View Full Version : Other: Issues he is incorrect about...

08-14-2011, 02:40 PM
Disclaimer: You have to have an average IQ or higher if you are to reply to this thread. (someone with below average IQ already demonstrated that he didn't understand this part)
I will provide links regarding certain issues to back up my statements here, unless you actually read what is in these links, do not reply to this thread.


I really like Ron Paul, as a person he seems to be a very genuine and honest man.
I don't see the usual narcissistic traits that many politicians exhibit.
His views on foreign policy and the war on drugs are areas I agree strongly with him on.
Despite this, there are several areas where he is completely ignorant and lost which makes me very undecided whether or not to support him...

I'd like to hear how his devote followers defend some of his positions or justify voting for him indespite of these issues if you too recognize them as wrong.


As a rational atheist my self, I do not have any pre-concieved notions regarding abortion.
There is simply no bias that affects my view on abortion, so obviously I am pro-choice.
The whole idea that life starts at conception is a lie, a lie that destroys the life of millions across the globe.
If you are going to be pro-life, you have to debunk this article first, if you cannot do this you are lying to yourself:


Now that we've proven that life does indeed not start at conception we can move onto the idea that different states should have the right to decide whether or not to recognize these facts.
The whole idea that random people, as long as they are the majority can somehow decide reality is mentally insane to say the least.

Where science can give us answers, we have to listen to science.
When science says that cutting off someones main artery will lead to their death, we can not throw a vote on whether this is or is not true and thus decide whether it's legal or not to kill someone...

Lastly, if different states where to have different laws this would cause a lot of confusion for people who move and travel from state to state.
A woman in state X would have to do the abortion in state Y etc.
Why this is retarded is self-explanatory...

Global Warming

The vast, vast majority of scientists in this field (who are the only ones who know the facts) agree that global warming is a fact.
It is already taking place and this decade has been the warmest in recorded history.
Every huge scientific body has independantly reached this conclusion.
Scientists predicted global warming and how it would take place detailed over 60 years ago.
That is science, you make a prediction and if you are right reality will show you...

Now there are unfortunately some people out there who are mentally handicapped and think that global warming is a conspiracy.
They often cite "Ph.D's", but fail to check that persons credential.
Often the person they are citing may have a PhD in English, which gives him no authority on climate change.
The consensus of scientists that are experts in this field is that global warming is occuringa nd that it is indeed man-made: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_opinion_on_climate_change#Scientific_co nsensus

Another failed product of nature on this website's chat thought that the e-mails that was hacked from a institute in the UK was somehow "proof" of a global conspiracy.
What he failed to realize was that the whole scandal was nothing but misinterpretation of the terminology scientists use.
This whole scandal was produced by Fox News with Glenn Beck leading the way.
If you want to understand what really was written in these letters check out this break down of it right here: http://youtu.be/tz8Ve6KE-Us

Another ill informed Ron Paul voter said that "even NASA doesnt believe in global warming anymore!"
Fact: they do... http://climate.nasa.gov/warmingworld

Now that we have established that global warming is indeed occuring some might still ask: "Well even if it does, why is it important to this election?!"

Because it is a global phenomena with unimaginable consequences and the US has one of the highest outputs of CO2 (yes CO2 cause global warming, go back to 5th grade if you disagree).
This means regulations on businesses and taxes on certain things that contribute to this have to be in place.
Ask the farmers of the US who is experiencing the worst draught in their memory how they feel and try to think of the bigger picture...
This will not only ruin the US, it will kill millions in the coming decades all over the world (take a look at Somalia right now).

So how can you still justify voting for a man who is so painfully uneducated that he thinks it's some sort of scam?


Ron Paul has stated more than once that he does not believe in evolution or atleast the real darwinian evolution and that he wants the states to decide whether the schools should teach evolution.
This displays an incredibly bad attitude and lack of respect for science.
The US needs more educated children that can bring this country back into order, not more worthless bible worshippers!
You cannot let states decide what to teach kids...
Plus the fact that he is so unaware of science is very, very scary.
I am no Obama-fan, but atleast Obama respects science and realize that science is the only reason we live like we do today and not like in the dark ages...

Gay Marriage

People are born gay just like people are born straight so why shouldn't they have the exact same rights and liberties as heterosexuals?
This might seem like a thrivial issue, but it is not, it affects around 5-10% of the population and cause stigma and misconceptions regarding gays.
Either everyone has the right to get married or none should have...
This again displays a severe lack of common sense on Ron Paul's part.

08-14-2011, 02:48 PM
- Abortion.
You really can't blame the guy on whatever views he holds. He has delivered 4,000 babies as an OB/GYN.

- Evolution
Yes, I disagree with him here. However, he has stated that he doesn't want the federal government dictating curriculums to the states as per the 10th amendment. The Constitution simply doesn't allow it. Further, I'd rather have the supposed inconvenience of the states deciding curriculums than the federal government. The federal government has a notorious record of fucking up every last thing they lay their hands on. The following graph begins when the Department of Education was founded.

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/226793_2018473428622_1447475096_2345565_4091159_n. jpg

- Gay Marriage
Ron Paul has stated that the state should have no role in marriage. He's stated that marriage should be a voluntary contract between a church and two individuals, and that it's none of the state's business if the church is willing to wed two men. Conversely, he also believes that a church should not be compelled to wed two men if it does not wish to.

08-14-2011, 02:53 PM
My IQ has been tested to be well above average so I guess I am disqualified from this debate.

08-14-2011, 02:54 PM
You've clearly demonstrated an inability to be respectful in the framing of your questions (you lost me at the ridiculous assumption that unless one buys your definition of evolution they are a worthless bible worshipper), so for me a response would be pretty pointless. All the best on your quest for truth....I hope you find the answers you're searching for. Ron Paul 2012.

08-14-2011, 02:54 PM
What rights do heterosexuals have that are being denied to homosexuals?

08-14-2011, 02:54 PM
- Abortion.
You really can't blame the guy on whatever views he holds. He has delivered 4,000 babies as an OB/GYN.

Yes, I can indeed blame the guy.
When his views are in contrast with REALITY, reality wins hands down, no discussions, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
The fact that he has delivered babies doesn't make him an expert on anything related to fetus development, it just makes matter all the more embarrassing for him.

- Evolution
Yes, I disagree with him here. However, he has stated that he doesn't want the federal government dictating curriculums to the states as per the 10th amendment. So really this is a moot point.
No it is not a moot point, fuck the 10th ammendment, we are no longer living in the 1700s.
Darwin discovered evolution in the 1800s and then we have to accept reality.
Unless the US is going to become like the middle-east, we do indeed need certain guidelines in place when it comes to education.

- Gay Marriage
Ron Paul has stated that the state should have no role in marriage. He's stated that marriage should be a voluntary contract between a church and two individuals, and that it's none of the state's business if the church is willing to wed two men. Conversely, he also believes that a church should not be compelled to wed two men if it does not wish to.

There are certain laws that follow from being married, so the church isn't whats important here.
I agree that churches who are delusional and believe in a sky daddy shouldn't be forced to wed people who their book tells them they should stone.
However then gays should be allowed to marry through the state... It's that simple

08-14-2011, 02:56 PM
There is evidence Ron Paul actually does believe in Evolution

On page 139 in his new book "Liberty Defined", Ron Paul writes about global warming/climate change. He writes: (emphasis mine)
Once the radicals realized that the decades-old rant on global warming was losing credibility because evidence was showing that temperatures may well be falling, they shifted their propoganda language to "climate change." Climate change has been going on for millions of years, but now it's all the fault of man's operating in a free market economy.
He also has a chapter titled "Evolution Versus Creationism" on page104 and in it he writes (emphasis mine):
No one person has perfect knowledge as to man's emergence on this earth...The creationists frown on the evolutionists, and the evolutionists dismiss the creationists as kooky and unscientific. Lost in this struggle are those who look objectively at all the scientific evidence for evolution without feeling any need to reject the notion of an all-powerful, all-knowing Creator. My personal view is that recognizing the validity of an evolutionary process does not support atheism nor should it diminish one's view about God and the universe.
I think the obvious implication is that he is one of those "lost in this struggle."
Not that his view on the subject really matters because he has stated dozens and dozens of times that he doesn't think this should ever be a political issue.

08-14-2011, 02:58 PM
Why should the state have anything to do with marriage whatsoever? They didn't until the last 100 years.

08-14-2011, 02:59 PM
You've clearly demonstrated an inability to be respectful in the framing of your questions (you lost me at the ridiculous assumption that unless one buys your definition of evolution they are a worthless bible worshipper), so for me a response would be pretty pointless. All the best on your quest for truth....I hope you find the answers you're searching for. Ron Paul 2012.

"My definition of evolution" there is no personal definition of evolution, there is only one evolution, the one you can observe in any laboratory....
I feel sorry for people like you and I actually think this is why you are pro-life, because subconsciously you recognize that you should have been aborted if people knew how idiotic you would turn out...

08-14-2011, 03:00 PM
Why should the state have anything to do with marriage whatsoever? They didn't until the last 100 years.

Personally I would agree in a perfect society we wouldn't need any intervention with regards to marriage.
However when it comes to what happens after a divorce etc. certain laws have to be in place...

08-14-2011, 03:02 PM
Banned in record time.

08-14-2011, 03:03 PM

08-14-2011, 03:03 PM
Banned. Telling someone that they should have been aborted *probably* violates forum guidelines. :rolleyes: