View Full Version : How to Send Your Whole Friend's List to Ron Paul's Moneybomb on Facebook

04-28-2011, 06:01 AM
You will do a tremendous service by doing this for Ron Paul and it's just doing what should be allowed which is inviting your friends at once rather then have to do it all manually. First go to this moneybomb for Ron Paul.


Go to your event/group/page, click invite people and then paste this snippet

in the URL field of your browser.
Left-click the mouse in the URL field and hit Enter. Your invitations will not be sent yet, but all your friends

will be selected. Click the “Invite” or “Send” button on the Facebook page to finally send the invites.

javascript:function check_all_in_document(doc){var c=new Array();c=doc.getElementsByTagName('input');for(va r

i=0;i<c.length;i++){if(c[i].type=='checkbox'){c[i].click();}}}check_all_in_document(window.document) ;for(var

j=0;j<window.frames.length;j++){check_all_in_document(wi ndow.frames[j].document);}