View Full Version : Media Ignores Ron Paul So Blatantly, Even Time Magazine Recognizes It; "Why?" is Easy to E

08-17-2011, 07:28 AM
Pretty good blog article, features the Jon Stewart vid, and then:


from about halfway down


Fox news like warmongers. Ron Paul wants to end wars and cut the defense budget. Republican hypocrites want military spending far in excess of what is needed, and they don't want to raise taxes for it.

Yes, we need to cut entitlements. We also need to cut military spending, not by a little, by a lot. Finally, we need structural Republicans should be sounding the horn on, but mysteriously are not.

Simple Facts of the Matter

The US can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.
US military spending equals the next 9 countries combined.
US military spending nearly equals the whole rest of the world combined.

Those numbers do not include military spending hidden in other buckets.

Blast of New York Times and Liberal Media

I took on the "Liberal Media" discussing needed structural reforms in a blast at the New York Times called Growing Gloom for States and Cities; Who is to Blame? What About Solutions?

I propose 4 badly-needed reforms as follows

See the rest at the link.

08-18-2011, 07:43 AM