View Full Version : Time Magazine on SF Circumcision Ballot Measure

06-13-2011, 12:55 PM
Time Magazine takes a stand:


Still, the drafters of the San Francisco referendum could have avoided the religious issue — and kept the focus on the harms and benefits of circumcision — if they had included an exception for circumcisions done for religious reasons.
If the referendum passes, it is unclear whether it would survive a constitutional challenge. The First Amendment protects people against laws that unduly interfere with their religious rituals. The question is, How would the courts see this particular interference? In 1972, the Supreme Court upheld the right of Amish parents to not send their children to school past the eighth grade. Yet more recently, it held that the "free exercise" clause does not protect Native Americans who want to engage in ritual use of peyote, an illegal drug.

06-13-2011, 01:39 PM
Children's rights is an interesting topic. What rights do children have? Do older children have more rights than younger children?

A baby can't make decisions for itself. Does it have a right to liberty? A right to its body? The older child may be able to make these decisions, albeit not well informed or rational.

If you believe that rights come from God, you're in a pickle. Your religion may demand that you circumcise your child, but you'll be violating his God-given rights, in the same manner as someone committing murder by abortion.

If you take the secular view that rights are the logical outgrowth of being a volatile, self-interested, social creature capable of making moral decisions, you're placed in the unfortunate position of determining what rights children possess as amoral, non-choosing entities - and moreover, under what conditions they finally acquire all the rights of an adult. Can it be done practically without being arbitrary?

06-13-2011, 01:43 PM
Oh look, another topic on circumcision.

I guess I'll ask this again: Why are people here fine with circumcising a male but not fine with circumcising a female? It's just getting off bits and pieces of the child's genitals.