View Full Version : Virginia Tech survivor Colin Goddard lobbies for gun control

04-13-2011, 12:49 AM
Scenes like this are typical of Goddard's life since he became assistant director for federal legislation at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, a Washington-based group pushing for more gun control. When Goddard visits lawmakers on Capitol Hill or speaks to groups, listeners latch onto his words. Some say they respect how he has turned the trauma of being shot four times into something productive.

This new life is all a whirlwind to Goddard, who shows no obvious signs that three bullets remain in his body. When Goddard first arrived at Virginia Tech's campus in Blacksburg, Va., he had plans to become an astronaut. Now, he is working seven days a week for federal legislation to keep felons and people with mental problems from getting guns.


04-13-2011, 06:31 AM
When Goddard first arrived at Virginia Tech's campus in Blacksburg, Va., he had plans to become an astronaut.

Well, if you can't become an astronaut, you may as well be a space cadet.

Good luck, Colin. You'll need it. The market has broken the state's monopoly on opinion, and the gun control position is being reckognized as the logical void it is.