View Full Version : John David Dyche: Rand Paul's balanced budget

03-30-2011, 09:56 AM
Thought I would post this column from 2 days ago by John David Dyche in the Courier Journal. He is a well-known political commentator in Kentucky.


Still, Paul's proposal is a courageous and important contribution to the public debate and a praiseworthy display of political accountability. Is it enough to make him a serious presidential prospect?

Probably not. After Obama, America is unlikely to gamble again on a novice legislator lacking executive experience.

But Paul's frank recognition of the harsh fiscal realities facing America is in tune with rising public sentiment. That gives him power to influence the presidential process and result in the right direction.

John Samples, a native Kentuckian now at the libertarian Cato Institute and author of the exhaustively researched book The Struggle to Limit Government, says Paul is “betting voters care more about fiscal responsibility than government largesse.”

Samples notes that few in Washington share Paul's faith in the voters, but adds, “If he wins this bet, there will be no limits on his political career.”

Read more:
h ttp://www.courier-journal.com/article/20110329/COLUMNISTS11/303290030/John-David-Dyche-Rand-Paul-s-balanced-budget?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%7CHome%7Cs