View Full Version : Political Marketing Brainstorming: Buzz Words

06-01-2011, 08:34 PM
(*Side Note: Can you do me a quick favor and like my facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=208953932476672), I need 25 likes to get a vanity URL)

One Part of being an effective political power is coming up with ways to sum up idea in a brief two or three word phrase such as "School Choice" or "Right to Work" or "Income Equality" etc.

In this thread see if we can think of ways to sum up of many of our positions in a way that's a politically catchy buzz word. Usually it uses the word Liberty, Right, or Equality in the term.

Some of my favorites I use... (Here's a more detailed version (http://votemerced.blogspot.com/p/votemerced-issues.html))

Monetary Liberty = Denationalization of Money

Legal Equality = Laws enforced equally despite gender, race, orientation

Political Equality = Removing Barriers to third parties and campaign finance rules

Anti-Prohibition = Legalize Drugs and Prostitution

Trade Based Foreign Policy = Less War and Foreign Aid, More Trade and Diplomacy

Financial Accountability = End the Fed and the FDIC

Healthcare Freedom = End the tax laws that tie healthcare to employment, end the FDA

Transparent Markets = Less Intervention in the price system so people can plan their lives better

Competitive Regulation = End monopoly government regulation and encourage voluntary regulatory businesses that can compete for the peoples trust

come up with some of your own!

06-02-2011, 04:11 AM

06-02-2011, 08:14 PM
final bump