View Full Version : The Long Road to Abbottabad: A short history and evolution of Al-Qaeda and OBL

05-03-2011, 11:37 AM
The Long Road to Abbottabad


I really liked this article written by a retired brigadier of the Pakistani Army. It goes in depth at how al-Qaeda started, allied with the Taliban, how it split with the Taliban, how the Taliban split as well, and how the internal framework of the organization was set up.

It might be of interest to draw the reader’s attention to some less well known facts. Post 9/11, the US demanded that Taliban hand over Osama, the Taliban reportedly refused, because when they asked the US to provide concrete evidence of Osama’s guilt, the US refused. The US refused, because there was no concrete evidence of his guilt. There never can be. Although Osama, in a video released to Al-Jazeera TV accepted responsibility for this attack, but that was in the future; and the video was never authenticated either, so no one is certain of his guilt.