View Full Version : Why do we need multiple parties?

The Magic Hoof
08-11-2011, 10:10 PM
Ok, so I admit, I'm ignorant about a lot of things in politics but I'm learning new stuff every day. But my question here is, why do we have multiple parties? Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, etc?

Because the way I look at it is..... there aren't really too many ways to look at and interpret the constitution, so all of this fighting against opposing parties is unnecessary.

08-11-2011, 10:11 PM
Ok, so I admit, I'm ignorant about a lot of things in politics but I'm learning new stuff every day. But my question here is, why do we have multiple parties? Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, etc?

Because the way I look at it is..... there aren't really too many ways to look at and interpret the constitution, so all of this fighting against opposing parties is unnecessary.

It really shouldn't be.

But it is.

08-11-2011, 10:14 PM
It is how the ruling elite stack the deck with two acceptable candidates and prevent a small government constitutionalist from getting any coverage. That is until now.

The Magic Hoof
08-11-2011, 10:17 PM
Well I mean, even way back when in the 1800s you had republicans and democrats I think. What happened with that?

08-11-2011, 10:27 PM
Because it is very easy for a multitude of parties to eventually coalesce into just two parties as the smaller ones adopt the other parties' views to attract more voters. Survival of the fittest.

08-11-2011, 10:33 PM
Because it is very easy for a multitude of parties to eventually coalesce into just two parties as the smaller ones adopt the other parties' views to attract more voters. Survival of the fittest.

I think the point is,,Why should there be "parties" at all?

There shouldn't. There should be candidates, evaluated on their own positions and merits.

08-11-2011, 10:34 PM
Why do we need multiple parties?

Because they get a taint on them like they have now.

Once people catch on they are being given the choice between globalist shill Kang or globalist shill Kodos they start catching on to things like there is no difference between a Bush and a Obama.

Here is list of the presidents and their parties. How about those Whigs? Or how about those Democratic-Republican's.


08-11-2011, 10:46 PM
The Magic Hoof,

Someone posted much the same observation as you on Fark.com. It went like this;

06Lion: Even as the Titanic continues to sink, you frickin' partisan hacks are still standing on deck, pointing fingers at each other. You're morons. Both parties did this. They were all elected by you, so you have skin in the game too. If you didn't vote, shut your trap and be thankful we don't lock you down in the boiler rooms.

Phil Moskowitz says,


08-11-2011, 11:06 PM
I think the point is,,Why should there be "parties" at all?

There shouldn't. There should be candidates, evaluated on their own positions and merits.

Yes, in an ideal world. But eventually, people will form groups that pull their votes together in an effort to have a better chance to win elections. To grow that group, the ideas and issues get muddied down into a least common denominator. Most times, these are social issues because people understand those more than the complex socio-economic issues that we also have to deal with. Political parties are inevitable, unfortunately.

08-12-2011, 01:12 AM
When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and our Highest Documents, they had a Clean Slate. They could have chosen to implement ANY type of Government they wanted.

When Benjamin Franklin left the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, a woman asked him "Sir, what have you given us?" to which he replied "A Republic, Ma'am, if you can Keep it."

The United States was designed to be a Republic, with some Democratic traces. A Republic restricts the Mob Rule, and the Democratic Traces were instilled to allow us to have a certain measure of control over who actually represents the People. It is also why we have an Electoral College instead of directly electing a President. Having traces of two different types of government is what caused the two different parties to be created. The Republicans were supposed to reflect the Republic side of the nature of our system of Government, and the Democrats were supposed to reflect the Democratic properties that were also implemented.


When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they envisioned that the Legislative Branch would be the foundation of the government. There was a great deal of discussion and arguing over its structure. Eventually, the Great Compromise was reached dividing Congress into two houses - the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate was created to satisfy the demands of the smaller states for equal representation among the states. The House, with its membership based on population, was formed to satisfy the larger states who wanted equal representation for its citizens.

The Senate is the upper house of Congress and has one hundred members - two from each state. Senators serve six-year terms and must be thirty years old, have been a citizen of the United States for nine years, and must be a resident of the state where they were elected. Every two years, one-third of the Senate comes up for re-election. These rotating elections help to maintain stability in this more distinguished house of Congress.

The vice-president is the president of the Senate. As president of the Senate, the vice-president decides who will speak to the Senate and casts a deciding vote when a tie occurs. However, the vice-president is not a member of the Senate and does not participate in debates about bills. The true leadership in the Senate is held by the floor leaders. Each of the two political parties has a leader. The majority leader is appointed from the party holding the most seats in this house of Congress. He or she works with the minority leader to set the agenda for the Senate. In addition, each party also has whips who assist the leaders by informing other members of the Senate about upcoming bills and encouraging their party members on how to vote for particular bills.

This is far from the system of Government that we have today. The Republicans do not reflect the way a Republic Government operates, and the Democrats do not represent our Democratic side. What we have today is akin to an Oligarchy, which is a Rule by a Few. Most of the people that we have in the Senate or the House of Reps are there for their own personal selfish interests, and constantly war with members of their opposing parties to satisfy their own greedy self interests, at our expense.

We may as well call our two party system to be what they really are, where the Republicans play the part of the Mafia Morello Crime Family, and the Democrats play the part of the Gambino Mafia Crime Family.

I believe that we have lost every measure of control over our Government because we have absolutely no possible way to hold anyone in Congress responsible and accountable for their actions. Our measure of control is completely limited by voting them out of office when election time comes, however, when the Elections do roll around, the Crime Families simply put up several Members of their own Mafia Families up there and see which one of them the people like the best. You could vote for Larry, Barry, Harry, or Gary, but they are all of them Corrupt even before they are elected. We are not offered a choice, we are offered the Illusion of Choice, which satisfies the demands of most people who dont really understand what is really going on. As a result, simply being able to replace one Corrupted Member of Congress with another Corrupted Member of Congress is completely ineffective as the only measure of control that balances the Power of the People with the Power of Congress.

What I believe we need is to allow the People to be able to charge ANY elected official with the Crimes that we believe that they have committed, and to be able to remove them from office before the end of their term with a Vote of No Confidence. What we currently have is a system which takes care of itself. If someone is accused of committing a crime against another member, that is the ONLY time that we see officials step down from their positions of power. Thus, they hold the power of even hold themselves accountable, and that is only to each other and not to the people. The biggest criminals hide themselves deep within the protections offered by the Mafia Families of our Government. Once they are in Office, they are protected. They need to be held accountable for their actions. If they commit crimes against the People, they need to be Charged with High Crimes and Put on Trial, and if found guilty by the People of the Charge of High Crimes Against the People, be responsible for paying their Debt to Society to whom they have wronged. Their Political Power is given to them by the People and when the People decide that they have had enough of their abuses of their Power, the People will Reserve the Right to Remove that Power from ANY Elected Official. The need to be held to abide to the same Laws which Govern us. There should not be two sets of books, nor two sets of Laws, nor two classes of people, those who can be charged with violation of this law and those who can violate what ever laws they want to at will. We all need to play by the same sets of rules. The Power of the Government is derived from the Concent of the Governed. However, they do not believe that they (the Congressional Mafia Crime Families) derive their Power from our Concent. And there isnt a whole lot that we can do when we publicly revoke our Concent of who Governs us.

This needs to be rebalanced so that neither the People, nor the Government can hold absolute power over the other. We need to restore a System of Balance of Power to our Form of Government.

The Terms Republicans and Democrats are merely Labels, and Members of Both Parties do NOT reflect the Initial Values of their Respected Parties.

(Respected: The use of this word does not mean that I am personally expressing respect for those parties. The word "Respected" is an organizational term used to Group by Order when two or more lists are provided. For example, John, Larry, and Frank met their wives, Sue, Lisa, and Heather, at the Pizza Parlor, Library and Theater, Respectively. This means that the First item of the First List will correspond with the First item of every other list provided. Thus, John's wife is Sue, and they met at the Pizza Parlor, since each of them followed the same organizational pattern of being first on the list. Larry's wife is Lisa and they met at the Library (play on capital L's there), this grouping is by the Second Item in the List. Likewise, Frank's wife is Heather, and they met at the Theater, being the third item in the list. Without using the word Respective, the structure of the sentence could allow for any of the men to be married to any of the women and could have met at any of the places. This is just English Language Structuring, and not showing an individual "respect" referring to honoring their values, this is organizational structure.)

08-12-2011, 05:36 AM
It is because we have a winner takes all election system in the United States. This is what makes it so hard for third parties to evolve. If any third party got big enough, then two of the three parties would just combine and they would win.

The party is just a brand name. It is a way of making it easier on the voters to decide on election day so they do not actually have to research the candidates. With the brand you have an idea of what you are getting.

If you vote on judges with no party you have to actually do some research on them to find where they stand on things. This usually takes 5 minutes of your time which most voters are not willing to spend on the most important thing they do on election day.

08-12-2011, 09:10 AM
How else are you going to get people so fired up over issues that never change like abortion and gay marriage that they don't notice when warmongers and other corporatists steal the nation right out from under We, the People and trash the Constitution? Can't do that without parties, can you?

08-12-2011, 09:14 AM
Ok, so I admit, I'm ignorant about a lot of things in politics but I'm learning new stuff every day. But my question here is, why do we have multiple parties? Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, etc?

Because the way I look at it is..... there aren't really too many ways to look at and interpret the constitution, so all of this fighting against opposing parties is unnecessary.

Both parties do the same thing with the Constitution anyway. So that's not it.

Look at them as coalitions of politicians who agree to act for one another's mutual benefit.