View Full Version : Compromise VS. Conviction

08-10-2011, 09:21 PM
Would you actively campaign for a candidate that differs from the Ron Paul platform who is running for your senate, congressional, state senate/house, governor, mayor, etc.?

How many major policy differences(ex. tax policy, strict 10th amendment, strict following other bill of rights, foreign policy, drug prohibition, etc.) can that candidate have before you will not consider either campaigning or donating to said candidate?

Please choose how many differences are acceptable to you before you will stop actively supporting a candidate(not presidential candidate, only statewide or lower office).

08-10-2011, 09:33 PM
After thinking about it, I should have made this a percentage poll, easier to think in percentage terms, I think. Can a mod modify that?

I would accept about 80-85% before I would no longer actively support a candidate, which i think is around 3 or 4 differences.

08-10-2011, 09:37 PM
It depends on what the differences are. Some issues I am a must on while others I can let slide. They do not all have the same value to me and the way I value issues will differ from others.

I will say however that I am VERY principled anymore. Many issues are non negotiable for me.

08-10-2011, 09:43 PM
I will say however that I am VERY principled anymore. Many issues are non negotiable for me.

I have found I am actually going the other direction. If we had 200 members in congress that were 80-85% like Ron Paul, we'd be in much better shape than having 20 who are 95-99% similar.

We need to start working on winning the primaries for those 80-85% folks, if no 95-99% people are running, IMO.