View Full Version : Ron Pauls next opening statement

stuntman stoll
08-15-2011, 08:23 AM
Ron Paul’s next opening statement -

[not sure how to start it]

*He takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves :cool:*

I’m the real deal. I was the Tea Party before there was a Tea Party.

When they were getting D’s in economics 101, I was writing books on Austrian Economics.

When they were campaigning for Jimmy Carter, I was one of 4 congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan on his second run.

When they were working for the Federal Reserve, I was trying to end it.

When they were working for the IRS, Managing a presidential campaign for Al Gore, instituting forced vaccinations in exchange for campaign donations, and signing into law the state version of Obamacare, I was the lone voice and Nay vote in opposition to much of the government expansion (13 lone no votes for those counting).

In the last election, who was predicting this economic mess? Who was questioning our unsustainable and unreasonable empire? Who was truly serious about slashing spending and eliminating taxes?

Now that the tides have changed, these Johnny-come-lately’s have had their fingers to the political wind and are now talking in GOP approved quasi-libertarian talking points and platitudes.
[not sure how to end it]

How's that?

08-15-2011, 08:25 AM
If he said that he would win the nomination.

08-15-2011, 09:03 AM
This would be absolutely incredible. This is the main difference between Ron and Rand. Ron is just so humble.

08-15-2011, 09:07 AM
Well Americans dont usually go for humble people.

08-15-2011, 09:07 AM
I'd donate $5,000 to the SuperPAC right now if I was given a guarantee that this would be his opening statement at the next debate.

08-15-2011, 09:14 AM
I'd donate $5,000 to the SuperPAC right now if I was given a guarantee that this would be his opening statement at the next debate.

I will find a way to match... Some one needs to have a talk with G-Ron.

08-15-2011, 09:23 AM
I'd prefer if he started out saying something like:

"I have received more donations from active military than all of the other Republican candidates combined!
The reason for that is because I'm the only candidate on this stage that believes that we should get out of all of these undeclared wars!
Our soldiers have agreed with me by donating to my campaign en masse."

08-15-2011, 09:34 AM
He could definitely win with this.
This is the exact thing i was mentioning in another thread about getting noticed to the general electorate.

End it with:
I'm Ron Paul, and we can Restore America NOW!

08-15-2011, 09:36 AM
You can give suggestions here: http://www.ronpaul2012.com/contact-us/

08-15-2011, 09:37 AM
He absolutely has to mention his record. I mean it's so fking frustrating when in the last debate every candidate was attacked for their flip floping on some issue during their career except Ron who got ignored in that round of questions. Why? Because they know his record is always consistent.

What he needs to say is:

"Hi, my name is Ron Paul and during my 30 year long career I have never voted for .. and I have always voted for .. and I challenge the moderators of tonight's debate to find a single issue in my entire career that I have flip flopped on."

08-15-2011, 09:38 AM
You can give suggestions here: http://www.ronpaul2012.com/contact-us/

Bullshit. It's a problem Ron first has to admit of having. And he wont, otherwise he'd have someone coaching him how to better convey his philosophy a long time ago or at least listened to and learned from Rand.

08-15-2011, 09:39 AM
It's not how Ron operates.

The Magic Hoof
08-15-2011, 09:44 AM
I'd sell all of my shit and donate it if he started getting hardcore like that. Seriously.

The Magic Hoof
08-15-2011, 09:46 AM
Actually, I'm really poor at the moment, but if Paul starts getting more hardcore soon, I give my PROMISE that I will sell some of my stuff and donate at least $500. $500 would be worth just hearing him tell everyone like it is!

08-15-2011, 10:01 AM
Ron Paul needs a Wake the F up speech that is about 10 minutes in length, firery as hell, and warning the people that we are sitting on the edge of a complete breakdown of the monetary system if they don't wake up. The choice is clear to those who seek greater understanding and a better way for all.

08-15-2011, 10:38 AM
It's not how Ron operates.

Bullshit. He's being a stubborn old fart unwilling to learn how to more effectively communicate his message. An analogy could be that he is still using paper mail instead of emails, sms, and tweets. Sure it works, but certainly not as fast and efficient as the state of the art technologies. Same goes for communicating when you use outdated techniques.

Like I said, he has to admit he has a problem in this area, otherwise nothing will ever change. I doubt this will ever happen, hence why I have already lost all hope for 2012 and am instead waiting and hoping for Rand's chance.

Chris from Upstate NY
08-15-2011, 11:15 AM
Bullshit. He's being a stubborn old fart

LMAO!!! I have to agree, the gloves need to come off. People are not affected by kind, gentle words anymore, they need someone to scream wake the f up! In the last debate when Santorum kept interupting him, he kept whispering "excuse me". I was getting so pissed for him. He was being such a dick, I was waiting for Ron to say Santorum shut up and let me respond! And wtf is with that dudes mouth? Why cant he ever close it? Its like he has a perma smile.

08-15-2011, 11:28 AM
LMAO!!! I have to agree, the gloves need to come off. People are not affected by kind, gentle words anymore, they need someone to scream wake the f up! In the last debate when Santorum kept interupting him, he kept whispering "excuse me". I was getting so pissed for him. He was being such a dick, I was waiting for Ron to say Santorum shut up and let me respond! And wtf is with that dudes mouth? Why cant he ever close it? Its like he has a perma smile.

I think Ron handled these interruptions brilliantly. At least for me personally he was oozing authority in these moments.
True statesman - a wave of his hand and the other guy shuts up.

08-15-2011, 11:37 AM
I think Ron handled these interruptions brilliantly. At least for me personally he was oozing authority in these moments.
True statesman - a wave of his hand and the other guy shuts up.

Usually a lurker. Had to login to say that I completely agree with this. It was like he used a Jedi mind trick on weak-minded Sanatorium Sanitarium Santorum (http://www.google.com/search?q=Sanatorium+&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#pq=sanatorium%20&hl=en&cp=5&gs_id=o&xhr=t&q=santorum&qe=c2FudG8&qesig=HbaQ6AFJcMITAFGrZ6xohw&pkc=AFgZ2tlAamvWMUZmMbjgxa2Mx7MkJAG3v5pcM_ZJPG1f78 VIl3nbThXWLpRsOUZ8ubLjVrCzI1zjCtqhinVnBqES9jKackc0 yA&pf=p&sclient=psy&client=firefox-a&hs=221&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=santo&aq=0&aqi=g5&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=af5f4f3fbb50940f&biw=1071&bih=1013).

08-15-2011, 12:10 PM
yeah i think he handled santorum beautifully... it was like some young jedi recruit trying to attack yoda and getting the force-smackdown. all it takes is one hand.

i do think ron needs to seriously... and very very aggressively... challenge mitt/bach/perry. he needs to call them out in the debates. call them all out for voting for all the spending they're railing against. let it be known what hypocrites they all are.

he has to do it. top-tier candidates have to play the game, and part of that game isn't pretty. if ron wants to stay in the top tier and really push for the nomination, if he is *really* in it to win it... he needs to go on the offensive.

i doubt people would look at him the way they do (as weak, unpresidential) if he were talking like he did in '88.

this next debate needs to be a coming-out party.

stuntman stoll
08-15-2011, 12:24 PM
yeah i think he handled santorum beautifully... it was like some young jedi recruit trying to attack yoda and getting the force-smackdown. all it takes is one hand.

i do think ron needs to seriously... and very very aggressively... challenge mitt/bach/perry. he needs to call them out in the debates. call them all out for voting for all the spending they're railing against. let it be known what hypocrites they all are.

he has to do it. top-tier candidates have to play the game, and part of that game isn't pretty. if ron wants to stay in the top tier and really push for the nomination, if he is *really* in it to win it... he needs to go on the offensive.

i doubt people would look at him the way they do (as weak, unpresidential) if he were talking like he did in '88.

this next debate needs to be a coming-out party.

Yes, he handled it great, but if it wasn't for Santorum making and ass of himself, no one would have really noticed Ron during and after that debate. With this opening, the debate would center on him, and he would stand out from everyone else.

08-15-2011, 12:43 PM
that's what i'm saying exactly... he needs to make waves. the headline after the next debate needs to be "was that ron paul?", "ron paul thrown off the gloves", "ron paul uses debate to attack bachmann's voting record", etc.

he needs to make sure that he stays in the news, and since performing well doesn't seem to earn us coverage, we gotta get nasty. make the next article about bachmann be a fact check on all the dirt ron threw up on her. the media loves a cage fight. we need to give them one, and ron needs to come off as someone people don't want to mess with. that will go a long way to getting over the "he's not presidential" argument. people seem to equate aggression with "presidentialness".

08-15-2011, 12:45 PM
Here's a rewrite of the OP's hoped-for statement, with others' suggestions incorporated. I have timed it and it took me 90 seconds to speak this at a normal pace:

Good evening, I'm Ron Paul. I was writing books on Austrian Economics when the other candidates were getting D's in Economics 101.

When they were working for the IRS and the Federal Reserve, I was working to end these leviathans. While they were managing presidential campaigns for Al Gore and Jimmy Carter, I was one of only four in congress who endorsed Ronald Reagan's 2nd run. While they were mandating deadly vaccinations in exchange for campaign donations from Big Pharma, selling state highways to foreigners and signing health care mandates into law, I was doing all I could to restrain the government from further expansion.

In the last election, who was predicting our economic mess? Who was questioning our unsustainable and unreasonable empire-building? Who was truly serious about slashing spending and eliminating taxes? And who was making fun of me for doing so.

Now, while these Johnny-come-lately’s are testing the political winds and spouting GOP approved quasi-libertarian talking points and platitudes, I have received more campaign donations from active military than all of them combined! More than Obama too! That's because I'm the only one on this stage who believes we should bring our troops home, and they have agreed with me by donating to my campaign en masse.

I'm Ron Paul, and I challenge the moderators tonight to find a single flip-flop in my entire political history. My fidelity to the Constitution has been impeccable.

John of Des Moines
08-15-2011, 12:52 PM
the op should be used as a basis of a pledge bomb.

Chris from Upstate NY
08-15-2011, 01:23 PM
Nice write up. The campaign really needs to see this. Ron needs to kick up the heat on these other candidates. Expose them for what they really are, not what the media dresses them up to be. Perry's recent comments on how he is a mix of RP and Bachmann make me sick.

stuntman stoll
08-15-2011, 03:37 PM
Could someone post this at the Daily Paul? Ron said that he reads that. I tried with no luck to create an account there.

Ron Paul's next debate opening statement:
“I’m the real deal. I was the Tea Party before there was a Tea Party.
When they/other candidates were getting D’s in economics 101, I was writing books on Austrian Economics.
When they were campaigning for Jimmy Carter, I was one of 4 congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan on his second run.
When they were working for the Federal Reserve, I was trying to end it.
When they were working for the IRS, Managing a presidential campaign for Al Gore, instituting forced vaccinations in exchange for campaign donations, and signing into law the state version of Obamacare, I was the lone voice and Nay vote in opposition to much of the government expansion (13 lone no votes for those counting).

In the last election, who was predicting this economic mess? Who was questioning our unsustainable and unreasonable empire? Who was truly serious about slashing spending and eliminating taxes?

Now that the tides have changed, these Johnny-come-lately’s have had their fingers to the political wind and are now talking in GOP approved quasi-libertarian talking points and platitudes.

I am not a chameleon. I am the real deal”

08-15-2011, 03:40 PM
awesome post, i doubt ron will alter his methods, but i have noticed that he does better when he is directly challenged and gets fired up...