View Full Version : Operation Paradigm Shift

08-15-2011, 11:11 PM
In the 2007-2008 primary season, Rush Limbaugh from his microphone inspired tens of thousands of Republicans across the country to alter the Democrat primary by registering Democrat to vote against Hillary Clinton for Obama. He named it, "Operation Chaos."

Now, in the 2011-2012 cycle a similar, but different tactic can expand on Limbaugh's to create a literal paradigm shift in American politics. It's Operation Chaos, but with a twist.

The Ron Paul campaign is focused on turning out the existing Ron Paul vote and targeting various conservative coalitions. It's obviously working, based on the Iowa result. But vulnerabilities to the establishment still persist.

However, we all know that if Ron Paul makes it past the primary, he takes nearly all of the Left's best and most inspiring issue positions away from Obama, and we put a 75-year-old Austro-libertarian in the White House. But then there's that damn primary.

Well, the online conservative establishment and intelligentsia is pure neocon. From Medved to Krauthammer, from Hewitt to Hot Air, they are determined to prevent Ron Paul from winning the nomination. They do hate Obama, more, but they fear Ron Paul nearly as much.

The Left media are savvier. Before the election they allowed Ron Paul on because he would call out fellow Republicans when they deserved it. Now they turn the cold shoulder to him because they understand he's the greatest threat to the Obama presidency and the modern liberal coalition. Ron Paul as the Republican nominee would foment a radical paradigm shift, altering American politics forever.

Of course, you and I know this. Maybe media professionals and Democrat operatives get it. The average American just wants to save the country, though. The average Republican wants Obama out of the White House, life to be protected and the taxation and spending to stop. The average Democrat hates the wars and the police state, and wants gays and minorities to be treated fairly. Each coalition would be resistant to part of the Paul platform, but the things they care about most would motivate enough of them to vote for him that he would win.

Fact: we comprise the savviest, most organized, most well-trained grassroots for any candidate, organization or issue. Fact: we are more committed to the cause of Liberty and Ron Paul's victory than any group representing any other faction in politics. Fact: Ron Paul is the right candidate at the right time to appeal to those that value our issue set, at least in terms of individual issues. Fact: elections are won by building temporary coalitions.

So here's what can be done. As many of us as possible create "characters" of Dems and left-leaning voters that comment on articles and Democrat blogs, forums, etc. Whenever there's a relevant article, you(r character) explain(s) why Ron Paul is worth taking a look at because of this issue, and how disappointing Obama is. Talk about how Obama is Bush's third term. Talk about how one of those neocons will get elected because the country has abandoned Obama (who's now polling under 40% for the first time.) Essentially, make the same, or slightly tweaked or more targeted arguments you would normally make. However, doing it in Democrat character wears down the defenses and eliminates inherent anti-Paul or anti-GOP bias.

As this grows, the meme becomes getting as many anti-war, anti-drug war, anti-police state, etc. Democrats to register Republican in time to vote for Paul in their state's primary.

Ron Paul's campaign can't do this, nor would it spend valuable donor dollars on trying to identify anti-war Democrats, etc. We have no voice, nor generally do we want one, in the neocon blogosphere. So let's flood the left, in character, and draw them to our sides for the right reasons while their defenses are softened!