View Full Version : The fact of the matter is most people are Followers/Dependents

08-15-2011, 07:50 PM
Before I get started let me just say that I am so impressed with the results from the Straw Poll on Saturday. Back in '07 all I could do is dream about that much support. I couldn't believe what I was watching for a minute there ;)

Now to my main point. The fact of the matter is (whether we like to admit it or not) most of America follows/depends on someone or something to give them direction and make them feel safe and okay to do something. What Ron Paul stands for is individual liberty...and basically the requires a leadership skill, or at least the type of attitude that makes them want to do as they feel (of course without harming or interfering) without checking with someone else before they do it.

America is conditioned. We need the Government to tell us what food to eat, how to protect ourselves, what products to use, what freedoms to give up, so on and so forth. Obviously this conditioning didn't start last year. It's decades and decades in the making, and people have become complacent with it. They view it as normal to be the follower and have become dependent on someone telling them what to do before they do it.

We, for a lack of a better term, have become a nation of zombies. We wake up everyday and rush around in our little rat race world, not thinking of the bigger picture (because of the theory of money and debt mostly, but that is a different topic). The leaders and people in power know this and they keep us preoccupied from understanding what really is important in life. We would rather talk about who won dancing with the stars instead of why the top 1% of the wealthiest own and control most of this world. We don't put two and two together when it comes to who is in our Government and who "owns" most of the things we chase around all day. Before we know it we wake up and we are 70 trying to retire and collect social security for 10 years before we die.

And I haven't even mentioned the problems with social programs. Now most people that try to help or want to help are genuinely good people when it comes to assisting the less fortunate, but the system is messed up and keeps the less fortunate dependent on the programs instead of trying to improve themselves (except for a small percentage that actually defy this number). I can speak the most on this subject because I have the most experience in this area, but I will just leave it at that even though these programs seem of good intention to help, they only add another shackle to the modern day zombie that walks this earth.

Now we can face this reality and realize that as much as we feel bad about what goes on...this is reality. We are in the minority when it comes to wanting to express our personal liberty, taking risk, and being accountable for our own actions...and this is not the fault of of fellow man...this is the fault of the people that keep us stuck in this race without us knowing it. The few at the top that want to stay where they are.

Now onto what I have been seeing here lately. People are complaining that Ron Paul isn't getting his fair coverage. Well he isn't, he never has, he probably never will. You have to look past that and realize that what I talked about before this is the most important part. We must start waking these people up from the decades of conditioning and start teaching them to be accountable for themselves. Let them make their own decisions. The MSM will not play fair because they are the 1% that doesn't want this to happen. Why would you expect them to give fair coverage? We are growing, they can't stop us. They can annoy us, but we have power in numbers.

NOW to the positive part. We have NUMBERS. The people at the top are limited when it comes to numbers. If we can wake enough people up we can make a real change. BUT it will take a lot of work...you will run into a lot of people that feel comfortable staying asleep. Imagine doing the same thing for 30 years. They are not going to want to wake up and do a complete 180 in their world. That will just prove them wrong. Our strength is in the young people, and the disgruntled individuals that have almost given up on America...the people who never got suckered into the drug to keep you walking around like a zombie in the rat race all day. So focus on that group and keep pushing.

This isn't a campaign...this is a revolution in its beginning stage that is just starting to get traction. It's a beautiful thing, and I'm glad to be a part of it.

