View Full Version : I have an idea for a promotional tool but I need some help

08-14-2011, 09:42 AM
First, I need a list of the following dirt on all other 2012 candidates.

#1. List of broken campaign promises for previous races. Getting Obama's was easy. He has a politifact ticker on his broken promises. I need Romney, Perry, and Bachmann at minimum.

#2. Need a list of lobbyist campaign dollars for each candidate. Including Obama.

#3. Need a list of campaign debt run up by other candidates at the end of their last campaign.

#4. I need to know who is the best video graphic artist on RPF to help me with this project. Will require some ripping of video, inserts of candidate remarks, and digital graphic animation. I've never even made a youtube video, but this idea woke me up last night, and I need to implement it. The vision of these video ads was crystal clear in color and stereo in my dream, and when I woke up to write them down, the ideas became even more vivid with detail.

08-14-2011, 09:50 AM
#4. I need to know who is the best video graphic artist on RPF to help me with this project. Will require some ripping of video, inserts of candidate remarks, and digital graphic animation.
I'm definitely not the best editor here, but I'm totally willing to help if you can't find anyone else.

08-14-2011, 10:16 AM
I'm definitely not the best editor here, but I'm totally willing to help if you can't find anyone else.

Thanks. Need to keep the details low profile for now.

I'm pretty good at self teaching. Can you tell me what program I need to make videos and to cut clips from other videos?

08-14-2011, 10:42 AM
This sounds like a good idea.

08-14-2011, 11:29 AM
So far on Romney, I have only one broken campaign promise. In Massachusettes, he promised to improve the economy and create jobs.

Instead, MA's unemployment rate rose 4.7% even as it's population decreased from emigration during his term.

I need more.

08-14-2011, 11:33 AM
This is something (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAsAxBdC3XE), don't know how effective it would be for most people though.

08-14-2011, 11:33 AM
I've got eight for Rick Perry just as TX governor from here... http://salon.glenrose.net/default.asp?view=plink&id=1845

Need more Romney. He's trying to run as a promise keeper. He flip flops on his views and is well documented on that, but seems he is slick about avoiding making any promises in the first place. I need broken promises for my RP promotion.

08-14-2011, 11:35 AM

08-14-2011, 11:36 AM
This is something (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAsAxBdC3XE), don't know how effective it would be for most people though.

He didn't make any promise there. He avoided a question. I need specific broken promises. Now, had he said as a candidate for governor that he would not go after Medical MJ, but then as a governor had proceeded with DEA arrests as usual, that would be something. The man is slick.

08-14-2011, 11:38 AM

That's better. Some good gems on that one.

08-14-2011, 05:57 PM
Finally found some dirt on Romney. Had to go to a liberal site to do it. He made a ton of promises to the environmentalists in MA to do some real preservation and environmental incentives. He never did any of them. 10 broken promises from one subject. http://mass-sierra.blogspot.com/2006/10/broken-promises-speech-by-chapter.html

08-14-2011, 08:11 PM
Came across this on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l_Mk87f0Xgw):

A Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Huffington Post with three separate federal agencies reveals that on at least 16 separate occasions, Bachmann petitioned the federal government for direct financial help or aid. A large chunk of those requests were for funds set aside through President Obama's stimulus program, Bachmann made two more of those requests to the Environmental Protection Agency, an institution that she has suggested she would eliminate if she were in the White House.
timplot43 21 minutes ago

08-14-2011, 08:14 PM
Also, the video I linked to mentions that George W. Bush campaigned for Michelle Bachmann in 2006.

08-14-2011, 08:33 PM
Came across this on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l_Mk87f0Xgw):

That's a good start. What I need is situations for each of the above listed candidates where they received money from special interests or government subsidies and Ron Paul has never gotten anything similar.

08-14-2011, 08:47 PM
I need any dirt in which all of the competition is guilty, but Ron Paul is squeaky clean. Campaign promises is one. Junkets is one, but not really strong enough because most Junkets are assumed to be a free visit back to your congressional district for meetings with constituents. Particularly Dirty PACs is one I'd like to see. I tried money from self identified lobbyists in campaign donations, but Paul is not clean on that one. Campaign debt is a good one, but need help compiling the numbers. Open Secrets covers national races, but not governorships.

08-14-2011, 08:53 PM
I tried money from self identified lobbyists in campaign donations, but Paul is not clean on that one.


08-14-2011, 09:02 PM
I'm pretty good at self teaching. Can you tell me what program I need to make videos and to cut clips from other videos?
Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere Elements, and (to a lesser extent) Windows Movie Maker should all work. If you need any help learning something specific, I may be able to help. All the best to you!

08-14-2011, 09:04 PM


08-14-2011, 09:06 PM
Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere Elements, and (to a lesser extent) Windows Movie Maker should all work. If you need any help learning something specific, I may be able to help. All the best to you!

Okay. I've been reading some tutorials. All I have right now is Window's Movie Maker. How do I get movie content from a news video online? Can I pull from Youtube? How?

08-14-2011, 09:08 PM

08-14-2011, 09:25 PM
Why I will never vote for Michelle Bachmann by Devvy August 11, 2011

Michelle Bachmann [R - MN] is a current member of the Outlaw Congress. She's become the darling of the right - in particular, the Tea Party folks.
Quite frankly, she scares me to death as a loose cannon who speaks of nothing but more Band Aids. I would love to debate her on the issues any day of the week - especially on taxation and our monetary system. On her web site, she says she understands, having been a tax attorney, how complicated the tax code is, blah, blah, blah.

Bachmann, a former Democrat who worked to get Jimmy Carter elected, was a hired gun for the IRS as a DOJ attorney prosecuting Americans. She trumpets we need "simplification of the tax code". More meaningless drivel. No where does she take on abolishing the privately owned "Federal" Reserve and it's feeding artery, the IRS. It's apparent she knows next to nothing about our monetary system and the catastrophic mess building to a crescendo.

She was elected to the Outlaw Congress and sworn in January 2007. In June 2007, Congressman Ron Paul, introduced a bill to kill the beast: Abolish the Federal Reserve. Bachmann did not support it and for that alone, she isn't qualified to be president because she has no understanding of the key mechanism destroying this country. Without the "FED" the Outlaw Congress would not be able to borrow the trillions it whizzes away in unconstitutional spending.

Despite millions of Americans hounding the outlaws in the Congress to abolish the "FED", there were no cosponsors to Ron Paul's critical bill. We are paying the price today and for many years to come. No candidate should go to the White House unless he has a complete understanding of our monetary system and why the central bank must be abolished so he can hammer on his party to get the job done. So far, none of them have the guts to take on the international money cartels. A fatal mistake for which we the people are paying dearly.

Bachmann is pro life and does not support the agenda of sexual deviants (homosexuals and lesbians). For that she has gained the support of conservatives. As my regular readers of my columns know, I am and always have been for the sanctity of life and against killing unborn babies. I've also been very active in stopping the promotion of the filth of sodomy practiced by homosexuals and the gross sexual preferences of lesbians. I will never vote for a candidate for any office that supports killing unborn babies or supports sexual deviants.

However, those two things do not make her qualified to be president.

Michelle Bachmann is a war monger who apparently has zero understanding of the under pinnings of the global elite and the endless "wars of liberation" or the nebulous "war on terror". Bachmann has no concern the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan are illegal and immoral. For her, war is the way. Only the U.S. Congress has the power to declare war; something she chooses to ignore.

June 29, 2011, National Public Radio (NPR)
“ ... it appears for President Obama that he is acting more on political strategy than military strategy. That's very concerning, because it also seems that this is more the Obama-Biden plan for early withdrawal, as opposed to the Petraeus plan.”

“Gen. Petraeus, who's in charge of winning the war effort in Afghanistan, understands that we need to win the war on terror. We must never forget that 9/11 was hatched in the caves and the mountains of Afghanistan. The Taliban has a presence there. Al-Qaida has a presence there. We must defeat them in their backyard. And it's important that Gen. Petraeus and Gen. Allen have the resources that they need to be successful in southern Afghanistan and then also in eastern Afghanistan ... ”
“ ... I think that the president needs to follow what the advice is to be successful. Let me tell you this: As president of the United States, I would — knowing that we have a war hero like Gen. Petraeus — I would call Gen. Petraeus into my office. We would have a very short conversation. It would be something like this: It would be, "General, how quickly can we conclude the war in Afghanistan?" No. 2, "What do you need?" And I would, I would trust his judgment. He wrote the book on counterinsurgency. He turned around the war effort in Iraq. We need to trust him on Afghanistan. Simply because he's demonstrated results. With the resources he's had, he's demonstrated positive results, particularly in southern Afghanistan. But let's remember, if we pull out now, we could cause all of the advances we've made to collapse. And we have to remember, the greatest treasure we've expended in Afghanistan has been the blood of our soldiers. Not to mention the resources of the American people to be able to provide the assets required.”

"We must never forget that 9/11 was hatched in the caves and the mountains of Afghanistan." She actually believes such nonsense.

We invaded a non threatening country to chase the al-Qaeda bogey man. Bachmann couldn't find her mascara without a written set of instructions, but you would put her in charge as commander in chief to continue this insanity of endless wars?

"No fewer than nine times over the past decade, Western powers have deployed noble rhetoric, soldiers and taxpayer dollars in the service of nation-building. And no fewer than nine times, they have, to one degree or another, failed to build stable, self-sustaining nations. The litany consists of Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Liberia, Afghanistan and Iraq. The best one could say is that they are works in progress. The worst: Too many of them still can't function on their own and continue to pose threats to their own citizens as well as U.S. national interests." Morton Abramowitz and Heather Hurlburt correctly pointed out in a July 12, 2004
It has only gotten worse. Not to mention no where in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize our military to be used for "nation building." No where in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize raping we the people to pay for invasions of non threatening countries to build schools, hospitals and get bogged down in tribal disputes. Apparently, Bachmann didn't get the message from James Madison.

Voted NO on investigating Bush impeachment for lying about Iraq. (Jun 2008). For the party faithful who scoff at such an idea, open your mind and read, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, by Vincent Bugliosi. For those unfamiliar with that name, Bugliosi successfully prosecuted Charles Manson for the Tate/LaBianca murders. It is painful to discover you've been lied to - especially for the families of our dead military. And, please save the hate mail that I don't support our military. My husband, John, is a retired U.S. Army Colonel who spent 27 years in uniform.

Voted YES on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009). More borrowed money down the crapper.

Voted YES on promoting free trade with Peru (Nov 2007) to kill more American jobs.

Has she ever introduced a bill to get us out of job killing, unconstitutional treaties like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT & out of the sovereignty killing WTO? No.

Bachmann voted yes for the Patriot Act. She voted to continue shredding the Bill of Rights, our freedom and liberty.

Endorsed as small-government, low-tax "Mama Grizzly". (Nov 2010) - Meaningless drivel for public consumption. Make me gag.

Put hard earned money back in taxpayers’ pockets. (Nov 2006) - Campaign rhetoric we've all heard for decades.

Has she ever introduced a bill to abolish the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education? No Has she ever introduced a bill to abolish the unconstitutional EPA? No.

Has she ever introduced a bill to stop all unconstitutional foreign aid to any country? No.

Has she ever introduced a bill to stop the unconstitutional rape of we the people by giving money to the IMF or get us out of evil, international financial agreements like Bretton Woods? No. I doubt she even knows what Basel II is and why it has been deadly for we the people.

In September 2007, Congressman Ron Paul introduced H.R. 3664: Tax Free Tips Act of 2007. That bill would have exempted tips for service workers, waiters and waitresses federal tax dragoons. Many seniors work in the service industry as well as students trying to get through school. I did what I could to spread the word, urging people to pound on Congress to get it passed.

Did Bullhorn Bachmann support such an important bill that would help those who really need to keep their all their tips? No.

In May 2011, Ron Paul again has introduced a bill to do the same thing: H.R. 1139: Tax Free Tips Act of 2011.

Has Bachmann stepped up to the plate as a cosponsor? No. That's just the short list. So, explain to me how she's for the working guy or gal?

Can you imagine - in this climate of economic destruction not one single member of the U.S. Congress or candidate is supporting a bill to help those who make minimum wage and depend on their tips? The big SEIU (Service Workers International Union) also did not supportthe first bill in 2007, a bill that would have greatly benefited their workers. Instead, they pushed to elect a stinking Marxist to the White House.

Bachmann barks about Obama/Soetoro as her bread and butter staple. But she also gets bread and butter from farm subsidies:

"Liberal site Truthdig links to an Environmental Working Group analysis of federal agricultural subsidies and found that the Bachmann family farm, managed by her father-in-law until his recent death, received $251,000 in farm payments between 1995 and 2006. Bachmann’s financial disclosure forms indicate her stake in the Wisconsin farm is worth up to $250,000. Her income from the farm has grown from $2,000 a year a few years back to as much as $50,000 for 2008. Truthdig calls her a "Welfare Queen": "Bachmann's family farm received $251,973 in federal subsidies between 1995 and 2006."

Michele Bachmann - A Banker In Populist’s Clothing
"Received an email this morning from a Minnesotan, expressing his embarrassment over Michele Bachmann’s response to the State of the Union Address. I went to YouTube to see what she had to say and fully understand his embarrassment. The Congresswoman is preaching the gospel of getting rid of those regulations that are left (apparently she is simply ignoring the recent financial meltdown and the lack of regulation that caused it) and trusting in lassiez faire, Wall Street and the big corporations. If we do that, she says, everything will be just fine. Or at least a whole lot better.

"Just for kicks, I went to OpenSecrets.org to find out who Ms. Bachmann’s biggest contributors are. At the very top, is what appears to be a “grass roots” organization called the “Club for Growth.” Never heard of them? Neither had I. "Here's a little about the “Club,” which is nothing more than a front for Wall Street.
“Chaired by prominent Wall Street investors like Thomas Rhodes and Richard Gilder, as well as the wealthy and reclusive Howie Rich, the Club collects funds from employees of J.P. Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, while being buoyed by large donations like a $1.4 million contribution from investor Stephen Jacksons of Stephens Groups Inc. The hand-picked candidates of the Club claim to lead the tea party movement, even though polls show that 70% of self identified tea partiers want the government to help create jobs, and nearly half want government to rein in executive bonuses.” -ThinkProgress.org

"Since 1989, the Club for Growth has been Congresswoman Bachman’s biggest contributor, donating $92,630 to her campaigns. TCF Financial, is her third largest contributor, at $40,900. Somewhat farther down the ladder is the American Bankers Association, which kicked in another $24,000.

"Imagine that." Sleeping with the enemy.

And, last but not least: Like the rest of the gutless cowards, Michelle Bachmann sat mute on January 9, 2009, and allowed the electoral college vote to be accepted making the thug from Chicago our putative president.

Bachmann didn't have the guts to stand up for the U.S. Constitution and in fact, has shown her ignorance by stating Obama/Soetoro is constitutionally qualified to be president since he released his "real" long form birth certificate that is an obvious forgery on April 27, 2011. Like so many others in the Outlaw Congress, she has no understanding of 'natural born citizen' and has taken the girlie way out by tucking tail. But, Obama/Soetoro is good for the campaign trail.

Lloyd Green recently penned an op-ed piece for FoxNews.com: Michele Bachmann's Reverence for the Constitution Deserves Praise, Not Scorn. He wrote: "Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s love of the U.S. Constitution and her devotion to constitutional conservatism are being met with derision by the usual suspects. In the July 5, 2011 issue of The New Republic, Bachmann’s commitment to the Constitution is attacked because it is grounded in the view that constitutional government is necessarily limited government. Bachmann deserves praise, not scorn."
Here's a news flash for Green: I am not one of the "usual suspects". As an independent voter since 1996, I don't give a tinker's dam about the two parties except how they both have destroyed this country.

I am opposed to Bachmann as a candidate because she doesn't understand the Constitution or chooses to ignore it when it suits her purposes. As a matter of fact, the mere idea of her sitting in the Oval Office scares me as much as Palin.

I don't know Michelle Bachmann, but I know her kind. She is an opportunist of average intelligence, but lots of "people appeal". I'm sure that will outrage her supporters, but either they don't understand how government systems and programs work or they simply choose to ignore the fact that Michelle Bachmann has done little towards backing up her big mouth.

rest at http://www.devvy.net/pdf2/august2011/no_bachmann_081111.pdf


08-14-2011, 09:30 PM
How do I get movie content from a news video online? Can I pull from Youtube? How?
Using YouTube videos is probably the way to go. I've not experimented with other video sites. I use Keepvid (http://keepvid.com) to download YouTube videos.

08-14-2011, 09:31 PM
rest at http://www.devvy.net/pdf2/august2011/no_bachmann_081111.pdf


Rev 9... Thanks. I'll look into and see who else has taken money from Club for Growth. That should be enlightening. They are pretty much the PAC of the Federal Reserve's member banks, is that right?

08-14-2011, 10:06 PM

08-15-2011, 08:12 AM

You need to be more specific when asking questions. Perhaps quoting the post you need clarification on.

08-15-2011, 09:21 AM



Hope those help.

08-15-2011, 10:40 AM
Rev 9... Thanks. I'll look into and see who else has taken money from Club for Growth. That should be enlightening. They are pretty much the PAC of the Federal Reserve's member banks, is that right?

They seem disguised on the webs. They did have pull on the last fed res nomination by Obamba. They have a bunch of Wall St financier linkage. There are many "watch" type sites that decry various of their policies. I think them a case of trojan horse espousing certain conservative positions but not advocating the rest to draw power of support.


08-15-2011, 05:55 PM
Rev 9... Thanks. I'll look into and see who else has taken money from Club for Growth. That should be enlightening. They are pretty much the PAC of the Federal Reserve's member banks, is that right?


08-15-2011, 06:31 PM

I don't know. I'm asking. Do you know who the PAC that represents the most Wallstreet banks is?

08-16-2011, 02:38 AM
I am not sure what you mean...PACs support candidates or ideas, not businesses, AFAIK. Club for Growth PAC supports candidates that best line up with their thinking on spending, taxes, etc. They aren't perfect (see: free trade) but they are pretty good, going for lower taxes and less spending, generally.

Matthew Zak
08-16-2011, 03:14 AM
Thanks. Need to keep the details low profile for now.

I'm pretty good at self teaching. Can you tell me what program I need to make videos and to cut clips from other videos?

http://www.clipconverter.cc <-- rip youtube videos.

Adobe Premiere Pro 4.0 is what I use:

