View Full Version : [Video] Rand Paul & Dennis Kucinich Talk About Obama Libya Lawsuit On CNN

Immortal Technique
06-15-2011, 05:49 PM

Airing Date June.15, 2011

Rand Paul & Dennis Kucinich Talk About Obama Libya Lawsuit On CNN

06-15-2011, 06:02 PM
What a good interview! Thanks for posting it.

06-15-2011, 06:03 PM
Rand is a beast.


Or again.

Or whatever.

Brooklyn Red Leg
06-15-2011, 06:12 PM
Airing Date June.15, 2011

Rand Paul & Dennis Kucinich Talk About Obama Libya Lawsuit On CNN

Fantastic interview with Rand and Dennis.

06-15-2011, 07:15 PM
That gave me a lot of hope, that just maybe we can grow a force for good, against those bastards.

Matthew Zak
06-15-2011, 07:42 PM
If Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination, Rand Paul could run on the 3rd party ticket and choose Kucinich as a running mate... how interesting would that be?

06-15-2011, 08:08 PM
If Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination, Rand Paul could run on the 3rd party ticket and choose Kucinich as a running mate... how interesting would that be?

interesting thought!

low preference guy
06-15-2011, 08:09 PM
If Ron Paul doesn't get the nomination, Rand Paul could run on the 3rd party ticket and choose Kucinich as a running mate... how interesting would that be?

i think it will not motivate a significant number of GOPers

06-15-2011, 08:32 PM
Good interview!

06-16-2011, 02:57 PM
If you really knew what secret deals were brokered between our government representatives and the huge banks, multinational corporations, international leaders, media owners, and military industrial complex, you would be truly shocked! I will call the latter group the fat cats in this letter. Those who know what is going on are screaming Wake Up! to everyone else for a reason. Most of the bills the government passes are primarily to help the fat cats. The lobbyists who work for the fat cats get special treatment in return for campaign donations so that the politicians can stay in office and live like royalty. We, the People, are getting the shaft, although they throw us a few bones to help us bear the injustice of favoring the ultra-rich over the middle class and poor. They make it appear that they are helping us, but if you read the bills passed, you would see that we always get a small slice of the pie.

The middle class is vanishing right before our very eyes. We see the permanent loss of manufacturing jobs partly due to many free-trade agreements that benefit multinational corporations. Prices are increasing while quality is decreasing. The government has stolen trillions from the Social Security trust fund while they waste our money. Due to tax loopholes and federal subsidies, the middle class pay a higher income tax rate than huge corporations and ultra-rich. Mom and Pop shops pay higher taxes than big corporations and are closing down. Corporate welfare exceeds the cost of all middle class and poor programs combined. Corporations give $millions to politicians and then get $billions from the government.

Our agenda is being set by a group of super-wealthy people. War is a racket that only serves the special interests of the military industrial complex. Government debt is skyrocketing, and the debt will soon be used to increase your taxes and reduce your benefits. The United States spends more on defense than the rest of the world combined. Our foreign policies make no sense. We give a few billion to Israel and much more to her enemies. The number of wasteful and dangerous government agencies grows each year. As the federal government grows in size and power, our power shrinks accordingly.

Wealth is concentrated, big banks keep getting bigger, risk takers are rewarded, and no one is prosecuted or held accountable. Government encouraged risk taking by the banks and then rewarded them with our money. The government leaders are only rewarding their big contributors. True capitalism means letting companies fail instead of bailing them out. Instead, the government chooses the winners and losers. This is not capitalism, but crony-capitalism. This is not socialism or communism, but fascism and corporatism.

At the same time, our constitutional rights are being eroded daily. Our Supreme Court usually decides cases in favor of the fat cats and the federal government. Our representatives in Congress no longer read the long and complicated bills that they pass. Most importantly, Presidential powers have increased tremendously for many years now.

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights gave “We the People” the power and called for limited government. Individuals Over Government. The president, Congress, and the federal judges take an oath of office to defend the Constitution of the United States. But the big government has been growing exponentially while they take away our constitutional rights. The Constitution is a friend of each U.S. citizen.

The government created the fear of terrorism to justify unconstitutional wars and loss of our individual liberties. The government passed the most unpatriotic bill ever, called the Patriot Act, which is a significant violation of our constitutional rights. The president now has the authority to request information about US citizens without obtaining court orders. The law allows the government to listen to your phone calls, and review your emails, text messages, and financial records without a warrant. Even if we have nothing to hide, our government should not be spying on its own citizens. There is no privacy left. The government has eliminated our freedom from unreasonable searches. We no longer have a right to a speedy trial. The government may jail American citizens indefinitely, without a trial and without ever being charged. They constantly violate our 4th Amendment right to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches. Any American citizen, whom the President considers a threat can actually be targeted for assassination!

The government places cameras on every corner that the taxpayer pays for and the government can attach tracking devices to your car without going before a judge. They force us to go through radiation machines that take nude pictures of us when we travel by plane. If we had a free market system, the government would have allowed free market to decide if there is a demand by the public for airlines with extra security. We the People did not ask them to install expensive body scanners and perform pat downs and groping on 3 year olds and 95 year olds. They changed the rules on us over night, and the media rarely speaks of it. While we stand in line to be radiated or groped, dozens of illegals WALK into the USA. The government admitted it is increasing security at hotels, trains, and shopping malls. The body scanners will appear at subway entrances, office buildings, shopping malls, and many more places.

Judges have decided that police can forcibly enter people’s homes without a warrant. We can no longer resist home invasions by police officers no matter what the circumstances, based on a U.S. Supreme Court decision (8 to 1, including justices who claim to be constitutionalists). This is a violation of the 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. A recent ruling by the Indiana Supreme Court recently held "We hold that there is no right to reasonably resist unlawful entry by police officers." Police officers now have every right to break down your door without a warrant and a homeowner cannot block the officer’s entry.

Now you may say "Protect me!" but later you will realize the true cost of that protection which is the ultimate loss of all your liberty. They use national security to support their wars, their big government policies, and the abolishment of OUR LIBERTY. They use fear to condition us that sacrificing freedom for safety is acceptable. It is easier to take away freedoms and liberty from scared and ignorant people. According to their twisted logic, All Americans are now potential terrorists and subject to unrestrained searches by our government who claim they are protecting us. If they really cared about our security, they would patrol our borders, inspect our imports, and stop inciting hatred toward our country by starting preventive and endless wars that kill civilians. (How would you like if a foreign country attacked and killed our citizens, like our government has done for years in many countries, selling each war to us with lies?)

They did not pass these unconstitutional laws to keep you safe, they passed them to keep you in check, and to gain power and control. They grope and spy and then have the nerve to tell us it is for our own good! This affects ALL of us. Who knows what 'domestic terrorist' will come to mean in the future. America is no longer what it used to be...a police state in the making. These are just the first steps. They have much more planned to strip every freedom and right you have using fear as a weapon and national security as an excuse. More Big Brother prying into your lives. Shortly, law enforcement will show up at your house, at any time, and be able to walk through your house under the guise of "national security".

The Constitution that protects all of us is being shredded by both political parties. Democrat and Republican politicians are both responsible for destroying this country’s wealth and freedoms. A police state is growing and free speech is being limited. The Constitution called for a small and limited federal government and empowering individuals and states. The opposite is happening. Our freedoms separate Americans from Third World dictatorships. Many Americans, going back to the Revolution that founded this nation, have fought for these rights.

Whether you like the recent health care bill or not, you are now required to purchase expensive health care insurance for the rest of your life. This bill was passed using coercion and bribery of our elected officials. Over 1,000 waivers for the new health care law have been granted so far to select elite, D.C. connected special interest groups. These waivers allow groups to opt out of having to participate in the law. Some call this favoritism, kickbacks, or bribery. It is unconstitutional to grant certain groups and companies waivers.

The mainstream media is useless in reporting the rights that we have lost. It is biased propaganda which protects the fat cats and big government instead of us. News is news by omission, by spin, by half-truths, by distraction, by dumbing down. Many damaging bills are passed all the time, but you would never know that by using the mainstream media as your source of information. The media helps to sell the propaganda by the government, which helps the fat cats. The media does not tell us important news and are being paid to lie to us. Both the media and government officials lie to us now.

All bills that help the fat cats and destroy our standard of living and our freedoms are sold to us for our own protection, to stimulate the economy, or for humanitarian reasons. Promises by politicians are rarely kept. Politicians either enter office as millionaires or become so during their tenure. The phonies are both Democrats and Republicans. Large donors give to both parties so they have all corrupt politicians in their pockets. No party is changing anything for the positive. That is why negative campaign ads are always used (they have nothing to run on but lies and distortions). The "partisan" bickering is just a dog and pony show to make you feel like you have a real choice. It is pure political theater. They continue the same damaging policies to the American people, regardless of party. The parties are alike on foreign policy, economic intervention, a strong executive branch, and corporatism. Both parties recently extended the Patriot Act. Once you realize that both parties are the same, you will understand the true problems facing our country.

When will you say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? How much of your wealth and freedoms are you willing to lose before you stand up? This insanity must stop now!

There is a hero out there just waiting to be elected by us. Someone who wants to change all of the above. Someone who is currently running for President, but never gets media attention (despite his enormous qualifications); who has stood up for the Constitution for over 20 years in the House of Representatives with a consistent voting record that you can easily check; who never gets donations from the fat cats; who is extremely qualified due to his respect for the Constitution, knowledge of government activities, and courage to speak out against big government and their powerful corporate interests. He is 75 years old (wisdom comes with age and Presidents live long). He is smart, honest, and a true American patriot.

This man is Ron Paul. He has voted against every bill that violated the Constitution. Ron Paul opposes corporate welfare. He believes in free-market principles. He would represent us, not the fat cats. With decades of a consistent voting record and books he authored as proof, it is well known in Washington that Ron Paul will not compromise his principles for money, power, or personal gain. Ron Paul is not for sale. He would be president not for the power he could wield over the people, but for the power he would give to the people by restoring their Republic.

He is a doctor, not a lawyer. He is a republican but votes independently. He voted against the Patriot Act and voted against the Iraq war. He wants to end every war. He is the only true anti-war candidate. He never voted for a free-trade agreement. He never voted to expand government power. He is vastly different than any other candidate from either party. He is reminding us what the Constitution, our Freedoms, Liberties, and Rights should mean to us. He wants to end foreign aid, which loots the American taxpayers and lines the pockets of corrupt foreign regimes. With our problems here, does it make sense for our government to send taxpayer money overseas?

He believes in limited government because as our founders knew, big government is dangerous for us, We the People. Ron Paul is different. He bravely speaks the truth, and he has been warning us for decades about the consequences of the government’s policies (debt, preventive wars, inflation, and government intrusion). The media and political machines always try to discredit him, but now People are Waking Up. He is reminding us that we can be empowered again, but we have to fight for our Constitution again.

The media and the political machine will try to trash Ron Paul as extreme because he will do what is right for us and not help the big banks and big corporations who have purchased the media. He is a threat to the big government political establishment and the fat cats. Don’t listen to the lies. Those who stand to lose the most under a president who would not compromise the peoples' liberties and the Constitution for any reason are deathly afraid of Ron Paul.

Watch the videos below, read about him from unbiased online news, and read his books. You will be happy with what you see. And he will unite this country once and for all. He stands for liberty.

Be part of the grassroots movement that can change the world for the better. You will not agree with everything he stands for but there is no candidate who agrees with all of your opinions. We must look at the big picture and focus on the important things right now. We must educate ourselves and everyone else about the power of Ron Paul IMMEDIATELY.

This country NEEDS YOU NOW. We have a tiny window of opportunity. We must get this out so that Ron Paul wins. TO WIN THE ELECTION DESPITE THE POWERFUL FORCES AGAINST HIM, he will need all the support he can get from We the People. In order to win the election, Ron Paul needs to win the Republican primary. So make sure you can vote in the republican primary even if it means changing your party to do so. The first primary is this January 2012.

You cannot excuse yourself from participation based on rationalizations like being too busy, tired, ignorant, scared, or apathetic. If we don’t act now, homelessness, joblessness, poverty, and crime will increase exponentially and our standard of living and freedoms will be lost forever. If you don’t believe the data in this letter, research on the internet and you will see this is a simple explanation of the facts. The government is currently trying to regulate the internet in the name of cyber threat and cyber security. The internet is the last bastion of independent news. If they succeed in regulating the internet, we will live in a total dictatorship.

A Patriot questions and critiques our government’s actions. We must be their watch dogs. Instead, they want us to believe that patriotism means aligning with big government and letting them be our watch dogs. “Great danger is imminent when any criticism of the government is considered unpatriotic. Patriotism never demands obedience to the state but rather obedience to the principles of liberty.” – Ron Paul

Our founding fathers had foresight, as exemplified by these quotes: If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. – James Madison. When the government fears the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny. – Thomas Jefferson. Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin

Some of Ron Paul’s quotes: We have allowed our nation to be overtaxed, over-regulated and over-run by bureaucrats. The founders would be ashamed of us for what we are putting up with! If you look at every single problem we are facing today, it is because of the lack of respect and the rule of law and the constitution. The freedom message brings us together, it does not divide us. We can achieve much more in peace than we can ever achieve in these needless, unconstitutional undeclared wars! Fortunately, the number of those who care are growing exponentially!

JFK said “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”.
People are ready for a revolution! It is time for you to stand up for your rights! Our ancestors fought in the American Revolutionary War, they sacrificed for our liberties. Are you just going to throw that away? If you believe our government is too large, too controlling, and if you believe in individual liberty and the rights of ALL Americans, then vote for Ron Paul and make sure he wins.

It is up to you to Spread This Message around OUR country. This is an American cause. It is a cause of freedom. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government.

Many people are saying WAKE UP!!! We must take responsibility for our future once and for all. We will never have another chance for a peaceful revolution as we do now. Do you want to be a citizen of the “Land of the Brave and the Free” or the “Land of the Poor and the Oppressed”? Do you want tyranny or freedom? Do we really want to say one day “It’s Too Late”?

We pay for the expensive wars, the body scanners, the cameras. They make us slaves to enormous debt. They destroy our dollar. They use fear to remove our constitutional rights. They wiretap U.S. citizens. The government no longer requires warrants to investigate us. The federal government is policing the world and policing us. They have legalized indefinite detention without charges or a right to counsel. It is immoral to have wars to make a few rich, while sacrificing our brave soldiers and creating so much debt for “We the People”. How many Americans could have been fed with the just the money lost in Iraq? We have crony capitalism where the big banks and corporations manipulate government policies, and are assisted in return for big campaign donations with the help of highly-paid lobbyists. Don’t fight over smaller topics since our lives depend on us being united. If you want to stop this insanity, you will join the Ron Paul Revolution and make sure he wins the Republican primary.

Spread the word because the primaries start in January and millions must be informed. Let’s unite, improve our futures, and spread the message of our empowerment! Snap out of your apathy and join the grassroots movement!