View Full Version : World economy and Plane crash

05-10-2011, 03:12 PM
This reminds me of world economy.

There was an Alaskan airlines big plane flying at 31,000 feet. The vertical stabilizer on the tail of this plane was jammed. The pilots were having difficulty controlling the plane. Suddenly the plane started falling from the sky nose first and it fell some 8000 feet but the pilots managed to control the plane and save it.

But the pilots knew that there is some terrible/fatal problem with the plane and they kept flying the plane. They took the help of maintenance team on the ground. But even they could not solve the problem. The pilots tried to calm down the passengers saying “everything is under control and they will land at Los Angeles airport safely”.
Now suddenly the vertical stabilizer on the tail of this plane broke away completely and disappeared and the plane started falling nose first and then it was completely inverted/upside down and kept falling and ultimately crashed into the sea/ocean killing everybody. It was a terrifying fall. You should have seen it. This plane was doomed right from the start when it started flying.

This reminds me of the world economy which is doomed but flying. The world economy went into an 8000 feet fall in year 2007 but the pilots (world leaders) managed to keep it flying by throwing/donating multi-trillion bail-outs. But there is a fatal problem with the economy. The world leaders try to calm the world saying everything in under control and world economy is safe (just as the pilots of the doomed plane said). But the world leaders know the world economy is doomed (same as pilots). The world leaders are taking help from everybody and everything they can but I think nobody can help (same as pilots).

Now the vertical stabilizer of the world economy (I do not know) will break away completely and the economy (plane) will crash.

05-10-2011, 05:03 PM
That crash gives me shivers. I want to haz me ejection seat again.