View Full Version : Obama Twitter Townhall Today

07-06-2011, 09:23 AM

Starting at 2 p.m. ET on Wednesday, President Obama will hold the first ever “Twitter Town Hall,” to discuss jobs and the economy. The president will be speaking, not tweeting, but his questions will come from Twitter.

Thousands of Tweets are already populating the #AskObama hashtag created for the event. But the White House says Obama will also answer questions that are asked on Twitter while the event is going on.

Twitter will monitor hot tweets — those that have the most Retweets, Favorites, and Replies. Also, with help from visualization company Mass Relevance, Twitter will be mapping the big themes and locations that are “driving” the conversation.

I'll bet the majority of the #askobama questions are pure snark. :)

We should start asking him why he can't stop the wars. His progressive base might join in on that with us.

07-06-2011, 09:32 AM
IN about two seconds, I"ve seen 3 or 4 legislators asking. Ron Paul should be in there. Heck, so should Rand. ANd Justin Amash.

07-06-2011, 12:07 PM
Starting now. The Democrats are totally whining that the GOP is participating.