View Full Version : Because we choose to....

05-14-2011, 04:28 PM

We all saw how the media went straight from pretty much praising Ron Paul just a few weeks ago to attacking him out of horror that, not him, but his message is winning.

I see now that whether or not Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination and goes on to become president is irrelevant. What matters is the advancement of his message, our movement.

I believe that as long as we keep fighting, the victory of Ron Paul, of Liberty, will inevitably win. There will be many, many more interviews with Ron Paul and discussions of Ron Paul in the media to come. There will be many, many more debates and events where Ron Paul will speak and spread the message of Liberty.

How ever these situations go, I will no longer let them get to my head because I can see now that we have already won. There is no point in letting ourselves be discouraged by every other media hit-job, smear campaign or word-twisting. As long as we keep spreading our message, it is inevitable that we win.

No longer will I let myself get discouraged by this system or its tools in the propaganda department. No more bickering about how Ron Paul is being mistreated by the media. No more talking about how Ron Paul should do this or Ron Paul should do that. No. I trust Ron Paul do say and do what is right for our movement. I will no longer participate in such discussions. My sole focus now is to simply continue to spread the message of Liberty to whomever I can and let Ron Paul do what Ron Paul does. I know that he will keep fighting and not let anything stop him from speaking the truth. That is why I believe Ron Paul has already won. Even if he does not become president.. Because of him, there will always be others carrying the same message at the same level, maybe even higher in the future. Maybe it will be Rand Paul, who knows. All I know is that even if it's not 2012, it will just be another time.

Although I say Ron Paul and we have already won, do not let yourself think that I am simply saying this and then not doing anything. No. We must keep fighting or else our victory will slip away. Even after Ron Paul or some other messenger of Liberty becomes president, we must be persistent in this fight unlike our ancestors who neglected to do so. Victory is inevitable until we stop fighting. If future generations stop fighting, only our loss will be inevitable. That is why the most important thing to do is EDUCATE everyone you possibly can while those among us who stride for higher positions of leadership, such as Ron Paul for president, do what they do.

I leave you with this: That government is best which governs not at all; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. ~ Henry David Thoreau

05-14-2011, 05:14 PM
I agree. I've accepted the fact that Ron isn't going to change the way he presents his message. He's going to state what he believes, (The Truth) and continue to do so no matter how opposed people are to his message. If he were to water down his message just to get elected, we'd gain a president that would have become adjusted to hiding his real beliefs and because of it, the people of America would never have been able to take in his true message, thus the people would have remained unchanged. Instead, Ron's taking the opposite approach by keeping his message consistent, educating and changing the beliefs of people around the country. Because Ron doesn't alter his message based on the type of people he's speaking to, there will be many people that are resistant to his message, so it will be up to us to present his message correctly, according to the beliefs of the people we are speaking to. So in the end, let Ron educate and change people, while we (The Grassroots) present (Sell) his message to people the best way possible.