View Full Version : The Nation's view from the Left of 'Prima Donna Paul Ryan's' star turn on Capital Hill

04-16-2011, 11:49 AM
Paul Ryan's Authoritarian Freakout: Losing Control of Budget Voting, Congressman Screeches "Shut it Down"


But the Democrats decided not to play the part Ryan had scripted for them.

Instead, toward the close of the vote on the RSC proposal, the Democrats started switching from "no" votes to simple declarations that they were "present."

As a result, it looked for a few moments like the RSC proposal was going to pass -- putting the House Republicans on record in support of the sort of sweeping cuts in government programs that the GOP's more libertarian members imagine are necessary. That's quite distinct from the scheme advanced by Ryan, a key backer of the 2008 bank bailout, to begin steering all that Social Secuirty, Medicare and Medicaid money to Wall Street, speculators and profiteers who are his political base.

and there's a lot more at the link....

...sigh.... good times.......good times......

Too bad it didn't pass with the study group proposal....