View Full Version : Senators introduced Wednesday the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2011

06-24-2011, 07:06 PM
Here we go again, Democrats are attempting to pass something the fake conservatives couldn't...Amnesty. Not just Amnesty but bundled together with other bills to become Super Amnesty. Expect another surge.


Chester Copperpot
06-24-2011, 07:08 PM
one of my senators of course.... guy stands for everything i despise.

and on top of that his office is trained to lie to the public on their position.

06-24-2011, 07:17 PM
People that are here legally can't speak English and don't pay taxes. lol I mean, this is better than kicking them all out but the best solution would be to end the welfare state and the drug wars and then we could have a more open border policy.

06-24-2011, 08:02 PM
There are 25 MILLION Americans who need a real job!!! The country is so overburdened right now and every time they announce a new amnesty bill....millions come flocking in. The corporations want only to lower our wages. They have interfered with the natural cycle of wage increase through demand by paying companies to move over seas and take the jobs with them. Add amnesty...allowing millions of people into this country who will work for any wage offered, and you have pretty much eliminated a decent livable wage. Before NAFTA and the promise of amnesty, I could have gotten a job anywhere and named my price and benefit package...today however, I am competing with an unfair environment of too many people, desperate for work and barely getting by on the scraps that are now being offered. These are not jobs that nobody will do...that's a lie. And this is not about helping the poor immigrants. It is simply about profits and votes. Per capita income has been purposely reduced so that management pay and share prices could be increased. If Obama gives them amnesty...he will also get millions of new voter support.