View Full Version : Ron Paul Mentioned on Kevin & Bean

11-01-2007, 10:02 PM
Ok, strange things happen when youre a Ron Paul fan, but now I hear Ron Pauls name mentioned where I would never expect it to. Ive very rarely heard anything remotely political on the Kevin & Bean morning show here in LA but now twice in a week Ron Paul has been mentioned. The first was when Joe Rogan came into the studio and called Ron Paul the most interesting one. Then today on the way to work "http://www.nevergetbusted.com/abcspeech.php"> this guy was on and started explaining about his life as a cop and how he would profile people for Marijiana arrests and the fact that there are 1.1 million orphaned children in this country because their parents are in jail for non-violent drug offenses. He was explaining how not to get busted for pot. This subject matter is very interesting to KROQs audience. Halfway through the interview i was thinking, 'this guy sounds like a potential Ron Paul supporter' A cop against drug laws. He mentioned that there were thousands of other cops who agreed with him. Towards the end of the interview he said. " and Ron Paul.. if elected would END the war on drugs!"

I was sitting in the parking lot at work listening to it and I cheered in my car so loud I got a few strange looks :)

11-01-2007, 10:14 PM
Yeah, that ex-cop you're talking about is going to be speaking at the Liberty Forum (http://www.freestateproject.org/libertyforum/2008/speakers) (Barry Cooper, top right) in NH. He's a pretty cool guy, if you ask me.

11-01-2007, 10:17 PM
Heard a mention on Don and Mike last week as well. They were talking about Colbert's stunt and Don offhandedly mentioned that his son liked Ron Paul.

11-01-2007, 10:50 PM
This subject matter is very interesting to KROQs audience.

That's an understatement. ;)

I lived in SoCal for 17 years. KROQ has a HUGE audience, that's great news. I wonder if KLOS's Mark and Brian have mentioned him...

11-01-2007, 10:55 PM
That's because Ron Paul is catching on! That is a very amazing stat if true that 1.1 million kids are orphaned because of arrests of non-violent drug offenders. Shoot that is probably a lot of the kids who qualitfy for SCHIP that would be covered if their parents hadn't been sent to jail for a petty crime.