View Full Version : Too Many Money Bombs at a time?

05-25-2011, 08:20 AM
I don't know about you guys but I feel we are having too many Moneybombs at a time. We have TWO in June alone. I personally can't afford to donate more than once a month. Maybe we need to space them out a bit more or choose more significant dates so we can set money aside for these donations.

Please share your thoughts.

Paul Or Nothing II
05-25-2011, 08:30 AM
Completely agree. Just having more & more moneybombs & that too in such short space of time isn't going to raise vastly more money. I think its ridiculous, it also lessens their impact as most people will likely donate for one or the other & not both of them so I don't see the point of it. People do need some time between bombs where they can build their savings back up a little.

05-25-2011, 08:43 AM
I don't know about you guys but I feel we are having too many Moneybombs at a time. We have TWO in June alone. I personally can't afford to donate more than once a month. Maybe we need to space them out a bit more or choose more significant dates so we can set money aside for these donations.

Please share your thoughts.

What money bomb calender are you looking at? IMO- the money bombs in '08 helped lift the media blackout and greatly increased his name recognition. This time around its more about early funding and choosing creative and fun dates that can remind his supporters what we are fighting for. Obvious one every other week is a little much but he needs the funds to set up the campaign apparatus ASAP.

05-25-2011, 08:56 AM
I have also been concerned about the number of money bombs that have been organized. I say one every two months would be more then enough.

05-25-2011, 09:00 AM
What money bomb calender are you looking at? IMO- the money bombs in '08 helped lift the media blackout and greatly increased his name recognition. This time around its more about early funding and choosing creative and fun dates that can remind his supporters what we are fighting for. Obvious one every other week is a little much but he needs the funds to set up the campaign apparatus ASAP.

I agree with you we need initial funding to get the campaign wheels rolling. However, having a moneybomb twice a month isn't going to help. I for one, cannot afford to donate again until probably July.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, we need to use the moneybombs as necessary and provide sufficient time between them for supporters to re-build funds.

05-25-2011, 10:27 AM
I didn't know there were two. The June 5 one, or whatever has been planned forever though, if that is Lyman's. A lot of people pledged way back.

I agree it is a bad idea to just announce without coordinating because a poor money bomb will be spun as Ron 'losing support'.

05-25-2011, 10:57 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/250619_105543482870608_100242203400736_52547_17491 43_n.jpg

Here are the planned money bombs, straight from dailypaul.com.

I agree that there are too many. The powerful impact money bombs have, watching the large sum money increase every second, is drastically weakened when we have an over abundant number of money bombs. As others have said. We need to let the people re-energize and re-pool funds before having another.

05-25-2011, 11:14 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/250619_105543482870608_100242203400736_52547_17491 43_n.jpg

Here are the planned money bombs, straight from dailypaul.com.

I agree that there are too many. The powerful impact money bombs have, watching the large sum money increase every second, is drastically weakened when we have an over abundant number of money bombs. As others have said. We need to let the people re-energize and re-pool funds before having another.

Yeah, but the daily paul didn't plan them, Lyman did, I think, and since that is usually a grass roots, not centralized, effort, some are pissed. However Ron needs the money so one a month until August or September might be more important than the size, since that is the quarter where the seed money does the most good. Hopefully after that point there will be new donors brought in, as well, and we can plan a big one for the fall.

05-25-2011, 11:20 AM
Forget money bombs, just give early and often. They need the money NOW. They complained about the moneybombs last time because they don't know what they can do until they have the money in the bank, and they can't wait for all our selected dates, they need it all TODAY!!!

05-28-2011, 12:02 AM
Judging from the recent polls with Ron Paul at 10 to 12 percent, compared to 2 to 4 percent at this point four years ago, he has 3 to 5 times as many supporters now, so monthly money bombs shouldn't be a problem. We hardcore supporters should just give as much as we can as early as we can, and let the newbies join in the money bomb fun. If you're saving up and one is close, time it for the money bomb day, otherwise just send it in.

That being said, I hope the campaign and the grassroots and the independent groups sync up on the money bomb dates -- there's no clarity right now, and there needs to be. And one of these upcoming money bombs has to be of the mega-money-bomb variety, to show we haven't lost our enthusiasm. But who will decide?

05-28-2011, 12:08 AM
There are two coming up that I think are important.
June 5th, so we can gauge all the support after the announcement and what not. I am hoping for 3 million, we have one week to get the word out.
Ready, Ames, Fire! Should be huge, we need to make it huge. If we can make it big then the campaign will have the money it needs going into the Iowa straw poll. We will see after June 5th what the donations will actually look like, we are consistently polling at 10% or more.
From what I understand, None of the money bombs on the calendar are set in stone, they are just place holders. We can change it all around as we need.