View Full Version : End the Fed

08-16-2011, 09:56 PM
End the Fed Rally, Sept 10, 2011

The objective with Stick Up of the Fed is to have End the Fed monthly rallies at each Federal Reserve nationwide on the 10th of September. At these rallies, the targets are:

* Build a large group each month which will provide networking for the 2012 election.
* End the Fed, continue the mission of education of the masses of the criminal action of the private bankers operating the Federal Reserve.
* Stick Ron Paul stickers on passing supporters cars, many who otherwise would likely not purchase or put a Ron Paul sticker on their car otherwise. Also, placing in key locations of windows, bulletin boards and any other place suitable for a Ron Paul sticker.
* For more info visit http://stickup.us/ and http://www.ronpaulgrassrootshq.com/ron_paul_quotes.html

Invite your friends, copy and forward this information.