View Full Version : The Economist: 'And their off....' don't like everything they say re: Ron but re Pawlenty

05-06-2011, 07:52 AM
it's great. And Ron's part is ok too. The author likes him, anyhow.


I’m not sure there was a clear winner last night. Tim Pawlenty, mentioned in 2008 as a potential VP candidate for John McCain, had the most to lose, but he acquitted himself well enough. Sure, he’s preternaturally devoid of charisma; when he talks his hands look like they are controlled by a different brain than the rest of his body; and his apologies for at one time supporting cap and trade are growing so abject so quickly that I suspect it’s only a matter of time before he actually flagellates himself on stage, but he is dogged and clever—he was the first to bring up the NLRB’s complaint against Boeing, which was red meat to South Carolina Republicans.


the rest is worth reading