View Full Version : TPNW should no longer be allowed to hijack Tea Party brand

05-01-2011, 07:38 PM
From now onwards, all those supporting neoconservatism while wearing Tea Party hat should be identified as TPNW (Tea Party - Neocon Wing).
Tea Party movement was splintered earlier but TPNW should be exposed if they are not already whenever they push anti liberty policies.

Many in current Tea Party are often asked where were they when Bush was running a big government spending and why did they suddenly woke up when big government continued under Obama brand?

Well this was original modern day Tea Party launched by Ron Paul supporters in 2007:

image (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KCXLGR6gNyE/S7c9EFgKc5I/AAAAAAAAAOM/fXqfBz8LVrg/s1600/ron-paul-tea-party_dees.jpg)

Ron Paul is the original tea party candidate and those supporting his vision have the most legitimate claim on the brand. Others should join the party but they should leave behind big empire spending, police state, pre emptive war mongering ideas.