View Full Version : headline you wont see - US PRESIDENT ASSASINATES TERRORIST LEADER

05-02-2011, 06:04 AM
assasinate - to murder a person in a surprise attack for political or religious reasons.

Was this for political gain? You bet it was. Obama knew exactly what he wanted, the power monger that he is.

You just have to be a 'threat' to the political machine and you will be dumped at sea.

excerpt from RP's book under 'assasination' - "more hatred of Americans will surely be generated by these constant events" (in context to a CIA drone attack on Anwar-al-Awlaki) Its no different in this case.

Im sure I am in the minority but RP put it more bluntly this way "no person should be exempt from the Bill of Rights when charged with violating a US law. The constitution protects 'persons' not just citizens"

We have no business - even if its Osama bin Laden, sending "special forces" into a country that we havent declared war on and taking out people because they are 'threats'.