View Full Version : Colorado GOP 3rd Party OPT IN/OUT Dates

08-26-2011, 10:18 AM
:toady: Hi Folks , I just changed my voter registration address to Denver and remained Republican for now! Colorado Link here to register to vote and party affiliation. http://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/main.htm

I called the elections office and verified some info. I also dropped blue republican on facebook and he/she seemed interested:) but i told him/her to read it for himself/herself to see where we are coming from:)

Here is the bottom line to join the GOP/3rd parties and decide which caucuses you will get involved in. I kinda feel that is up to the GOP now and their actions in early states!!

Info i verified with the state of colorado: Deadline to JOIN THE GOP/OPT IN/OPT OUT is 29 Days before Caucus. Usually this is the first tuesday in march but in presidential election years this is usually the first tuesday in FEB!!!This date can be changed by the colorado gop!!

In planning a 2012 republican run , I support Ron Paul 2012 but everyone must plan for a plan B!!!!!

ps up to the gop on how folks choose to go on opting in or out. I have not checked on deadlines to join 3rd party caucuses!

I feel much more comfortable now that i have a plan A and B!!!!

08-26-2011, 10:35 AM
I'll get this info up on the delegates training page. It's been a project birthed from the forums, and could definitely use your promotional skills. With enough delegates, we'll make sure Ryan Call doesn't pull any bullshit like Dick Wadhams had done 4 years prior. Not to mention, becoming the majority vote, electing all the delegates to the RNC!

