View Full Version : Antiwar Radio interviews USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski about Douglas Feith's o

03-24-2011, 02:45 PM
Antiwar Radio interviews retired USAF lieutenant colonel Karen Kwiatkowski about Douglas Feith’s office of special planning, the neoconservative base within the Pentagon that plotted the Iraq war.


Karen Kwiatkowski, columnist at lewrockwell.com and retired USAF lieutenant colonel, discusses the Bush administration’s early Iraq War planning – well before they played up the WMD threat and sold the war to Americans; how the Office of Special Plans leaked classified information to cooperative journalists willing to press the case for war; the OSP’s dissolution soon after the war started – since its raison d’ętre was fulfilled; unpopular neocons who must attain power through appointed, rather than elected, government positions; and the ease-of-victory factor that explains why some wars are fought, and others aren’t.

Background articles on Karen Kwiatkowski’s interaction with Douglas Feith’s Office of Special Plans: