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04-19-2011, 05:12 PM
I am beyond thrilled. I just converted the world's biggest Barack Obama supporter, my mother, to Ron Paul 2012. Seriously, she has framed pictures of him in the living room and was gaga over Obama. She even sat behind Obama when he spoke at the Mayfair Diner in Philly. She e-mailed me after watching the video I made called "Got Liberty?" and said that while she liked Obama as a person, she "liked Ron Paul's ideas" and doesn't think "we should be going into wars, etc.". She said that Obama "has gone back on many of his campaign promises" and that it is "too easy for the politicians to be sucked into deals or people pressuring them from all sides". That's why she hates politicians, she saaid, and emphasized that she liked "Obama the man, not Obama the politician". Finally, she said "Ron Paul is old enough not to care about lobbyists, etc" and was dumbfounded about Trump being ahead of the pack in the recent polls.

In addition, I have converted two other friends who are politically apathetic. Both work 80 hours a week and can't understand why the economy is so bad. Both were hawkish on the wars and had strong opinions on the 9-11 attackers. But I told them the US history of blowback with the CIA installing puppet dictatorships. Told them everything about Saddam, Iran, the Shah, British oil fields, Afghanistan, Bin Laden, and so forth. Also talked about the Fed and how we are a nation of credit addicts. RP is the only one who wants us to detox so our kids have a better future than we did. Both have small children and appreciated that. Both (seperate occasions, mind you) said "That's it. Ron Paul 2012". One of them added, "He sounds like he is V from V for Vendetta" (positively). I said "Amen, Brother".

Then I texted one of my closest friends in Philly who I have been trying to convert for years. I told him I converted my mom to RP 2012. He said "Not hard. Obama is a joke".

We are WINNING! I hope this thread will serve as a motivational tactic for forum users to share their own stories so that we stay inspired and figure out what works with certain people and what works with others. For people who loved "V for Vendetta", I see nothing wrong with saying RP is our V. For people who love Barack Obama, say "he seems like a cool guy to have a beer with but he's a hypocrite as a politician". And avoid the birther issue at all costs! Just my two cents!

04-19-2011, 05:19 PM
Congratulations! I am in a hard fight with many of my friends. I live in NY where if you're not apathetic, you're a liberal. Hell, I used to be a liberal. I wish I had a story to share, but I'm still fighting this battle. As soon as he announces, I'll have more of an avenue. Keep it up! Any suggestions for those who claims he's too old? My mother is cought in that web.

And avoid the birther issue at all costs! Just my two cents!

Why? If they bring it up, tell them Ron Paul considers it a non-issue and that we face much more pressing crises.

The Dude abides!

04-19-2011, 05:20 PM
My Dad wen't from 'I like him, but' to "he seems to have the answers, too bad he's so old....", still working on that one....

04-19-2011, 05:24 PM
Why? If they bring it up, tell them Ron Paul considers it a non-issue and that we face much more pressing crises.

The Dude abides!


04-19-2011, 05:30 PM
Congratulations! I am in a hard fight with many of my friends. I live in NY where if you're not apathetic, you're a liberal. Hell, I used to be a liberal. I wish I had a story to share, but I'm still fighting this battle. As soon as he announces, I'll have more of an avenue. Keep it up! Any suggestions for those who claims he's too old? My mother is cought in that web.

Why? If they bring it up, tell them Ron Paul considers it a non-issue and that we face much more pressing crises.

The Dude abides!

For the age issue:


04-20-2011, 01:16 AM
Good job. I like hearing about these stories.

04-20-2011, 01:46 AM
Well, I've only managed to convert two of my friends and my mother, all of whom were already in the conservative spectrum. All the same, a convert is a convert. I feel good knowing that from my one vote in support of Ron Paul comes three more. A small number, but in the grand scheme of things, the small numbers add up. Good job on converting a die-hard Obama supporter.

04-20-2011, 02:25 AM
Congratulations! It always feels good when you convert a family member. My mother wasn't too hard; she was always fairly libertarian but voted Republican until W. came along...I don't think I've ever met anyone who disliked that man more than my mother.

My grand mother is a different story. She's an 80 year old woman who has never left the deep south, so that ballot is straight D.

04-20-2011, 02:31 AM
Sadly living abroad I haven't been able to get many people to vote for RP, but I did get my exgirlfriend's dad (who is chief editor of The Economist's Berlin office) to agree to vote for him this time around.

I have, however, been able to convert most of my close friends to the message of liberty. I got them hooked on Ron Paul and Peter Schiff videos the past few years and they're all relatively liberterian, at least economically speaking now.

The most important conversion to me however has been my younger brother. He's a huge Ron Paul fan now and it makes me really happy to see how much he's changed in that respect and how he's now interested in politics and economics. I'm glad to say with the help of RP, I cured his apathy.

My next "victim" is going to be my daughter. She's only 1 month old, but I already always talk to her about Ron Paul and the ideas of liberty. I KNOW she can understand me, although it still confuses her a bit lol.

I've given up on my daughter's mother though. She's from Colombia and like pretty much every latina, she has a certain sense of entitlement to government benefits. She gets angry at me when I tell her health care isn't a right, refuses to allow me to have a gun (I've conveniently forgotten to mention I have one), and just generally thinks government is the answer to everything.

04-20-2011, 02:41 AM
I have converted my cat, Yoda. Yoda goes "meow meow Ron Paul" and "meow meow, Liberty" and "try not, do... or do not, there is no try"

04-20-2011, 03:07 AM
Un-attacking Ron Paul (http://libertymaven.com/2010/04/14/un-attacking-ron-paul/9416/)

The “guilt by association” attack:

This is probably the most commonly-used attack on Ron Paul. Paul was criticized for “accepting” a $500 donation during his campaign from a white supremacist. Of course, the Paul campaign didn’t find out about the donor until it came to light after the donation was made. He refused to return the donation. Instead he argued that it would be better to spend the money wisely in the name of freedom for all rather than returning $500 to a known white supremacist. Some see this as a cop-out. It could also be argued that it was Paul upholding freedom of speech found in the First Amendment. Yes, unfortunately for some, the First Amendment does protect all speech, not just agreeable speech.

People choose to support any given candidate for all kinds of odd reasons. It’s quite common for people to vote for the most likable candidate regardless of the candidate’s political views. I can’t fathom this reasoning (or lack thereof). There are probably some really “scum of the earth” type of people who voted for and supported Barack Obama and John McCain. The reality is that candidates cannot choose their supporters; therefore, they should not be condemned through them.

The “blame America” attack:

This attack on Ron Paul is quite common among neo-conservatives. Their misguided logic goes like this: Ron Paul claims that our government’s foreign policy of the last 50 (or so) years has bred hatred of America in the Middle East. This means Ron Paul blames “America” for atrocities like the 9/11 attacks.

To make this argument one must equate the U.S. government with the American people. When one uses the word “America” it encompasses the government and the citizens. Ron Paul blames U.S foreign policy, not the citizens. United States foreign policy does not equal “America”; therefore, Ron Paul does not blame “America” for anything.

In fact, it could easily be said that Ron Paul is celebrating “America”. He is demonstrating through his words and actions America’s founding principles: distrust and criticism of an over-reaching government.

Arguing that Ron Paul “blames America” is the equivalent of arguing that Thomas Jefferson was a traitor for authoring the Declaration of Independence.

The “isolationist” attack:

This one is so common and yet so misunderstood that it makes my eyes bleed every time I read it or hear it. Luckily it is easy to understand why it isn’t true.

To be an isolationist one must hold two beliefs with respect to foreign policy and trade. First, one must adhere to a non-interventionist foreign policy. This is the foreign policy of our Founders and Ron Paul certainly is “guilty” on this one. Second, one must be a protectionist on trade. Protectionism is the antithesis of “free trade”. Ron Paul is a free trader, not a protectionist; therefore, Ron Paul is not an isolationist.

He is, however, a staunch non-interventionist, like our Founding Fathers.

The “racist” attack:

This attack refers to some questionable writing within Ron Paul’s newsletter released in the early 90′s (for the most part). It’s impossible to know what is in someone’s heart, but Paul tends to wear his heart on his sleeve. To call someone a racist who lists Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks as heroes seems to say more about the accuser than the accused. He has denied writing the words in those newsletters. Add that to the fact that Paul continuously condemns racism and no other racist remarks attributed to Paul have come to light during his nearly 40 year political career; therefore, it is highly unlikely that Ron Paul is racist.

The “anti-semite” attack:

The “anti-semite” attack appears to stem largely from Paul’s desire to end foreign aid to Israel. The truth is that Paul wants to end all foreign aid, not just to Israel, not just to the many Arab countries that also get U.S. aid, but to all countries. Additionally, Paul’s entire economic belief system is based upon the work of Jewish economists and thinkers; therefore, it is highly unlikely that Ron Paul is an anti-semite.

The “earmark” attack:

Paul has been criticized for putting in earmarks for his constituents in his home district in Texas. What most people don’t realize is that the practice of earmarking is a method to allocate tax money that has already been collected. Refraining from putting in earmarks does not decrease spending at all. In fact, by not putting in earmarks, the President gets the money and can then spend it how he sees fit rather than as Congress sees fit. This is blatantly unconstitutional.

The practice of putting in earmarks actually makes government spending more transparent rather than less. Earmarks account for less than 1% of the budget. Being principled on earmarks is bluster without wind.

While Ron Paul puts them in so his constituents have the opportunity to get some of their tax money back, he votes against them; therefore, Ron Paul should be commended rather than criticized for his position on earmarks.

The “can’t win” attack:

Many are critical of Paul because they feel he is “damaged goods” and doesn’t have a chance at winning should he be the Republican Party’s nominee. Many of these same people donated and cheered another “can’t win” candidate to victory in Massachusetts earlier this year.

It is unlikely that Ron Paul would win, but that doesn’t mean he can’t win. If enough people soul-search toward being free from government rather than being creatures of government, Ron Paul could be the next President of the United States.

I doubt that support could ever come from the ever-dwindling group of neo-conservative Republicans, but that support could certainly come from those on the Left who are now realizing that Obama is potentially worse than Bush on foreign policy.

The “libertarian” attack:

This attack seems to come from both the Left and the Right. The Right attempts to argue that since Paul calls himself a libertarian it means he is a libertine. They argue that he is pro-choice. He’s pro-life. They argue that he would legalize all drugs. He would return that authority to the states, where it belongs, according to the Constitution.

The Left argues that Paul’s free-market approach would leave too many without the basic necessities of life. In fact, if the government were to get out of the welfare business and stop taxing income, Americans would respond with private charity to cover many of the poor that have become dependent on government for their survival. America is the most charitable country in the world even with the tax burden. Imagine what it could be like without that burden.

Yes Ron Paul is a libertarian. So were the Founders. It is a badge of honor, not shame.

The “truther” attack:

Yes, some people actually still believe Ron Paul is a 9/11 “truther”. He is not and stated so during an appearance on Glenn Beck’s TV show during his campaign of 2008. He called some of the truther’s claims “preposterous”. No more words are needed; just watch this clip.

The “gold standard” attack:

Many people say Ron Paul wants to return to a “gold standard”. This is a misunderstanding that Paul himself does not usually get a chance to clarify during short interviews. When it comes to monetary policy Paul supports legalizing the Constitution where it states that only gold and silver can be legal tender. He advocates repealing the legal tender laws. He supports competing currencies, not necessarily a gold standard in the historical sense.

Paul believes that legalizing currencies other than the fiat dollar would utilize market forces to convert the monetary system toward a currency that would be backed by something tangible. That could be gold, silver, or whatever the market determines is best.

It’s easy to just flippantly say, “oh he’s for the gold standard”, and then follow it up with an equally flippant, “that’s just crazy and we already proved that couldn’t work.” The truth is in the details. Competing currencies could possibly bring about a de-facto gold standard, but this wouldn’t be your great-grandfather’s gold standard.

The point is to bring freedom to the monetary system, not institute some kind of regulated currency ready-made for manipulation by special interests. We already have that now.

The “end the Fed” attack:

This attack, like many others, preys on fear. The attack suggests that Paul would like to abolish the Federal Reserve the minute he takes office. Paul has stated numerous times that legalizing competing currencies (see the “gold standard” attack above) would gradually and naturally siphon power away from the Federal Reserve.

This power reduction would occur because people would likely demand the use of the hard currency instead of the fiat currency being peddled by the Fed. Another indication of this gradual approach is Paul’s bill to require a full audit of the Federal Reserve.

Sure, he’d like to just abolish the Federal Reserve, but he realizes that would be too drastic a measure for markets to remain stable if it were done too quickly.

The “mother’s basement” attack:

This attack seems to come from envy or jealousy rather than sound reasoning. It goes something like this:

“All those Ron Paul supporters do is spam Internet polls while living in their mother’s basements!”

In fact, a Google search on “ron paul mother’s basement” yields about 62,000 results.

I’m living proof that this attack is untrue. I don’t live in my mother’s basement. My parents don’t even have a basement. In fact there is not a single Ron Paul supporter I know who lives in a basement. We own our own homes, have jobs, families, and many of us have children. We just want the government to go away and/or leave us alone.

It could more easily be argued that those who do not support the freedom found in Ron Paul’s message are living in their government’s basement.

Indy Vidual
04-20-2011, 03:55 AM
I have converted my cat, Yoda. Yoda goes "meow meow Ron Paul" and "meow meow, Liberty" and "try not, do... or do not, there is no try"

That's cute. :)

Darth Cheney is not amused.

04-20-2011, 03:58 AM
RP is the only one who wants us to detox so our kids have a better future than we did. Both have small children and appreciated that.

Great strategy. People always respond more to emotion than logic.

04-20-2011, 05:20 AM
My mom hasn't voted in an election in 30 years.

I've been telling her about Ron Paul and she's promised me that she'll vote in the next election. Dr. Paul cured her apathy, just like he did mine. She's also going to vote in the primaries (GA has open primaries).

I also got her hooked on buying silver.

04-20-2011, 06:45 AM
I have slowly been working on my girlfriend (now fiance). She was a die hard liberal with parents who bordered on commies (but very nice people). With her a direct strategy would only disinterest her and put her on the defensive so i would only casually interject little tidbits of info every once in a while. Then all of sudden last week while i was driving, out of the blue she says "You know the more i think about it the more i believe that Ron Paul is right and can turn this place around." I almost crashed. I had just about given up hope.

Just remember people, sometimes an indirect approach works best. If you are well educated in the issues and know your shit, people will start to respect your opinion. Every little suggestion you give, every little insight, every tidbit of knowledge you espouse people do think about and eventually come to see the truth.

04-20-2011, 08:10 AM
my wife voted for obama, but she sees how we have had 12 yrs of bush policies and she doesn't want 16! She is an indy but would never consider joining the gop. She would vote Ron Paul in a General Election!! Maybe i can talk her into joining the denver gop?? The bottom line is if the gop doesn't nominate Ron Paul 2012, they will elect obama!!

04-20-2011, 08:20 AM
Idk how many i have converted on youtube(5-20), but in person only like 5-10. I myself only discovered Ron Paul(AE) less than a year ago. So its a start.

04-20-2011, 08:25 AM
Idk how many i have converted on youtube(5-20), but in person only like 5-10. I myself only discovered Ron Paul(AE) less than a year ago. So its a start.

Youtube is powerful. It really impacted me, when I was researching him.

04-20-2011, 08:27 AM
Im laying the seeds with my mom. We are talking about a 66 year old black woman who's been a Democrat and a Catholic all her life, and her favorite news site is Huffington Post. Yes, I have a lot of work. But I already have here in agreement about welfare, and warfare. And she is also becoming interesting in gold and silver. And she is disgusted by the high inflation. She has pictures of Obama all over the house like he is a part of the family, and my dad thinks he is "God sent" .......so yeah....I have a lot of work to do. Just laying the seeds of doubt right now.

My gf is pretty much done with Obama, but she is pretty clueless about politics in general. She is all for marijuana legalization, and in general she agrees that the govt should leave people a lone, and she hates police and wars all together, and she HATES paying taxes. She said she would vote for Ron purely on the marijuana stance, but I have to do better in getting her to understand.

04-20-2011, 08:47 AM
Youtube is powerful. It really impacted me, when I was researching him.

Same here

04-20-2011, 09:24 AM
Good for you. I cannot say that I have been successful with my attempts. I have 6 people in my family(4 girls) who are Obamabots, they have an irrational view of Obama and what he has accomplished. On one hand they believe he has done more good that all the last 10+ presidents combined(given the situation he was left with) but have also conceded that Obama is not entirely on the peoples side and has broken a lot of the promises he made to the people except the ones that benefit his wall street, MIC friends and cost the tax payers money. They excuse this by saying that candidates do know know the extent of the country's problem and those all the broken promises and compromises that benefit the MIC and wall street were needed to keep the country running.

My goal is trying to get them to switch to the republican party for the primary election. Their hatred of the establishment republican party and the love for me should make that task easy to accomplish.

04-20-2011, 09:30 AM
My Dad wen't from 'I like him, but' to "he seems to have the answers, too bad he's so old....", still working on that one....

If he's a religious man, tell him that Moses was a grumpy old bastard when he led the Hebrews into Israel.

04-20-2011, 09:31 AM
I have multiple copies of "End the FED", and "The Revolution". For the last few years I have been loaning those books out to everyone I work with, anyone who has read it says they will vote for him.

04-20-2011, 09:32 AM
I've talked about Ron Paul to both my parents, three friends, and a coworker. They are all on board. Throw myself into the mix, and that's 7 new RP votes that weren't there in 2008.

I am a volunteer at a Hindu temple and charity here. Knowing the Indian American community pretty well, I can tell you most of them are libertarian without really knowing it. I'm going to push hard to get as many people on board as possible.

Granted, we all live in Maryland, so I'm not sure how much that will help...

04-20-2011, 09:55 AM
Been talking to a neighbor who described himself as a "bleeding heart liberal" and favored all kinds of government largesse .... liked RP's foreign policy but couldn't stomach the domestic policy (basically he loved socialism and said as much)... I've been wearing him down by focusing more on the philosophy of liberty and he told me recently that he's "starting to come around" and that he thinks I "may be right" that we need massive decentralization, less federal government, etc.

04-20-2011, 10:04 AM
My wife is a big Hillary supporter and thinks the Pauls are kooks. She also says she can't support another politician from Texas. She saw Rand say we need to reduce military spending in MTP this Sunday. She says it was the first intelligent thing she her him say. Improvement!

04-20-2011, 10:27 AM
My next "victim" is going to be my daughter. She's only 1 month old, but I already always talk to her about Ron Paul and the ideas of liberty. I KNOW she can understand me, although it still confuses her a bit lol.

Hahahahaha. This made me laught hard. Nice one.

I have converted my cat, Yoda. Yoda goes "meow meow Ron Paul" and "meow meow, Liberty" and "try not, do... or do not, there is no try"

Yeah, my cat is a libertarian too. Her name is Syriana (like the movie).

04-20-2011, 10:28 AM
Been talking to a neighbor who described himself as a "bleeding heart liberal" and favored all kinds of government largesse .... liked RP's foreign policy but couldn't stomach the domestic policy (basically he loved socialism and said as much)... I've been wearing him down by focusing more on the philosophy of liberty and he told me recently that he's "starting to come around" and that he thinks I "may be right" that we need massive decentralization, less federal government, etc.

He might like this: http://bhl.typepad.com/

04-20-2011, 11:16 AM
I have influenced a lot of people into leaning more libertarian in their world view. I have actually officially converted 3 people that I can think of. The first was my little brother. He's active duty military and was a typical neo-con. Over the course of a bout a year, whenever we would hang out, we would drink and then talk politics. He eventually bought 'The Revolution" and has been a libertarian and Paul supporter ever since.

The other 2 were die-hard Obama bot liberals, one of which actively volunteered for the Obama campaign. The other guy was a typical social liberal (legalize pot, free healthcare, etc.). It wasn't hard to convert both of these guys once Obama started going back on all his campaign promises.

04-20-2011, 11:32 AM
If he's a religious man, tell him that Moses was a grumpy old bastard when he led the Hebrews into Israel.

My Dad won't be persuaded against the aches in his own bones. But he may well overlook age when it comes to voting. He realizes now about the Fed and what the government has been doing draining this country, and is upset that he didn't know about it, to do something to stop it, earlier. If it is Ron against Romney, and I send him some pro-TARP and 'I'm not going to be going against the Fed' youtubes, that will likely be more convincing to him than the age thing. I just need concrete targets, I think.

I have used your videos to win people over though, in forums. I hope you'll make more, this go round!

edit, anyone who hasn't checked out avaroth's website should: http://objectsinmotion.org/

and for anyone who is new and hasn't seen any of avaroth's videos, you might start with this, then go to House of Cards and Philosopher's stone....


04-20-2011, 11:33 AM
Ive converted dozens since 2008. Nearly all of my employees (who voted for BO) are now on board for 2012. I ahve no doubt if RP can clear the primary he is in. The toughest part is getting old school Republicans on board.

04-20-2011, 11:37 AM
Im laying the seeds with my mom. We are talking about a 66 year old black woman who's been a Democrat and a Catholic all her life, and her favorite news site is Huffington Post. Yes, I have a lot of work. But I already have here in agreement about welfare, and warfare. And she is also becoming interesting in gold and silver. And she is disgusted by the high inflation. She has pictures of Obama all over the house like he is a part of the family, and my dad thinks he is "God sent" .......so yeah....I have a lot of work to do. Just laying the seeds of doubt right now.

My gf is pretty much done with Obama, but she is pretty clueless about politics in general. She is all for marijuana legalization, and in general she agrees that the govt should leave people a lone, and she hates police and wars all together, and she HATES paying taxes. She said she would vote for Ron purely on the marijuana stance, but I have to do better in getting her to understand.

i hear ya, though the marijuana stance of ron paul is what opened me up to the failed gop! There were many other issues that caused me to join the gop! Just tell her if a hippie can join the gop become a delegate and fight for freedom. Then she can to:) give her a hippie guilt trip or something:)

04-20-2011, 11:39 AM
Ive converted dozens since 2008. Nearly all of my employees (who voted for BO) are now on board for 2012. I ahve no doubt if RP can clear the primary he is in. The toughest part is getting old school Republicans on board.

We HAVE to make a push to get people to register GOP. Ron has great support, but it is too evenly spread. We need it concentrated for the primary.

04-20-2011, 11:50 AM
We HAVE to make a push to get people to register GOP. Ron has great support, but it is too evenly spread. We need it concentrated for the primary.

we need to find the pissed of dems and their organizing leaders and make a push for dems and indys(voters and leaders) to register republican flood gop meetings and help us reform the gop asap!!! gonna try to talk my wife into joining the gop! 3 angles would be anti-war,legalized marijuana and accountabilty of government! those 3 angles presented to dems right and we could swarm the gop like optimus prime:) We just have to battle the impression of the gop to them! They are anti-gop and they have a right to be!

04-20-2011, 12:05 PM
Congratulations! I am in a hard fight with many of my friends. I live in NY where if you're not apathetic, you're a liberal. Hell, I used to be a liberal. I wish I had a story to share, but I'm still fighting this battle. As soon as he announces, I'll have more of an avenue. Keep it up! Any suggestions for those who claims he's too old? My mother is cought in that web.

Why? If they bring it up, tell them Ron Paul considers it a non-issue and that we face much more pressing crises.

The Dude abides!

The age thing just makes his VP choice more important, if they are democrat you can say that they can still switch in the general if he really chooses someone your friend or mom cannot get behind. Twist it that way for democrats, for now only the GOP election is important.

04-20-2011, 12:08 PM
We HAVE to make a push to get people to register GOP. Ron has great support, but it is too evenly spread. We need it concentrated for the primary.

We should make this a real and official effort with a site like democrats and independents for Paul. So that this can also be used as a comment on the "he's too far behind in the polls, my vote won't matter" discussion

04-20-2011, 12:18 PM
We should make this a real and official effort with a site like democrats and independents for Paul. So that this can also be used as a comment on the "he's too far behind in the polls, my vote won't matter" discussion

maybe a bring a friend or 2 to a gop meeting campaign etc??? for the cannabis lovers, threaten your friends sources for marijuana and if they do not reg republican or attend gop meetings cut them off:) hehe a lil radical but would be effective:) a lil sarcasm in this post!!

04-20-2011, 01:05 PM
Did Reagan say something about there being no State?

04-20-2011, 01:27 PM
We should make this a real and official effort with a site like democrats and independents for Paul. So that this can also be used as a comment on the "he's too far behind in the polls, my vote won't matter" discussion
I know this has been beaten to death, but first we need to win the Republican primary. Converting Democrats and Independents who despise the GOP is not going to be easy. It's much easier to convince registered Republicans who already agree with Paul but just don't realize it yet.

04-20-2011, 06:12 PM
My Dad wen't from 'I like him, but' to "he seems to have the answers, too bad he's so old....", still working on that one....

He is a Doctor. Do you think he doesnt take care of himself? How long do you think the Alcoholic Coke Snorting George W. Bush will last? With age comes wisdom. But, it isnt about his age, it is about the quality of his Character.

Do you think that is a worth while argument?

04-20-2011, 07:50 PM
ive turned a lot of my friends to ron paul, but my biggest story is about to be my boss. he was a HUGE mccain supporter and repub "tow the line" guy. yesterday he actually was asking me to tell him more about ron paul. i did and he was just head over heels for him. im making him a dvd with pauls debate videos and speeches. "for liberty" will be included.

04-22-2011, 11:44 PM
ive turned a lot of my friends to ron paul, but my biggest story is about to be my boss. he was a HUGE mccain supporter and repub "tow the line" guy. yesterday he actually was asking me to tell him more about ron paul. i did and he was just head over heels for him. im making him a dvd with pauls debate videos and speeches. "for liberty" will be included.
That's awesome! Make a dvd of the 10 best youtubes and give it to him. For Liberty is a great conversion tool also.

04-23-2011, 12:06 AM
People i work with, family, friends, my dog. when i think about it i'v had my small but respectable impact. A lasting one at that. You can never again be ignorant of liberty once that final 'CLICK' goes off in your head. Its like herpes in a way.

My Grandpa on my moms side is my white wale. He is a successful very intelligent republican businessman . A hard nut to crack. He is certain the proper role of government reaches far beyond what i feel it should.

Any help on this guy would be of help. I'v tried about everything. He even knows the country is and world is going down and has said he is glad not to be my age, yet he will not except Liberty. I just don't get it.

I feel as if i can get my grandpa then this battle for all of us, we win. He is the last kind and most populist kind of Republicrat. Rational till it bucks political and party power. Then turns into a savage.

Any way. Dear Maggy! What do i do?

04-23-2011, 12:14 AM
He is a successful very intelligent republican businessman

If business is his forte', perhaps use the corporatist angle.

Was his business successful because of gov't corporate welfare? Or did he succeed on his own? (And probably actually impeded by various gov't regulations.)

If he succeeded on his own, try highlighting all the corporate welfare that the Republicans endorse. Military, bailouts, subsidies, various monopolies, etc, etc.

Basically, explain to him that the Republicans do not support the free market. But the crony market.

04-23-2011, 12:17 AM
This thread belongs in the "Religion" sub-forum. I'm just saying...

04-23-2011, 12:22 AM
If business is his forte', perhaps use the corporatist angle.

Was his business successful because of gov't corporate welfare? Or did he succeed on his own? (And probably actually impeded by various gov't regulations.)

If he succeeded on his own, try highlighting all the corporate welfare that the Republicans endorse. Military, bailouts, subsidies, various monopolies, etc, etc.

Basically, explain to him that the Republicans do not support the free market. But the crony market.

Thats whats so odd. He made it on his own and is smart enough to understand government corporate trust and regulatory trap. But he supports most of it anyway and at the same time is against it....

Hard to explain. Like maybe he is ashamed of his wealth and not wanting to admit that government deals are bad because that where the money really came from.

I don't know. Grandpa is as honest as anyone i guess. Just cant get him to give up the wars and republican approved government industries.
Im telling you guys. If i can crack this nut i will hold the holy grail of conversion.

04-23-2011, 12:24 AM
This thread belongs in the "Religion" sub-forum. I'm just saying...
