View Full Version : Combating Miseducation of (some) Who Don't Support RP

Jake Ralston
08-17-2011, 07:10 AM
This post is in part; hilarious. Yet it is also educational for us. The quotes below are real, as unreal as they may seem. It's good to keep in mind the reasons (as illogical and uneducated as they may be) of why people do not support Ron Paul. So with the following quotes ... think of how you would answer them ahead of time so that your answers may be streamlined, other than have fun!

--"Ron Paul is against aid to Israel and he spreads hatred and intolerance against the Federal Reserve (without which, we would have no money). The media is correct to ignore him and keep him from getting votes."

--Thank you goverment public schooling ...

--"I laugh at how all the libertarian Ron Paul supporters expose their so-called "respect" for the First Amendment by trying to silence a dissenting post with multiple thumbs down.
As rigid as libertarians are on civil rights, they still manage to display rank hypocrisy."

--Right. Because "thumbs downing" a post aka disagreeing is a form of limiting free-speech. And liberbarians are "rigid" on civil rights? Fail.

--"What is his stand on gay rights and a womens right to an abortion?."

--Your collectivist views are damaging this country, sir or ma'am.

--"The federal reserve exists with the stated purpose to stablize prices and promote growth. That can only be done with a dollar unlinked to the gold standard amoung other things. Before the "fed", horrible recessions and depressions were fairly regular, and required and extensive network of national guard stations to quell civil unrest. What would you ron paul folks do differently than before? Or is the answer to simply man up the guns and shoot the food rioters? Serious question here."

--This quote goes from FAIL keynesian economics into straight misinformation and blasphemy.

--'Not one single person who supports Ron Paul doesn't smoke weed."


--"When you say kooky things of a policy that leaves Iran alone in their nuclear proliferation, expect to be ignored."

--Okay Rick Santorum. You don't need to be ignored because your warmongering campaign is failing either way.

--"Ron Paul has many good ideas but isolationism and burying your head in the sand against foreign threats is not one of them. A good man, but a sure bet for the democrats to retain the White House if he is the candidate of either the republicans or a third party. The priority should be to get Obama and his team out of office before they completely destroy the country, rather than support another Ross Perot who got Clinton elected."

--Didn't you learn your lesson when good 'ol boy John McCain was owned on the public stage for claiming Isolationism? Or is it YOUR head that is the sand when the truth blows by?