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08-24-2011, 01:23 AM

Ron Paul's Best Week


Invoking Martha & the Vandellas might be fun, but the prospect of facing another 441 days of Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney invariably invoking God, American Pie, Kicking Ass and those poor, abused Founding Fathers in every speech and debate is decidedly not.

But maybe not all is lost, however, as this week Rep. Ron Paul became a rather interesting study in how to get attention by not getting attention. He’s managed not only the shame the mainstream media into explaining why he has been ignored in all the horserace talk, but he’s finally being recognized — rightly so — for being the only unvarnished candidate in a field full of shopworn clichés.

Paul’s timing in the race has a lot to do with it — he comes amid a financial crisis he predicted in the last presidential race, among peers who constantly use language about the Federal Reserve that Paul’s been using for 30 years — so why wouldn’t he be more attractive to a broader audience today than in 2008?

But more importantly, I think it’s his timing on the war issue that had people like The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart leaping to Paul’s defense this week. There is such a disconnect between what the majority of Americans feel about the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the hawkish claptrap of Perry and Rick Santorum and the like that it would be a joke for the political comedian not to make something of it. And once the liberal-leaning don of satirical late night exposed it, mainstream pundits have been saying it all over: Ron Paul is the only guy telling it “like it is,” sans stagey talking points, oft-repeated jingoisms and bumpersticker hooey.

After years of voters saying they prefer authentic, it’s dawning on more people than ever that whether he is destined to win the primary or not, Paul is a breath of fresh air in a cloying room of blowhards.

If we win over the Left, we win the election. Blue Republicans will be the key this time around. Keep on ignoring irrelevant asshats like Oriely.
