View Full Version : Hypothetical - Bachmann as Hillary and Paul as Obama re: Ames

08-14-2011, 12:42 PM
I posted this on Facebook about the results yesterday. I thought this might be a good talking point to use with friends to get them to see that there is a clear mainstream media bias going on, and that Obama was never really the Obama they thought he was.

"To recap. Bachmann:

1) was born in Iowa
2) lives nextdoor in Minnesota
3) leads in the polls in Iowa
4) was predicted to be the front runner and winner from the beginning
5) forced voters to vote for her in exchange for a free $30.00 vote in order to see Country Music singer Randy Travis play in her tent

and still only won by 152 votes. Now, imagine if Paul had won. The poll would be have been worthless and all of the talk would be on Parry and Bachmann's incredible second place finish. Alas, Bachmann gets millions of dollars of free publicity for the win, and Paul gets ignored as usual. Let's go a little further and say it was 2008 and instead of Bachmann winning, it was Hillary winning. And instead of Ron Paul finishing 152 votes shy, it was Obama finishing 152 votes shy. Do any of you sincerely believe that Hillary would have gotten 90% of the coverage the next day? No way! It would have been sold as an amazing virtual tie between Hillary and Obama, and people would have said Obama has a real chance to win Iowa because Hillary had a famous country music singer in her tent, was born in Iowa, lived next door in Minnesota, and was leading in the polls nationally. Oh, and Hillary gave out 6,000 tickets while Obama gave out only 5,000 and got far more bang for his buck. See? Of course this would be the story. That's why Obama was never really Obama to begin with. And that is why Ron Paul is the REAL agent of change."

08-14-2011, 04:33 PM
tis mirror/mirror??? not left/right??
this february to may/june contest?