View Full Version : The American Family Association Presidential Poll

05-21-2011, 05:09 AM

Ron Paul is kicking tail in this; no sense in letting anyone else catch up.

05-21-2011, 06:02 AM
Isn't that the same people as the rapture group?

05-21-2011, 06:30 AM
Voted: Left this message:
RP is the only presidential contender basing his stance on the notion that the scope of the Federal government has totally overreached Constitutional restrictions. The others are just proposing how they would manage the current leviathan state, not reduce it. It’s a principled platform rather than a partisan one. He is a statesman not a politician. The Constitution gives no authority for the Federal government to regulate state or local education. Most people think we have always had a Federal Department of Education, Jimmy Carter signed it into law in 1979 and education has been on the down hill slide ever since. Ron Paul is a strict Constitutionalist. He just wants to reduce the size of the fed government to its constitutionally mandated role, not police the world, nation build and be the nanny state who tells us we can’t buy raw milk from our neighbors and parents that they can’t send their children to school with a sack lunch b/c it may not be as nutritious as what the federal lunch program serves (this really did happen), and for all of this he is labeled fringe. But since 47% of US households pay no federal income tax (up from 38% in 2007) I guess it’s up to those of us who do pay taxes to take up the slack. The federal government wants to give handouts, to individuals and the states, in the guise of being humanitarian so they can then tell you “you can have this but if you accept it you will lose some of your choices (freedoms).”

I agree some of what Cain said sounds good too (I heard him speak at the SRLC last year in New Orleans and he is no doubt a dynamic speaker), but a major reason oil is going up (gold and silver as well) is because of the decline in the value of the dollar which is caused by the infusion of borrowed and created money flooding the economy (thanks Bernanke for Q1 and Q2). His talking point about getting the federal government out of bed with big business (corporatism) is right on target (I think he got that talking point from Ron Paul). But alas, he (Cain) was Chairman of the board of directors for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and has stated he doesn’t think there is a need to audit the Fed. I think as citizens we should know that foreign banks benefited from the bailout money.

Ron Paul: Never voted on an unbalance budget, believes marriage is a church issue (render unto Caesar), and has delivered over 4,000 babies and never performed an abortion (introduced the Sanctity of Life Act in 2005 which would have defined human life and legal personhood as beginning at conception). He is a professing Christian who wants to return government back to the people. Go here to see Ron's statement of faith:
Go here to Christians for Ron Paul:http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_2364619614

05-21-2011, 06:34 AM
I may have miss lead with the "believes marriage is a church issue" that it my belief, I think Ron Paul's stance is that it is a state issue. My bad. Didn't do that intentionally.

05-21-2011, 07:37 AM
Isn't that the same people as the rapture group?
