View Full Version : The People's Civil Purpose within the formal document of The Declartion of Independence

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
07-01-2011, 02:57 PM
This is not my interpretation!

In order to gain control over tyranny, the American people needed to have something greater than just an opinion on their side. So, in the formal document of The Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers utilized the scientific method of *natural law to establish **unalienable natural rights based on certain (absolute) ***self evident truths.

These self evident truths superceded every legal precendence based on past traditions establishing for the American people a Civil Purpose.

*Natural Law : the scientific method used during the time of our Founding Fathers. This method of science did not expound to create numerous theoretical opinions, but reduced to one metaphysical reality.
**Unalienable: bypassing the individual opinons of the mind to reduce collectively to the conscience, soul, and heart of every American citizen.
***Self Evident: Undeniable evidence that doesn't need an expert to explain.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that *all men are created equal, that they are **endowed ***by their Creator ****with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

*all men and women. Clearly read and known by them, the Book of Genesis in the bible was understood by our Founders, more specifically the part about man(kind) being created as him and her.

**both men and women are endowed equally in this case. When speaking of endowment here, our Founders speak of something other than the naturalness people are all born with.
****these are natural rights that reduce down on the physical level as the cognitive sciences had yet to be developed and as Immanuel Kant, known as the father of epistemology, was a peer of our Founding Fathers as he was alive during their time.

So, if science only existed on the physical level during their time, then these natural rights reduced down on the physical level in The Declaration of Independence.

Without the use of any experts, we can all perceive these basic truths that the very highest and the very lowest of human beings amongst us are born equal with the same natural right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness (As these truths reduce down on the physical level, all men will find this in the end. Even if they take away our Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, by natural right, the Truth does not alter).

This establishes a Civil Purpose for the people. Let tyranny understand that, in regards to this greater idea established by our Founding Fathers, that any who assemble in contempt against it will be held under a higher judgement and subject to a greater penalty.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
07-01-2011, 03:50 PM
I pledge allegiance to the people's greater Civil Purpose, to the self evident truths declared by our Founding Fathers, and to the unalienble natural right within us all to Life, Liberty, and the persuit of Happiness.