View Full Version : TEA Party questions...

06-27-2011, 10:53 AM
OK so while i was away having babies and what not (in between the 2008 election cycle and now) it seems that this "tea party" has become quite influential. I have a couple questions maybe some of you can bring me up to speed on this.

How exactly did the tea party come to be viewed as anything but an extension of Ron's 2008 campaign? clearly, the money bomb is what started it all, it's even the movement's namesake. how did ron get "pushed out" of the movement he, frankly, created? the tea party is supposed to be all about the constitution and limited gov't, so how are michelle bachmann and sarah palin considered the "tea party candidates" and representatives of the movement when bachmann is a chicken-hawk morality warrior, and sarah palin couldnt quote the bill of rights if it was in front of her face? they, clearly, are not the best people out there to represent these ideals. we know who is...

It seems as though the "establishment" has co-opted the freedom movement into the "tea party". they seem to believe in the constitution, up to the point that it suggests they shouldnt be able to use the coercive force of gov't to enforce their morality, then they disagree. it seems as though they have pretty much "watered down" ron's message and made it more palatable to "old guard" repubs.

i guess my question is just, how did it come to this? shouldn't the "freedom movement" be all over tv instead of the "tea party"?

06-27-2011, 02:34 PM
The "tea party" we're talking about right now is based on what Rick Santelli said on CNBC back in early 2009. Santelli wasn't talking about Ron Paul then, although Ron Paul's use of "tea party" surrounding the 12/16/07 money bomb could've been on Santelli's mind.

Santelli isn't running for President. Palin Bachmann Paul all have reasons they can be called tea party candidates. Palin campaigned for a lot of tea party candidates last year. Bachmann gave that tea party speech, Paul with the 07, and Rand.

There isn't really any book of what tea party is or isn't. Tea party basically means don't like Obama.

OK so while i was away having babies and what not (in between the 2008 election cycle and now) it seems that this "tea party" has become quite influential. I have a couple questions maybe some of you can bring me up to speed on this.

How exactly did the tea party come to be viewed as anything but an extension of Ron's 2008 campaign? clearly, the money bomb is what started it all, it's even the movement's namesake. how did ron get "pushed out" of the movement he, frankly, created? the tea party is supposed to be all about the constitution and limited gov't, so how are michelle bachmann and sarah palin considered the "tea party candidates" and representatives of the movement when bachmann is a chicken-hawk morality warrior, and sarah palin couldnt quote the bill of rights if it was in front of her face? they, clearly, are not the best people out there to represent these ideals. we know who is...

It seems as though the "establishment" has co-opted the freedom movement into the "tea party". they seem to believe in the constitution, up to the point that it suggests they shouldnt be able to use the coercive force of gov't to enforce their morality, then they disagree. it seems as though they have pretty much "watered down" ron's message and made it more palatable to "old guard" repubs.

i guess my question is just, how did it come to this? shouldn't the "freedom movement" be all over tv instead of the "tea party"?

06-27-2011, 02:41 PM
I regard the Kentucky Tea Parties who supported Rand to be an example of the outgrowth of the real grass roots conservatism that Ron Paul ignited.

The genuine Tea Parties are about real Constitutional conservatism...actually understanding what the Constitution meant.

06-27-2011, 02:46 PM
I agree with Pasta. Ron sparked the 'tea-party.' He was the only one talking about the Constitution prior to all this...the tea-party was hijacked and water-down. Ron let them get away with this...but media played a major roll in promoting it and made it hard to wrestle it back now that Bachmann and Palin have been identified...I think Ron at least say sometime positive about the tea-party movement at his speeches in iowa and NH and associated his 2008 Run with the tea=party, even if he wants to not say it in the debates like Michele did...

06-27-2011, 02:50 PM
My memory is hazy on the 12/16/07 events. Is there video of Ron Paul at a tea party money bomb event? Is there video of him in front of any logoage saying "tea party"? Is there any video of him saying "tea party" at that event?

Put that video in a commercial.

That's a thread from Dec 07. Boston Globe, NY Times, Wash Post, all with Ron Paul and Tea Party in the headline.

http://www.ronpaulforums.com/forumdisplay.php?191-Tea-Party - tea party sub forum