View Full Version : IMF to Sell Gold to Raise Bail for Strauss-Kahn

05-15-2011, 06:05 PM
WASHINGTON -- After an emergency meeting of its Board of Governors on Sunday afternoon, the International Monetary Fund announced that it would sell gold to raise bail for its managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, charged Saturday with raping a hotel chambermaid in New York.

The IMF's first deputy managing director, John Lipsky, taking over while Strauss-Kahn was held in a lockup in Harlem pending a court appearance, defended his boss. "The maid was Argentinian," Lipsky said, "and you know how those people are with their international loans. Dominique probably couldn't help it. Force of habit, you know."

Lipsky would not quantify the IMF's new gold sale but he said it would be enough both to obtain the release of Strauss-Kahn and "to ensure orderly transactions in gold, the dollar, the euro, the pound, the yuan, the Swedish krona, the Brazilian real, the South African rand, the Mexican and Argentine pesos, the Mongolian tugrik, and any other currencies in which a market might threaten to break out."

Gold in Asia fell more than $5 to $1,489.20.


05-15-2011, 06:08 PM

Your link goes to a Financial Times article (http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/415d008c-7e97-11e0-9e98-00144feabdc0.html), but it says nothing about what you posted.

You should have linked this GATA Article:

IMF to sell gold to raise bail for Strauss-Kahn

Note: GATA doesn't verify the information it posted.

05-15-2011, 06:10 PM
WTF? WE"RE bailing that asshole out? The IMF's gold doesn't belong to them.


parody. :o

05-15-2011, 06:13 PM
The current arguments – much in the news – about cutting spending in the US are not exactly what they seem. They are likely aimed at imposing an IMF-style austerity on the US of the sort that developing nations throughout the world have found both onerous and ineffective. If you want to understand what the IMF and Western powers-that-be have in mind for America, take a look at this interview we ran a few weeks ago with John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.

This is America's future, one of government-induced privation and societal misery. Study the dominant social themes of the elite, its recent fear-based promotions, and one begins to get a sense more fully of what is being prepared. The signs are increasingly visible. Throughout last week Western markets and media focused on a warning from Standard and Poor's (S&P), which downgraded the US debt outlook from stable to negative for the first time in 70 years. Will maintream financial media still continue to use the ludicrous term "risk-free Treasury paper?"

Late last week, London's prestigious Financial Times carried an editorial on the subject entitled Easter Parade of Worries. According to the FT, "S&P's aim plainly was political. US politicians must agree on a policy to reduce the deficit. This must involve cutting spending, reducing entitlements and raising taxes. Who exactly bears the brunt of these remedies is a political question, not an economic one. No politician wants to be responsible for such things, so it is no surprise that they avoid the problem."

Notice the telltale language in the article: "This must involve cutting spending, reducing entitlements and raising taxes." This language is directly out of the IMF playbook. Rather than question the fundamental alignment between the public and private sector – the basics of regulatory democracy – the IMF treats a country like a business and prescribes cost-cutting, privatization and other methodologies that address the symptoms instead of the cause.


05-15-2011, 06:14 PM
When hitting the link I get a message saying I have to register to read it, anyone wanna copy and paste the whole thing here?

btw, nice job on http://rp12.us !

edit: found working link to the story (which is satire):

05-15-2011, 06:17 PM
I hope he gets raped in jail

05-15-2011, 06:19 PM
Thanks--not sure about the URL issue.

As for http://rp12.us, use it and not bitly

05-16-2011, 04:22 PM
edit: found working link to the story (which is satire):

Had to be.

... "The maid was Argentinian," Lipsky said, "and you know how those people are with their international loans. Dominique probably couldn't help it. Force of habit, you know." ...

No way he actually said that on the record to a reporter.

As for http://rp12.us, use it and not bitly
