View Full Version : Iran's Supreme Leader has declared nukes to be anti-Islamic

08-17-2011, 12:03 AM
So you know the war hawks and their concern about Iran wanting to nuke Israel?

Well, if that is the case, how do they explain the fact that in 2005 Ayatollah Khamenei issues a fatwa declaring the production, possession, and use of nukes to be forbidden under Islam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei#Fatwa_against_nuclear_weapons)? Khamenei is Iran's Supreme Leader, which means he's significantly more powerful that Ahmadinejad is.

Of course, he could be lying, but this is a binding religious decree by a religious leader. And isn't the war hawks' concern based on the fact that these "mad mullahs" are really, really, really religious, that they are 100% motivated by their religious beliefs?

It is true that another Iranian mullah, Mohsen Gharavian, issued a fatwa allowing nuclear weapons (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/1510900/Iranian-fatwa-approves-use-of-nuclear-weapons.html) as a "counter-measure" against other nuclear armed nations. But that mullah is not the Supreme Leader of Iran. No, it's the mullah that issued the fatwa declaring even the possession of nukes--let alone the use--haraam, i.e. forbidden under Islam.

Secondly, they keep saying that IF Iran gets a nuke, it will nuke Israel unprovoked. Since Israel has hundreds of nukes and a strategy called the Samson Option (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option) to obliterate any nation that threatens its existence, this would mean the leaders of the Iranian government would have to be SUICIDAL and willing completely destroy Iran to nuke in Israel.

But Iran is the only Shiite Muslim power in the world, the only official outpost of Shia. If it's leaders are really, really, really religious Shiites, wouldn't they have a huge religious incentive to protect Iran at all costs?

Also, how does this explain Ahmadinejad's attempts to develop Tehran's housing and public transportation (http://www.mehrnews.com/en/newsdetail.aspx?NewsID=1268474)? Why would a person who is planning to have Tehran obliterated within a few years care about improving its infrastructure?

And why would Ahmadinejad have called for Iranians to have more babies and increase the population (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/oct/23/iran.roberttait) if he's plotting to have them all destroyed anyway?

These facts don't seem to fit with the war hawk narrative that the Iranian government is doing all it can to get its hands on a nuke to attack Israel.

08-17-2011, 12:17 AM
Hmmm... I dunno, this seems a bit too much like logic for my taste. I would ask that you to report immediately for re-education training.

08-17-2011, 03:37 PM

Zarn Solen
08-17-2011, 03:43 PM
But it's.. it's... it's on the Axis of Evil. Haha.

08-17-2011, 03:45 PM
you mean the establishment republicans are trumping up unfounded allegations of a weapons program as a pretext for war? impossible!

08-17-2011, 03:59 PM
Ahmedinajad may be a tyrant but he is a clever old fox!

08-17-2011, 05:19 PM
I almost thought for a second this was the Iran supreme leader responding to Ron Paul by making this announcement!