View Full Version : Revising the history of World War II to a complicity between Catholic and Nazi

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
06-01-2011, 05:01 PM
A writ on the matter of revisional history
by Uncle Emanuel Watkins

Rather than another Holy War, World War Two is often portrayed in shallower terms of literary history as a political war. Yet, a truth is unwinding revealing a complicity between the Vatican and the Nazi Party. As this alternate history continues unfolding, it now appears that Nazis weren't saved at the end of the war outright, but in order to cover up a complicity that had been taking place between the Catholic Church and the Nazi party. In other words, certainly a lot of the captured Nazi members would have spilled the beans eventually about who was actually supporting who during that time.
It isn't that this was all kept secret as surely such a huge undertaking as sneaking out tens of thousands of NAZI war criminals without detection would have been impossible. This act was all staged. In fact, almost every nation would have known about this movement of NAZI members because of Catholic Church presence and the political power it welded in almost every nation on earth.
It now makes perfect sense.
We are beginning to learn that World War II was actually a Holy War fought between the Catholic Church and a combination of the Protestant and Jewish religions. In the end, it can be argued that the Catholic religion was the ultimate victor as the Jewish religion was knocked back to Israel, as millions of Jews in Europe were executed, and the Protestant religion was knocked back as well, as it too lost population as tens of millions of its soldiers were killed in battle. Meanwhile, the Catholic religion continued on increasing its population and influence as most of Latin America chose to remain neutral standing on the sidelines.
Meanwhile, Latin America played an important role in acting as a safe haven for Nazi war criminals. How? Well, Catholicism.
For some reason, people think politically when discussing the aetheism practiced in the social communism of Russia during that time which really helped confuse matters even futher which aided in keeping the truth about the Catholic Church's complicity with the German Nazi party hidden all these years.
Truth in how history is portrayed has always gone to the victor which, in this case, appears to have been the Catholic Church as the United States is now being over run by Catholicism pouring over its borders, and a new kind of social aetheism is now being taught in its schools. At the same time, the Muslim religion seems to be taking back ground that it lost to Judea Protestant Christianity during World War I.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
06-01-2011, 06:04 PM
Revise, rewrite, and bump.
To clarify what I'm saying here, either the Catholic Church was neutral during World War II or it wasn't. As the religion has been recently found to have been complicit with the German NAZI party, it actually had an agenda to spread its influence. So, in regars to the spreading of influence, the Catholic Church was victorious while the Protestant and Jewish religions suffered set backs.
In other words, truth should be measured in whether it detracts from our Founding Fathers and our Civil Purpose. The revisional history being taught in the schools today is indeed revisional in how it teaches the young to act irreverent towards ancestors as a base for establishing future happiness and contenment. In comparison, this new light coming out about the Catholic Church complicity with the NAZI party is not revisional in regards to detracting attention away from our Founding Fathers and our Civil Purpose.