximize the goals of others. That's why freedom works. To be forced to maximize the goals of others is to live under despotism. And despotism leads not only to a loss of freedom, but to a loss of wealth and a loss of hope. It truly is, "The Road to Serfdom."

Ron Paul would eliminate the subsidies, the bail-outs, the corporate welfare. He would slash the regulations, balance the budget, provide a sound currency and allow a free people to help themselves by helping others.

But he would also keep faith with the American people. He would, as much as possible, abide by the government contract with the people. He would maintain the "safety net" as Ronald Reagan called it. The promise of assistance that people have counted on and planned on would be maintained with sound money. That promise cannot be met with a printing press.

The times are perilous. The hour is late. The debt mushrooms. The dollar sinks. And our leaders are paralyzed. They focus not on principle, but on political advantage. They look not for sound solutions but for expedient ones.

America needs a new beginning, and we will have it. But will we have it before or after the catastrophe?

Ron Paul is the only person who can save the country because Ron Paul is the only person who understands the magnitude of the problem. What other politcian predicted the real estate meltdown years in advance? What other politician has seen his personal investments grow by 600% over the last decade? What other candidate has had the principles to stand up to his own president and his own party on war? What other candidate has had the courage to defend the constitution even if meant voting against the Patriot Act?

If one is to lead, he must first know where he proposes to go. Such leadership must be grounded in firm principles and strong determination. Ron Paul knows where the nation must go.

He knows the pitfalls that await us, but he also knows the promise that is ahead. He proposes sound money, responsible finances, and friendship with all the people of the earth. This is neither a complicated agenda nor an unattainable one.

Ronald Reagan once said, "There ARE simple answers. There just aren't easy ones." Only a man of strong convictions can be counted upon to make the tough decisions. Only a man of dedication and principle can stand up to the special interests that permeate Washington. Only Ron Paul has proven himself over three decades in politics to possess those qualities. Only Ron Paul can Restore America Now."

09-01-2011, 05:40 PM
May I name this thread the speech thread? This is a speech I actually gave in class on the prompt "What really bothers me is..." It was given on 16 August if I remember right, so it's mainly about Ames.

The biggest event in this GOP presidential cycle happened this last Saturday, the 13th of August. That event was the Ames Straw Poll. The origin of the term “straw poll” is the idea that by throwing a piece of hay (“straw”) in the air, one can see which way the wind blows. On Saturday, almost seventeen thousand Iowa voters showed up to the poll to vote. Note that Iowa is Bachmann’s home state, she bribed voters with a Randy Travis show, had tons of free media coverage, and gave out 6,000 tickets to vote. Of course, Michele Bachmann took the most votes with 4,823 votes. Ron Paul took second with 4,671 votes. Those 152 votes represent less than one percentage point of the voters there. Statistically speaking, Paul and Bachmann tied for first.

So it would seem that the wind is blowing swiftly toward Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann. But is that what the media is saying? No. A Politico headline minutes after the results of the straw poll were announced reads, “Bachmann wins Ames, Pawlenty distant third.” Politico isn’t the only media outlet practicing this. Constantly on Fox News and CNN the talking heads spew things like “It’s Perry vs. Romney” or “The top tier is Romney, Bachmann, and Perry.” Nobody is even mentioning Ron Paul. And that’s a shame, because, as Jon Stewart put it last night on a segment about the media blackout of Ron Paul, “Fox News should love this guy.” He’s an ideologically consistent and constantly conservative advocate for liberty with a perfect voting record. Having never voted for a tax hike, an unbalanced budget, or an unjust war, Ron Paul has been called the champion of the Constitution and the taxpayer’s friend. In October of 2004, a man set out to rank every congressman and woman from 1937 to 2002 on their conservatism or liberalism. Not surprisingly, Ron Paul comes out as the most conservative congressman since at least 1937. Why won’t anybody talk about him?

What drives me crazy is that the media constantly ignores Ron Paul. According to Rasmussen poll data released on the 22nd of July, the constitutional champion polls better than any other candidate polls against Obama. When some of the first words said in the latest debate being “make Obama a one-term president,” you would think the GOP would want to put all their weight behind supporting the candidate who has the best chance against Obama. But the Republican establishment frowns on Ron Paul… for his conservatism. That just seems backwards.

Although I guess this is to be expected. The great peace activist Mohandas Gandhi once said “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Ron Paul seems to be in the first stages of that right now. He is being ignored and laughed at by the media. In the debate on the 11th, he was even fought by Rick Santorum. Now it’s time to win.

boneyard bill
09-01-2011, 11:23 PM
Nice speech but, of course, the subject matter sort of keeps it dated.