View Full Version : Come up with a strategy to combat the reasons people won't vote for Ron.

Deborah K
08-15-2011, 01:18 PM
I met and talked with a lot of people this past week and listened to what their reservations are about Ron. It's the usual stuff that's being propagated in the media: crazy ideas, not presidential, no chance, foreign policy. Each one of these issues needs to be addressed in a talking point, and brought up by us first. We need to face these objections head on.

The "not presidential" is a big one because the public has been trained to desire a hollywood-performing/movie-starish-looking candidate. His debating style and his overall appearance is enough for most to not even consider listening to his views or researching his record. It's pathetic, but this is our reality, and we ignore it at the peril of his chance to win.

We somehow have to parlay Ron's folksy, country doctor demeanor into an enticing presidential trait. We have to transform it from the pespective of weakness to one of strength. Our tubes, our literature, our discussions, all have to portray his demeanor, his policies, and his knowledge as being what the country needs. As Edward Bernays always emphasised, tell people what they need. The media has been doing it for decades. This is why I am so emphatic about doing tv ads, because this is where most people get their information. Ron Paul needs to become a household name. If the news media is going to ignore or dismiss him out of hand, then we must fill the void. Like it or not, we have to reach the unreachable to win this. This is our reality.

Your thoughts?

Deborah K
08-15-2011, 03:24 PM

08-15-2011, 03:39 PM
i just wrote a post that went quickly to the 2nd page on the understanding of there may be a lot of people who dont care about a candidates principaled or worthy nature of becoming POTUS.. they just want to know that the candidate can logistically beat obama..

I said one way to answer to that is that Ron has the ability to attract Inds and Dems in a way that others cant..

if Ron Paul can show them that he can logistically run against obama more people who blindly vote down the partyline would be more comfortable with him..

08-15-2011, 04:00 PM
"He's too old"

He's in better shape than McCain was when he won the GOP nomination. He's a medical doctor and takes excellent care of his health.
He also does the best with the young voters.

08-15-2011, 04:13 PM
1) Compare him directly to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
2) Explain he wants a stronger DEFENSE then the rest of the candidates.
3) Explain his brilliant record on forecasting future events with an emphasis on economy.

Deborah K
08-15-2011, 04:35 PM
"He's too old"

He's in better shape than McCain was when he won the GOP nomination. He's a medical doctor and takes excellent care of his health.
He also does the best with the young voters.

Oddly enough, his age didn't come up at all in my discussions about him last week.

08-15-2011, 04:47 PM
Let them know that Ron Paul places a higher value on the troops lives than all other candidates combined, and how the donations reflect upon that. He won't carelessly throw them into harms way on assumptions and what if's. Neoconservatism is a plague in the Republican party post 9/11. Iran seems to be the biggest issue for people who agree with him on most everything else. That has to be curbed by removing the fears. Iran is a simply a boogey man.

People need to be educated on our military capabilities in relation to 3rd world countries. They should be told about carrier fleets and how they are U.S. sovereign land, capable of being anywhere at anytime. About how our air force can be mobilized and anywhere in under 24 hours. We do not need bases in other countries. No country can invade the United States. It's impossible. It is true that the only one who can defeat America is America itself. The fear of Iran nuking Israel is a grand farce by the military industrial complex. It's highly unlikely that a country that has not attacked another nation in almost 200 years is hell bent on launching a nuclear weapon, full knowing they will be retaliated against, essentially committing national suicide. The irony is that a country that has been attacking sovereign nations is telling one that hasn't that they can't have a weapon.

People are just very uneducated on the Middle East and all things martial.

08-15-2011, 05:53 PM
"He wants Iran to have nukes"

He wants out of the UN, the organization that wants to disarm Iran just as it wants to disarm you.

Paul's is the only non UN alternative solution to Iran.


08-15-2011, 06:01 PM
If you are talking to any sports fan you can explain to them that all teams that win championships do it on DEFENSE and not because of their OFFENSE.

08-15-2011, 06:17 PM
If they dont vote for him you and an army of supporters will beat them down with 2x4s????

No but seriously...a couple of my best weapons and simple ones too.

Nearly all of Congress is a failure filled with the same ol liars and party line towbaggin rule makers...if they dont like Ron Paul...then he must be the right guy.[its easy to get people to agree with Congress being a failure and liars]

Then I point out the same idea basically with the media instead of Congress[usually pretty easy to get people to agree that the media is pretty bad]

I also tell them to listen to him about economics and foreign policy and compare that to the other candidates and I explain to them to make sure they take a good listen between them and it should be obvious to tell who the cardboard cutouts are.

hvac ak47
08-15-2011, 06:46 PM
combat this

"Ron Paul supported Barney Frank in calling for Defense Cuts including "Missile Defense."


So not only would RP allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon without consequences, but he would eliminate the missile defense shield leaving us completely vulnerable to any future long range missiles that Iran could develop allowing them to intimidate and use nuclear blackmail against ourselves and our allies."

08-15-2011, 07:08 PM
I bet Ron Paul can outjog his opponents, he regularly exercises and is proud of it.

08-15-2011, 08:45 PM
we're working on ronpaulmyths.com - search it

08-15-2011, 08:46 PM
This is a link to the RonPaulMyths thread for those of you who don't want to search it. (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?307959-New-Website-Ron-Paul-Myths.-Volunteers-needed!)

Chris from Upstate NY
08-15-2011, 09:08 PM
People need to be educated on our military capabilities in relation to 3rd world countries. They should be told about carrier fleets and how they are U.S. sovereign land, capable of being anywhere at anytime. About how our air force can be mobilized and anywhere in under 24 hours. We do not need bases in other countries. No country can invade the United States. It's impossible. It is true that the only one who can defeat America is America itself. The fear of Iran nuking Israel is a grand farce by the military industrial complex. It's highly unlikely that a country that has not attacked another nation in almost 200 years is hell bent on launching a nuclear weapon, full knowing they will be retaliated against, essentially committing national suicide. The irony is that a country that has been attacking sovereign nations is telling one that hasn't that they can't have a weapon.

People are just very uneducated on the Middle East and all things martial.

Great statement! This stuff has been driven into the minds of people by the media for so long and they just go with it. I really don't understand, are we as Americans that f*cking stupid. Really, are we? I mean I am no intelectual genius, so how can I see thru the bullshit and others can't? I dropped out of highschool to go into the workforce when I turned 18. These sheep that buy this circus crap up about Iran are supposed to be our educated superiors. I really don't get why more people can't wake up. I guess its because more important stuff is always going on. You know, like the new season of Jersey Shore is on now, pretty soon there will be a new iPhone available, and there is a new Call of Duty on the way. Makes me sick sometimes.

08-15-2011, 09:11 PM
Here's what I say...

"What if George Washington was too old to elect?"

"What if John F Kennedy was too old to elect?"

"What if Lincoln was too old to elect?"

etc etc. I usually make the statement that "it's the ideas that matter. Not age." and whatnot...

After I say that, it usually makes them "double think" about their position.