View Full Version : Using YouTube to Capture Google Traffic...

08-19-2011, 04:14 PM
How many here have went to Google to find a video, article, or blog post about a specific issue regarding Ron Paul?

Well, those who aren't supporters do the same thing. When they hear a talking point, a lot of times they will search Google in prominence to that particular subject.

Let's look as some of the bad ones we can be sure people are unfortunately searching for, for example:

- Is Ron Paul a racist
- Ron Paul wants Iran to get a nuke
- Ron Paul wants to legalize drugs
- Ron Paul flip flops
- Jon Stewart on Ron Paul
- Ron Paul ignored by the media

And all kinds of other negative and positive searches. This is the dynamic to overcome. Each search term owns a small amount of "real estate" in the total amount of traffic for all Ron Paul search terms.

In Search engine Optimization (SEO), we focus on targeting dozens of less-competitive terms, in order to garner an accumulative impact over time. This is the secret to a strong search engine strategy.

Using YouTube as Damage Control, Political Awareness, and Persuasion

One of the most influentual tools we have is video. How many here converted to Ron Paul from being sent to YouTube?

Luckily, YouTube is owned by Google. When a relevant video matches a specific search term on Google, they will automatically feed it into a top placement for that term if certain criteria are met. These videos go viral when they match up to high-volume search terms. This gives us opportunities to prevent flawed ideas or bad rumors from propagating themselves. It also gives us opportunities to convert on-the-fencers and people who heard a talking point or something from their social circles.

So how do we use YouTube to take advantage?

Think about what people actually would search for in regards to Ron Paul and title your videos just as they would be searched. This is the easier strategy, instead of getting technical into the "dynamics" of titling.

YouTube embeds an anchor link into these videos, which Google can use to deliver it out to it's search engine. When web sites like www.ronpaulflix.com embed that video on their web site, from Google's perspective.. this is a vote for that video in relation to that title and link.

This is how Google knows what to show you when you search. The more links with that title (and those especially those sites Google deems the "authority" on that term) the better.


Mr. Doe wants to refute that Ron Paul is racist and writes a blog post with a title "Ron Paul isn't a racist", he might embed a YouTube video that makes the case that Ron Paul isn't a racist. This video title on YouTube might also be titled something like "Proof Ron Paul is not Racist".

Google visits nearly all of the web sites in it's index daily. When Google visits Mr. Doe's web site, it will update it's index to include a new web page that is titled "Ron Paul isn't a racist". When Google goes into that blog post, it will follow a link back to YouTube that says "Proof Ron Paul is not Racist". It will then compare all links pointing to that video and determine its new relevancy to it's title. This check allows Google to progressively determine the authenticity of the content compared to what a Human has claimed it to be.

So who gets the search engine juice? The blogger or the video publisher?

Well, technically both, but much moreso for the video publisher. Eventually, enough links back to that video that is relevant to that search term, will put that video right at the top placement in Google when someone searches for "Ron Paul isn't racist" and sometimes even "Ron Paul is racist".

- Those who enjoy making videos, start considering making some specific to the varying degree of search terms.
- Title your videos to match similarly to search terms on Google. Playing devil's advocate with your titles can help on the negative fronts too
- Don't just tag your videos Ron Paul, tag it for the search terms you are targeting.
- Include search terms you are targeting in the description.

As these get shared throughout the web, you will encourage high placement in Google search, with a nice video to capture all the attention away from opposing views. This can discredit false views and rumors pretty easily as well.