View Full Version : Reply to an obstinate Democrat

08-15-2011, 10:07 PM
Just to show some of my critics here that i do get it from the other side as well here is my reply to someone who refuses to support Ron Paul under any circumstances. I never got a reply to this:

No doubt Obama takes way to much heat from the far right who control the other party. I want to be sure I understand your answer: You're saying, No you would not vote for Ron Paul in the GOP primary even if there were no competitive races down ticket for progressives in your state's Democratic primary. This is because you think that if Obama were to lose it would be far better for him to lose to a Romney or a Bachman since they will not try to destroy the federal government but use it for their constituents' interests thus preserving the opportunity for a future Democratic president to use the federal government for her or his constituents' interests? Furthermore you would not vote for him in the primary because you think he might actually win the general election and be able to destroy the federal government and impose the gold standard? You are not trouble by the prospect that national debt is being used legitimately or not to make massive cuts in government spending and that should a Romney or a Bachmann be elected they will make those cuts come from domestic programs while increasing spending on military fetishes?
July 27, 2011 4:13 AM

08-15-2011, 10:13 PM
To see the whole conversation, read comments here: http://progressivesforronpaul.blogspot.com/2011/07/what-if.html?showComment=1311765212201#c441719761576761 8775