View Full Version : In defense of Ron Paul

Badger Paul
05-08-2011, 06:47 PM
LINK (http://conservativetimes.org/?p=8750) to Conservative Times.org

What a difference a few days make. One day we’re all excited Ron Paul is planning on running for President again and few days later many are saying “What good is he?!” Are we becoming like the 1970s and 80s Left and letting little single issues and pet peeves steer us away from the broder picture. It’s amazing, living today, that Ronald Reagan was never sanctioned by the Right for the very liberal abortion law he signed in 1967 while governor of California. No one ever attacked him on his Right for this. But that was then. If he was running for President today, I guarantee you it would not escape notice and would affect his campaign. But I think this says more about us and times we live in.

RP probably is more libertarian on immigration issue but why is that such a bad thing? If states like Arizona or Georgia enforce tough new immigration laws with profiling, do you think a Justice Department in a Paul Administration will sue them? I highly doubt it. So states and localities will be free to write laws which they deem appropriate to handle immigration for their communities without fear of Federal interference. Works for me, why not for the rest of you? And I’m sure RP will make certain the borders of the country are secure.

But then again Janet Napolitano fees the same way too and so does John McCain. Who isn’t against “secure borders”? And that’s why this issue is meaningless, because any politician can stump for beefing up security on the border regardless of ideology.

It’s just my opinion but I doubt if immigration is going to be a big issue in this campaign. Unlike four years ago with Tom Tancredo, there’s no politician running or thinking of running in 2012 for whom this is a big issue and lot fat good it did Tancredo. How putting up that border fence work for Duncan Hunter? Hmm? RP ran an immigration ad four years ago saying tough things too but it didn’t do much good for him either. Considering one of the biggest threats to Paul’s base is from the libertarian side (Gary Johnson) how does highlighting immigration help him at all?

Contrary to what VDARE people would like you to believe, the immigration debate is a local and statewide debate, not a national debate. Arizona proves this. This is where action is, right in the statehouse and in the city council chamber. Thousands of communities will have to decide for themselves how the want to deal with immigration. Some will be restrictive, others will sanctuary cities and others will look the other way, but that’s the way it’s going to break down.

The Republicans won in 2010 because more old white people voted than young pot smokers and colored people as you all well know. But with a whites a minority of youngsters under age 15, it’s helpful not to cloud your judgement with illusions. For the Republicans to be a competitive party in the distant future and prevent the Democrats from simply turning to a racial grievance/spoils party and getting away with it, it is necessary to find politicians who have broad messages, who can attract large blocs of voters. Ron Paul is the model I’m thinking of i.e. if not him in 2012 then someone like him eventually. When I said white nationalists need to strongly consider moving to the empty quarter of the U.S. in the northern Plains if they wish not to be surrounded by immigrants, I was not kidding.

So Ron Paul not going to be the “perfect” conservative, and his message is going to be a mix of conservatism and libertarianism broad enough to even snare a Leftist or too. Obviously some of you don’t like this. Fine. You can support Roy Moore, who the citizens of his home state thought so well of they made sure he didn’t become governor, not once but twice. Buddy Roemer is out there, I guess, although I don’t know what he stands for. There’s Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty if you think they line-up better with you that RP does. Just remember this, Republicans generally don’t nominate the “perfect conservative” and on the rare occasions they do come close (Goldwater, Reagan), you could poked holes in either of their records as well. Luckily conservatives back then didn’t do so to preserve their best candidates to carry their message to voting public. Today I guess we’d rather eat our own on issues which resonate only in our enclaves.