View Full Version : As the Ultimate Power, The Truth is Sufficient

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
05-16-2011, 07:23 PM
Another Writ by Uncle Emanuel Watkins

(Once again, a writ is similar to an essay. While an essay might be written for a general or an expert audience, a writ is written on just one side of a page as it is designed with a single audience member in mind with her being a homeless prostitute living on the street under a bridge.)

Maybe I'm mistaken expecting you to fight.
Or Maybe I'm just crazy,
I don't know (learn) wrong from right!
But while I am still living, I've got just this to say.
It's (will) always up (be upward) to you,
if you want to be that,
want to see that,
want to see it that way!
~ by Supertramp
We have nothing to fear as our young American men will never submit to laying down their precious lives for such a dark purpose as evil. In the end, we are abandoned hoping and believing this is true.
Therefore, the real war today should be waged in obtaining the truth by way of battling against a panic which is stirring up a lot of misinformation. In Truth, the delusional treachery we see happening today is being caused by the love of money. As for its shear survival it has had to flee to the side of tyranny, the nation’s commercial news media now stands in opposition to the people and their American Civil Purpose. As this news media has become the mouthpiece for misinformation, ironically, in regards to the sake of the people, the porn infested internet better fits what our Founding Fathers intended in regards to the Bill of Rights and the Freedom of the Press. This has left the commercial media out in the cold and hurting financially. For its survival, it has turned to lobbying the Federal Government which, by way of mergers and consolidations, has created a monster which stands against the best interests of the American people. This conflict of interest is the real war!
So, what is the truth? Well, as a false power has exploited younger men into committing crimes against the conscience by way of dying for mythical causes, these evil old men have also, through a long standing tradition of legal precedence, established a code of ethics which persuades these younger men (rather harshly at that) from ever seeing this self evident truth.
Think about how a gang leader does the same thing? While he has children performing his crimes for him, a code of ethics has been set up by socity pressuring his little patsies from ever snitching on him as being the true perpetrator of the crimes.
As the Truth is the real power, it’s foundation is sufficient!

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
05-17-2011, 11:10 AM
Bump, revise, and rewrite
In other words, we need see the vanity in the rhetoric from both of the two parties in how they give sophisticated responses to open ended sophisticated statements. In the end, as this works in favor of tyranny we need to be more substantial instead for the sake of the people as they will always be disadvantaged in relationship with the tyranny ruling over them. So, we need to learn to reject such sophistication to return philosophically to our Founding Fathers by way of American Movements.